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How many licences have been allocated?

There are programs which display how many licences have been allocated for each product...





(Student Admin, Payroll and Finance)

System Admin > Utilities > User Maintenance.

The ‘FIN’ (Finance), ‘PHR’ (Payroll) and ‘SAD’ (Student Administration) columns will display the total used and available.

For example 20/24

Student Café

Student Records > Student Information > Student Café Licences on the 'Process' tab.

You’ll see the total amount of licences allocated, licences available and licences allocated to Non-Current Students.

Parent Lounge

Parent Records > Parents Information > Parent Lounge Licences on the 'Options' tab.

You’ll see the total amount of licences allocated, licences available and licences allocated to Non-Current Parents.

Teacher Kiosk

System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

Teacher Kiosk access can be provided to both Teachers and Non-Teaching Staff.

The total number of licenses in use will include those allocated to Teacher Records and Employee/HR through a password on their Employee Record (this provisions a licence even when alternate authenticate is in use).

Portal Products Overview

System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

The total number of licences available and used (without the breakdown) are available for Student Café, Parent Lounge and Teacher Kiosk. 

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