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Version 54 Beta Showcase Webinar FAQ

January 20th, 2021 - Questions and Answers from the v53 BETA Showcase Webinar.

Just to confirm, the Appointment Log, will have a future option to lock each kiosk to a specific type?

Not at this stage. The portal can be set to Appointments only but will allow the student to choose from the available appointment types that have been created by the school.

Will admins have visibility of Scheduled reports across the system?

There’s currently no global view of the schedules. If you have ghost access, you can see an individual persons Schedules and the Schedules they receive through: Staff Kiosk > Teacher > Scheduled Listings.

Follow the same menu path to access your own Scheduled Listing. You'll have two options available in the drop down: 'My Schedules' and 'Listings I receive'

Can you change the colours in the new Daily Substitutions program?


New substitutions view does not seem to be visible in 54.1 - is that coming in a later Beta release?

Correct. The main functionality will be available in v54.2, due on 25th January.

Could our school use the Appointment Log with music lessons?

Technically, yes, though it would be quite limited. However, more options would be available in the Extra Curricular module.

Are the scheduled reports associated to an individual? If someone leaves, will the report still run?

No. If an employee leaves, the schedule that they have created will not be run.  Further enhancements to transfer the schedule is being discussed.

If we are not using payroll in TASS, can a teacher indicate themselves that they will be away?

Unfortunately, the Staff Kiosk Leave Application program is heavily tied to Payroll and must be used together. The Teacher Leave record would need to be added through TASS.web.

Are those search enhancements available in other modules? Such as employee records?

Not yet but we are looking to expand this logic.  A list of priority programs would be useful so if you’d like to share feedback on the programs that are important to you, post it in the Forum!

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