Have a question? It may have been asked before and added to our list of Frequently Asked Questions.
Find answers to frequently asked questions about TASS products.
Academic Reporting FAQ
- Academic Reporting Phase 2 Webinar 2023 Q&A
- An assessment item has been included in Academic Reports that shouldn't be there, but I can't find it in the system, what do I do?
- Can Academic Reporting Comment Banks be entered in bulk?
- Change Requests
- How do I add a student subject that will be included in Academic Reports but not timetabled?
- How do I include new features on my report?
- How do I make a change to a student's report after it's been published?
- How do I make changes to Academic Reports for students who are no longer at the school?
- How do I modify the Academic Reporting stylesheet?
- How do I publish reports to Parents in Parent Lounge?
- I'm trying to mark or generate reports and there are subjects missing?
- I've entered results/comments after archiving, what do I need to do?
- Is it possible to change the comments or results for an Academic Report after the reporting period has been closed?
- Is there anything else I need to do to prepare for Academic Reporting?
- Objectives or results options aren't matching what is in the Result Set?
- We report overall results for subjects using difference Objectives (e.g. Bands and Level of Achievements). Is there a way to use both Objectives within the generic stylesheet reports where it can have the distribution table base?
- What Academic Reporting and Assessment information do Parents see in Parent Lounge?
- What is the difference between the 'Generate Interim Reports' and 'Generate Student Reports' programs?
- What should my school consider before setting up Academic Reporting and Markbook?
- Where can I access my stylesheet?
- Where can I review data before sending/publishing?
- Who do the reports get sent to?
- Why am I having trouble creating a new result period?
- Why are changes that I made to the Result Format not appearing in Markbook?
- Why isn't a subject showing on an Academic Report?
- Why won't a student's report print?
- Are APIs chargeable?
- Are there pre-defined security roles for each v3 API registration?
- Can I use the same security role across multiple v3 API registrations?
- How can we request additional endpoints or APIs?
- How do I know what version of an API I am using?
- How does the Public API program work?
- What APIs are available?
- What are APIs?
- What is the difference between a v2 and v3 API?
- What support is available for APIs?
- What’s involved in certification for a Partner?
- What’s the difference between Public and Partner?
- Where can I find which permission points to assign to a security role for my v3 API registration?
- Where is the developer documentation?
- Why should we use APIs?
Assessment FAQ
- Can I disable Editing of Comments in Staff Kiosk Assessment?
- Can I disable Personal Comment Banks in Staff Kiosk Assessment?
- Can I give Markbook access to an employee without a Teacher Record?
- Can I nominate which Calculation Rules and Methods are available to Teachers in Markbook?
- Can I prevent users from accessing webBook?
- How do I add an Activity to Markbook?
- How do I remove an Activity from Markbook?
- How do I select a Calculation Rule and Calculation Method that is compatible with my Markbook Assessment Methods?
- How do I select the right Markbook configuration for my school?
- How do I transition from webBook to Staff Kiosk Markbook?
- Is it possible to hide or turn off Student Analytics in Staff Kiosk?
- Markbook Webinar 2024 Q&A
- Our school is not currently using Progressive Assessment, do we need to move to Markbook?
- What is the difference between Progressive Assessment and Final Assessment?
- What is the difference between webBook and Staff Kiosk Markbook?
- What should my school consider before setting up Academic Reporting and Markbook? (SK)
- What user permissions and access levels are required for Staff Kiosk Assessment?
- When is webBook being decommissioned?
- Where can I enter Assessment Activity Results?
- Why are the correct students not displaying in Markbook?
- Why are the Objectives incorrect in the Activities section?
- Why are the Objectives incorrect in the Final Results section of Markbook?
- Why are the Objectives incorrect in the Overall Subject Grades section of Markbook?
- Why are there Activities missing in Markbook?
- Why are there no Reporting Periods available for my Activity?
- Why can't I enter the right type of result in Markbook?
- Why can't I see my Subject Area in the Central Repository?
- Why can't I see the 'Include all subject classes' option in Markbook?
- Why can't I see the 'Markbook' menu in Staff Kiosk?
- Why can't I see the current Reporting Period?
- Why can't I see the ‘Activity Assessment’ link for a class in Markbook?
- Why can't I see the ‘Enter Results and Comments’ link for a class in Markbook?
- Why can't I see the ‘Results Grid’ link for a class in Markbook?
- Why can’t a Teacher access Markbook?
- Why can’t I see the ‘Activity Setup’ link for a class in Markbook?
- Why do I get a validation error message when I try to Calculate Results in Markbook?
- Why do I get a validation error message when I try to save the results in Markbook?
- Why do I have classes missing from my Markbook Subject Class selection screen?
Finance FAQ
- Bank Reconciliation Guide
- How do I process a refund for a payment already presented on the bank reconciliation for a supplier payment that has bounced back or is being repaid?
- School Shop Trouble Shooting
- Why can't I see a Payment Schedule Payment Method on Parent Lounge?
- Why can't I see Payment Schedules on Parent Lounge?
- Why can't I see the School Fees Account on Parent Lounge?
- Withholding Tax Process for Invoices
Licensing FAQ
- Are the licences per company?
- Are there any 'add-ons' in addition to licensing the TASS Software?
- How can I upgrade or add a new licence?
- How does my licence get updated?
- How does TASS Licensing work?
- How many licences have been allocated?
- What API licences do I have installed?
- What APIs do I have configured?
- What is TASS Web Stack Management?
- What is the difference between a Basic and Premium Package?
- What is the user limit for TASS products?
- What payment options are available?
- Where can I find the Licence Agreement?
Staff Kiosk FAQ
- Can I raise a requisition to multiple General Ledger accounts?
- How do I access Budgets in Staff Kiosk?
- How do I give an employee access to Staff Kiosk?
- Is it possible to hide or turn off Student Analytics in Staff Kiosk? (SK)
- Online Leave Applications - FAQ (SK)
- Why can't Staff view GL Accounts when creating a Requisition?
- Why is a General Ledger account not available for selection by an employee when raising a requisition?
Students FAQ
- Address Collection FAQ
- How can I provide class numbers for the past 5 years?
- How do I change the Main Parent Code on a Complex Split?
- How do I export a Student list from TASS.web?
- How do I print a Class List in Staff Kiosk?
- How do I print a Class List in TASS.web?
- How do I reinstate a past student?
- How do I run a Siblings Report?
- Why are some families not receiving Emails from TASS?