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Markbook Webinar 2024 Q&A

Questions and answers from the ▶️ Markbook Webinar / webBook EOL Update 2024.

Question from Attendee

TASS Comment

Will you have a default version of the markbook that is set up like this and operates correctly?

We don't provide a default configuration for assessments because each school, and even different departments and year levels within a school, have unique needs and preferences. This customisation ensures the system fits your specific requirements.

Will you be able to access markbook through TASS web as well (via a bookmark) or is it only accessible via teacher kiosk?

Markbook is accessible exclusively through the ‘Assessments’ menu in Staff Kiosk. It won't be available in TASS.web as we want it to be in a single location accessible by teaching staff.

Is ATS needed if only numeric results are used for individual assessments

The Activity Total Score is optional and can be switched on and off as required for each Activity.

Can you please explain again the set up of those calculation rules that you presented? (eg - A - E cut offs?)

Calculation rules can be set up in Staff Kiosk under Assessment > Assessment Setup. A calculation rule helps you define the numeric cut-off values for each A-E grade. Enter your grade values in the 'Grade' column, and then input the numeric range values for each grade into the 'Numeric Value from' and 'Numeric Value to' fields. For more information refer to the Calculation Rules article on TASS Knowledge Base or contact Customer Care for further assistance.

Can overall subject marks be calculated by different weighting being applied to tasks? For example, Task 1 is weighted 20% of the overall mark, Task 2 is  30% and Task 3 is 50%?

You can modify the weightings of the Objectives that contribute to the Activity Total Score.  To do this, select Method 2 as the calculation method for the Overall Subject Grade, and ensure that the TASS.web Result Format, OSG Calc for each Objective is set to "Y".   If you need help with setting this up, contact Customer Care for further assistance.

It would be nice if these grid column names could also be the objective name and not the objective code... just like the change you made in the Markbook with column names showing the objective name. 

Thank you for this feedback. We will certainly consider this enhancement to the Results Grid. Currently, if you hover over this objective code it will display the full objective name.

In the update - is there an opportunity for students to reflect on their assessment?  Ideally, a place for parents to reflect as well?

This isn't currently available but we will certainly consider this as a future enhancement. TrackOne Studio does include this functionality to allow students to add reflections for each assessment task.

For our early learning team they are very simple in terms of reporting.  Just assessments broken into Text Responses.  This means we create ~6 subjects with just a comment (since only one comment is allowed per subject - unless this has changed?).  Is there a way to view one student and see their 6 subjects to then enter their comments like currently in WebBook?  Is there a way of importing comments in bulk like there is for grades and marks etc?  thanks

From the Markbook Subject Class Selection Screen, the 'Search Final Assessment' button will allow you to view all subjects assigned to students and enter comments for all subjects at once. 

Our Professional Services team can provide a chargeable service for bulk import of results and comments. 

Can you put in a raw score not out of 100 and still make calculations for weightings and final grade. Eg. if the task is out of 30.

Yes, you can modify the Maximum Results of raw scores and still use weighted calculations for Final Grades.

The 'Edit Maximum Results' button at the top right corner of the Markbook Activity Assessment screen allows you to modify the Maximum Results for each Activity Objective. The Maximum Results for Final Results can also be adjusted in TASS.web Result Formats.

How can teachers see all students in their class progressive results feedback comments on one screen for proofreading and editing with ease?

For subjects, you can use Staff Kiosk Listings > Academic Results / Comments or Staff Kiosk Markbook > Search Final Assessment
For activities, you can print out Staff Kiosk Listings > Assessment Activity Results.

Is TASS going to add functionality to generate estimates based on z-scores? If so, will you be able to select specific tasks that you would like the program to use to generate the estimate (i.e. “like tasks”?)

This is an enhancement that we have on our Roadmap. We will introduce the calculation of Z Scores and estimate results for students.

