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How do I give an employee access to Staff Kiosk?

To give an employee access to Staff Kiosk, follow these steps...

Some program areas mentioned below reference 'Teacher Kiosk'.  From Version 53 'Teacher Kiosk' was renamed 'Staff Kiosk'.


Menu Option



TASS.web Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees

Create a new Employee Record for the user.

If the user is a Non-Teacher (not a teacher), enter a password in the Teacher Kiosk Password field (this will allocate a licence).

If the user is a Teacher leave the Teacher Kiosk Password field blank.

Non-teachers must have a password in the Teacher Kiosk Password field even if LDAP/SAML is enabled, as this is necessary for license assignment.



TASS.web Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers

If the user is a Non-Teacher go to Step 3.

If the user is a Teacher, create a new Teacher Record.

Link the Teacher Record to the Employee record created in Step 1 via the 'Employee Code' field. 

Set the Teacher Kiosk Access field to 'Yes' and enter a password in the Web Access Password field.



TASS.web System Admin > Users > LDAP/SAML Maintenance


This step only applies to schools using LDAP/SAML for Staff Kiosk.

LDAP/SAML will invalidate the password entered on the Employee/Teacher record.  However, Non-teachers must have a password in the Teacher Kiosk Password field even if LDAP/SAML is enabled, as this is necessary for license assignment.

Create a new record for this user.

Teacher/Employee Code field: If the user is a Teacher, the 'Teacher Code' should be entered.  If the user is a Non-Teacher, the 'Employee Code' should be entered.



TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions

Assign the Employee to the relevant Security Role for Staff Kiosk

Refer to the Portal Security Permissions article for more information.  You might also like to watch ▶️ Portal Security Permissions for Staff Kiosk Video.


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