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Why can't I see the ‘Results Grid’ link for a class in Markbook?

If you receive a message on the Markbook > Subject Class Selection Screen saying that “This class has not been set up for academic reporting in the selected reporting period.”:

  • Check which Software version you are on. The 'Results Grid' link was introduced in TASS Software version v01.059.01.200. Contact your Administrator if you need an update.

  • Check that you are in the right ‘Reporting Period’, as the ‘Results Grid’ ink will not display if you are in a period that the subject class is not assigned to.

Ask your Administrator to:

  • Assign you the ‘Markbook’ and ‘Enter Results and Comments’ permissions in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions > Teacher Kiosk > Assessment section.

  • Check if a ‘Result Format’ has been set up for the correct ‘Report Type’, ‘Subject’ and ‘Year Level’ in TASS.web program Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup > ‘Result Formats’ tab.

  • Check that the ‘Result Format' contains Objectives with Progressive Assessment Type: ‘QT’ or ‘QO’.

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.