WE have been using markbook for a while and sometimes when I enter results through task or markbook only the students do not see it. I have to add the marks to both separately

This issue relates to the student's activity status and was addressed in v01.059.08.200 (Key: TASS-498).

Activity results from Canvas?

We are starting with Schoolbox initially and then will look at other LMS integrations after that.

I'm aware for objectives to appear in the 'activity assessment' grid I believe they need to be changed for progressive assessment to affect overall subject grade or for the objective to be used in multiple activities (in TASS.web). Is there a way to bulk make this change so it appears in the grid or does it need to be done individually per subject and per objective?

You can bulk change objectives to be set to ‘QS’ in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Result Formats’ tab. From here you can select multiple Result Formats and edit Objectives.

Can you export and import the comments as well as those marks/results?

You can copy and paste into Markbook Activity Assessment from a spreadsheet.  The Activity Assessment article in TASS Knowledge Base explains the upload, export and print process.

Can Non-Teaching Staff have access to reporting periods and management and view of Markbook within Kiosk?

No, non-teaching staff cannot access reporting periods in Staff Kiosk Markbook. To view Reporting Period information in Markbook, users must be assigned User Level Access in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting User Maintenance. This access is currently only available for users who have a Teacher record in TASS.web.

Can you annotate rubrics from the markbook screen whilst entering results?

This isn't currently available but we will certainly consider this as a future enhancement.

Can you upload attachments through Markbook or still have to use Activity Planner?

This currently needs to be completed in Activity Planner.

but how do i have interim show in teacher kiosk. at the moment you have to choose progressive reporting for it to see it in teacher kiosk

This is still the same.  You can just use Markbook Enter Results and Comments and Results Grid just like you could in webBook.

Is there a way to move an activity to a different reporting period?

No, it has to be unassigned and reassigned again to the correct period.

Can you see an overview of a student's markbook, not having to look per class?

Yes, go to Markbook, click the 'Search Final Assessment' button then enter the student name into the search filter.

Is there a way that the final rank for a course can appear with the number of students in the course? i.e rather than rank 7 appear as 7/24

One of our Roadmap projects aims to enhance the display of student rankings. This includes simplifying the calculation of ranks, improving the display of rankings within Markbook, and providing more control over how rankings are presented both in Markbook and on Academic Reports.

Can you enter calculation rules for an entire subject or do they need to be entered for each activity

Calculation Rules only need to be entered once.  They can also be assigned in bulk using the dragdown method. We also have an enhancement on our Roadmap to introduce default calculation rules.

My only worry is how to do interim reporting in teacher kiosk as we don't use progressive reporting for interim, only for semester reporting. Will there be an option for it to show up in results and comments and not mark book so staff don't get confused when setting up activities.

You can allow Teacher Class Access to the reporting period but disable Progressive Assessment via the ‘IA Lock’ settings in TASS.web. For more information, refer to the 'Result Periods' tab article on the TASS Knowledge Base.

Will there be greater control for KLA / Department heads to manage their markbooks from the markbook view rather than TASSWeb?

We are always looking at the best location to place different functionality. So we would certainly value any feedback related to this.

How can results be uploaded from a spreadsheet?

You can copy and paste results data from a spreadsheet or you can use the 'Upload' functions for Final Results and Overall Subject Grades to upload results data from an Excel® spreadsheet.  For more information, refer to the Activity Assessment article on the TASS Knowledge Base.

I've noticed that when marks are entered into Mark book they don't appear as saved in the activity planner

This issue relates to the student's activity status and was addressed in v01.059.08.200 (Key: TASS-498).

if wanting an overall year grade pulling data from more than one result period. Is there a way to indicate which periods are used or which criteria are used to create the overall year result.

An option to ‘Include Past Periods’ is available in Markbook Activity Assessment in the Overall Subject Grades hamburger menu under Calculation Rules. 

Calculation Method 1 allows you to include or exclude Final Result Objectives and apply differential weightings to each selected Final Result Objective.

