How do I send email communications for Parent Teacher Interviews?
Email communications for Parent Teacher Interviews can be sent using two methods.
1. As an administrator via TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Parent Teacher Interviews > PTI Conferences.
Choose Conference period.
Click 'Edit'.
Select 'Appointment Schedule' tab.
Click 'Email'.
Follow the process outlined below.
This method can send an email to all booked parents and students for the specific Conference period.
2. As a Teacher using Staff Kiosk Staff > Parent Teacher Interviews.
Choose Conference period.
Click 'Edit'.
Click the 'Generate Emails' button.
Follow the process outlined below.
This method can send an email to all booked parents and students for a teacher within a specific Conference period.
Generating Emails
This delivery option will send Appointment Schedule information to students and parents.
Generate Emails - 'Name of the Conference Period' (Parents) grid will display a list of student details for each Appointment Schedule email being generated.
Use this list to:
Review the list of students who have a scheduled appointment.
Use the checkbox to include/exclude individual students.
Click Next.
Generate Emails - 'Name of the Conference Period' (Parents) screen will be displayed.
Fill in the template using information from the table below.
Field | Description |
Email Template | Choose an active Email Templates in the ‘Parent Teacher Interview’ category from the picklist. These have been setup on the ‘Email Templates’ tab in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings. |
From | It will be auto populated with the User email address and User name of the TASS.web user and any active ‘Generic FROM Email Addresses’ that have been setup on the Generic Emails tab in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings. The User email should always appear first with the ‘Generic FROM Email Addresses’ following in alphabetic order. |
To | It will be auto-populated with Email Distribution List from the previous screen. The Print button will generate an email recipient list. |
Additional Recipients | It will be a search field used to enable searching and individual selection of Employees (teachers and non-teachers). |
Administrator Copy | This field will only be displayed when the ‘Email Address for Administrator's Copy’ field is populated on the ‘Parameters’ tab in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings. |
Subject | This is the text that will be included in the 'Subject' line of the email. (200 characters). |
Attachments / Choose Button | Two options are available to attach files to this email:
Banner | Two options are available to attach a banner an email template: Banners should be 580 pixels wide. Banners are displayed above the text of the email. |
Email Messages | This is the text that will be included in the message section of the email. You can personalise each outgoing email by adding student and/or parent-specific details into the message text. Click the 'Keywords' option in the toolbar and use the picklist to choose between:
Communication Log Comments | This will be a free text field. |
Communication Log Category | This will be a single select picklist populated with the active Email Categories that the user has ‘Send’ or ‘Send & View’ permission for. |
Send Me a Copy | Send a copy to the user email address. |
Click ‘Send’.