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What is the difference between the 'Generate Interim Reports' and 'Generate Student Reports' programs?

The 'Generate Interim Reports' program is designed to produce a simplified summary report like what may be needed in the middle of the semester e.g. a quick update on how the student is progressing.  

Compared to 'Generate Student Reports', it has limited flexibility in terms of: 

  • Element positions.
  • Layout i.e. this program is designed to display a table of results.
  • Number of Pages i.e. You can have a cover page, explanatory notes page, a single report page with results and a comment.

The 'Generate Student Reports' program allows for greater flexibility and inclusion of additional data, e.g. Activity Results, Extra Curricular information, Student Photos.

We'd suggest consulting the TASS team if you're creating a new report. The 'Generate Interim Reports' program might suit your needs or your requirements may be more complex and the 'Generate Student Reports' program may be more suitable. 

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