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What is the difference between Progressive Assessment and Final Assessment?

Progressive Assessment

The Markbook Progressive Assessment configuration allows teachers to create, assign and assess activities and progressively enter their results throughout one reporting period or year-long across multiple reporting periods.

When an Assessment Activity is created, it becomes available in the respective class teachers' Markbook and is also available to students through the Student Café and optionally to parents through Parent Lounge and Orbit.  Digital resources can be uploaded, and Students can submit their assignments electronically via Student Café. 

When creating Assessment Activities, Teachers nominate which Objectives (Assessment Criteria) will be used for marking based on a selection of Objectives set up by the Academic Reporting Administrator in TASS.web.  Weightings can be applied to each Objective to determine how it contributes to the Final Results or Overall Subject Grades. 

Teachers can assess Activities in the Staff Kiosk, provide annotations, feedback, and results to Students in the Student Café, and optionally, to parents through Parent Lounge and Orbit

All of the Activities assessed during the Reporting Period can then be reviewed in Markbook, and the raw score results can be used to calculate the Final Results and Overall Subject Grades for the Reporting Period. These calculations can consist of Activity raw score results from one reporting period or more than one reporting period.

The Final Results and Overall Subject Grade calculations can be performed in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment.  Calculation Rules and Methods can be defined for each Subject Class to achieve the desired results as per your school’s Academic Reporting guidelines.

  • The Final Result(s) calculations are based on Activity Objectives (Assessment Criteria) raw score results, and can be calculated using weightings and averages, or by simple addition. 

  • The Overall Subject Grade(s) calculations can be based on either:

    • Final Results for each Objective, calculated using weightings and averages or by simple addition, known as Calculation Method 1. 

    • Activity/Objectives raw score results, calculated using weightings and averages, known as Calculation Method 2.

    • Activity/Objectives raw score results, calculated by simple addition, known as Calculation Method 3.

In Staff Kiosk, Teachers can:

  • Create and assign Assessment Activities in:

    • Assessment > Learning Objects (Maintain & Assign)

  • Maintain and assess Activities in:

    • Assessment > Activity Planner

  • Enter Final Results in:

    • Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment

    • Assessment > Markbook > Enter Results and Comments

    • Assessment > Markbook > Results Grid

    • Assessment > Enter Results and Comments

  • Enter Overall Subject Grades and Comments in:

    • Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment

    • Assessment > Markbook > Enter Results and Comments

    • Assessment > Enter Results and Comments

  • Apply Calculation Rules and Calculate Activity Total Scores in:

    • Assessment > Activity Planner

    • Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment

  • Apply Calculation Rules and Calculate Final Results and Overall Subject Grades in:

    • Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment

Each of these modules offers additional features. Click on the links above to learn more about each module's functionalities.

In Staff Kiosk, Heads of Department (HODs) or Department Administrators can create, assign and maintain Assessment Activity data for all of the Subject Classes and Teachers that belong to their Department(s) in the current Academic Reporting Period.   In the Markbook program, Heads of Department (HODs) or Department Administrators can view results for all Year Level Subject Classes on the same page without having to flick between the Markbooks’ of each Teacher. For example: English HODs can see all Year 12 English classes, review results, apply Calculation Rules and Calculate Results for all Year 12 English classes simultaneously. 

User access to each module can be granted or restricted to align with your school’s academic reporting guidelines by adjusting the user permissions in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permission.

TIP:  You can limit who can apply and/or modify Calculation Rules in Markbook.  For more information refer to: Can I nominate which Calculation Rules and Methods are available to Teachers in Markbook?

For more information, refer to:

Final Assessment

The Markbook Final Assessment configuration allows Teachers to enter Final Results, Overall Subject Grades and Comments only for their Subject Classes based on a selection of Objectives set up by the Academic Reporting Administrator in TASS.web.

In Staff Kiosk, Teachers can:

  • Enter Final Results in:

    • Assessment > Enter Results and Comments

    • Assessment > Enter Results and Comments > Results Grid

    • Assessment > Enter Results and Comments > Activity Assessment (optional)

    • Assessment > Markbook > Enter Results and Comments (optional)

    • Assessment > Markbook > Results Grid (optional)

    • Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment (optional)

  • Enter Overall Subject Grades and Comments in:

    • Assessment > Enter Results and Comments

    • Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment (optional)

    • Assessment > Markbook > Enter Results and Comments (optional)

  • Apply Calculation Rules and Calculate Overall Subject Grades only in:

    • Assessment > Markbook > Activity Assessment (optional)

Each of these modules offers additional features. Click on the links above to learn more about each module's functionalities.

You can activate or hide the modules marked ‘(optional)’.  User access to each module can be granted or restricted to align with your school’s academic reporting guidelines by adjusting the user permissions in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permission

For more information, refer to:

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