Calculation Method 2 allows you to apply weightings each to Activity Objective.  The Objectives used for these calculations are determined by the TASS.web Result Format.  Only Objectives with ‘OSG Calc’ set to "Y" will be included in the calculation.

Please note that in order for past periods to be included in calculations, the Past Period must be finalised by following the End of Reporting Period Checklist

For more information refer to the ‘Enter or Calculate Overall Subject Grades’ article on the TASS Knowledge Base.

Plans to integrate with Microsoft Teams assessment?

We are starting with Schoolbox initially and then will look at other integrations after that.

Do you have to use percentage calculations, or can you use just A-E?

There are multiple ways to perform calculations in Markbook Actvity Assessment.  Refer to the following TASS Knowledge Base articles for more information or contact Customer Care for support. 

Activity Results Write-Back from SchoolBox is this to mark assessments in Schoolbox which will then write back to TASS? If yes, are you doing something similar with Canvas?

Yes, that is correct. We are starting with Schoolbox initially and then will look at other LMS after that.

When does WebBook finish?

January 2025, refer to When is webBook being decommissioned? for more information. 

We have not used Markbook as yet and new to Canvas. How do we generate reports?

Reports can be generated in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Report Processing > Generate Student Reports.  Further to that, we suggest that you also reach out to Professional Services for additional training and setup assistance.

How does TASS markbooks manage estimates?

When Staff Kiosk Academic Analytics are enabled, Result Forecasts and Trends are visible in the Analytics section of Student Profiles in Staff Kiosk.  This forecasting is based on Progressive Assessment results that have been entered in the Staff Kiosk Markbook.   For more information refer to How to Setup for Staff Kiosk Academic Analytics.

We will also be introducing the calculation of Z Scores and estimate student results in an upcoming release. This enhancement is on our Roadmap.

Is there a way to use the markbook screen without having objectives in the result format setup for progressive assessment for final result input?

In this case, enter results in Markbook > Results Grid.

How does this affect K-Year 6 reports.

Switching to Markbook will not affect any of your existing configurations and, therefore, all reports will remain the same.  

If your K-Year 6 structure doesn’t use Progressive Assessments, the results and comments can be entered in Markbook > Enter Results and Comments or Markbook > Results Grid instead.

How do we calculate rank?

Rankings can be generated using the Rank Order Calculator available in TASS.web. However, one of our Roadmap projects aims to enhance the display of student rankings. This includes simplifying the calculation of ranks, improving the display of rankings within Markbook, and providing more control over how rankings are presented both in Markbook and on Academic Reports.

I do wish you would change the naming of the buttons for when rules are updated. Our staff are always nervous to click "delete"

Thanks. We value usability feedback and will consider it for future updates.

Can you annotate rubrics from this area?

This is available in Activity Planner

Its great that the calculation of grades can be done directly in the markbook. Is there a way to calculate a rank in the same way?

Rankings can be generated using the Rank Order Calculator available in TASS.web. However, one of our Roadmap projects aims to enhance the display of student rankings. This includes simplifying the calculation of ranks, improving the display of rankings within Markbook, and providing more control over how rankings are presented both in Markbook and on Academic Reports.

Can Non-Teaching Staff have access to reporting periods and management and view of Markbook within Kiosk? 

Non-teaching staff are unable to access reporting periods in Staff Kiosk Markbook. In order to view Reporting Period information in Markbook, users must be assigned User Level Access in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Reporting User Maintenance. This access is currently only available for users who have a Teacher record in TASS.web.

How do you get Sem 1 to show before Sem 2? Mine shows Sem 2 first.

The 'Result Period' number in TASS.web determines the order in which the Reporting Periods are displayed on the screen.  You can find this field in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the 'Result Periods' tab.

Should results entered into markbook screen sync back into activity planner for that task?

This issue relates to the student's activity status and was addressed in v01.059.08.200 (Key: TASS-498).

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