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How do I add an Activity to Markbook?

There are two ways to add Assessment Activities to Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment. You either create a new activity or assign an existing activity to the new subject class group.

When creating or assigning an activity, the activity is automatically assigned to the reporting period linked to the current year and semester defined in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup).

New Activities can be created in the following Staff Kiosk programs:

  • Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain & Assign) via the ‘+ Create Learning Object’ button.

  • Assessment > Markbook > Activity Setup via the ‘New Activity’ button.

  • From the Staff Kiosk Home Page, navigate to the My Timetable section, click on the hamburger menu beside the relevant Subject Class and select ‘Create Activity’.

  • From the Rollcall > Class Rollcall screen, click on the hamburger menu beside the relevant Subject Class and select ‘Create Activity’.

No matter which option you select, the same screen will appear, and you can create an activity.

For more information, refer to the Activity article.

Make sure the 'Will you be assessing this Activity?' field is set to 'yes' and that you have defined the Assessment Criteria Objectives.

Existing Assessment Activities can be assigned to Subject Classes in the following Staff Kiosk programs:

For more information, refer to Assigning Activities.

After an Activity has been assigned to a Subject Class, it can then be edited in the following Staff Kiosk programs:

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