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How do I print a Class List in Staff Kiosk?

  1. Navigate to Staff Kiosk Listings > Class List/Emails.

  1. In the ‘Teacher’ field, select the Teacher of the class for which you would like to print a list.

  2. In the 'Classes’ field, select the Class for which you would like to print a list.

  3. To sort your list, use the ‘Sort by’ or ‘Then by’ fields in the Sorting section.

  4. To enhance the appearance of your list, use the checkboxes and drop-down boxes available in the ‘Formatting Options’ section.

The ‘Formatting Options’ section has an option to ‘Include Photos’ and a ‘Student Date Range’ if required. For more information on Formatting Options, refer to Class List/Emails.

  1. Select PDF as your file 'Export Option'.

  2. Select any 'Additional Fields' you want to include in your list.

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking with your mouse enables a range selection. Holding down the 'Ctrl' key while clicking with your mouse enables multiple individual selections.

  1. Click the ‘GO’ button.

  1. To view your export, click the 'View in New Window' button.

  2. Navigate to the 'Print' function within your internet browser, and print your report.

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