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How do I reinstate a past student?

Follow this guide when...

  • A past student is coming back to school.

  • A past student wants to be considered as a future student (i.e. Enrolment).


Menu Path




TASS.web Student Admin > Past Students > Student Information > Past Students

If the student has a Past Student Record, delete it.

  1. Navigate to TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students.

  2. Locate the Student using the search screen.

  3. Click the β€˜Delete’ button.



TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students

If the Student is going to be re-instated as a Current Student, perform the following:

  1. Navigate to TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students.

  2. Locate the Non-Current Student Record using the search Student Picker, then:

    1. Click 'Edit'.

    2. Change the 'Next Year' indicator to 'Advancing'.

    3. Remove the 'Date of Leaving'.

    4. Click the 'Add Enrolment History' link (next to the 'Entry Year Grp' field) to record the student's previous 'Date of Entry and 'Date of Leaving'.

    5. Review the 'Year Group' and 'Date of Entry' to reflect the new re-enrolment details.

    6. Check and modify other data for the student such as, Subjects, Extra Curricular, etc.

    7. Save all changes.

You cannot remove a student's Date of Leaving if they have an active Enrolment or a Past Student Record.


Only proceed to the next step if the Student will be re-instated as an Enrolment (i.e. A future student).


TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Reinstate an Enrolment

If the Student is going to be re-instated for Enrolment:

  1. Change the 'Next Year' indicator to 'Re-Entering'.

  2. Navigate to TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Reinstate an Enrolment.

  3. Select 'Students re-entering from Current' and tick the 'Transfer Current Student UD Fields'. Then click 'GO'.

  4. Click 'Transfer' in the Action column.

  5. Review 'Entry Year Grp' and 'Entry Year'. Then click 'GO'.


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