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Orbit Virtual Update 2024 Q&A

A list of questions and answers from the TASS Orbit Virtual Update 2024.

Question from Attendee

TASS Comment

In the app, is there a way for teachers to mark students absent from class temporarily e.g. for well-being, and then mark present when they return to class?

You could facilitate this through using the Appointment Log in Staff Kiosk which would then show as a conflict within Rollcall. The teacher could then decide how to mark the roll i.e. Present or Absent for well-being. Their attendance at the appointment would also be recorded in the Appointment Log. 

I would like to share some part of the webinar to other department in our school. Will there be any link provided?

Yes, you'll find the recording in the post webinar communication. 

Are there plans to include a notification's Message Details and Attachments in Parent Lounge so parents can see the same information in both Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit?

The 'Message Details' with rich text is currently only available within the app but we'll pass this on to the Product Owner for inclusion within Parent Lounge. 

Can parents change their personal information or only request to update their personal information?

Parents can update their Address information through the app. These changes are then reviewed and approved within TASS.web to ensure your data integrity.

Would you be able to share cost of Parent orbit app for around 600 parents?

You are able to access the rate card for the Parent Orbit app here:

What is the add on cost of using the Orbit apps?

You are able to access the rate card for the Parent Orbit app here:

Is there a demo account we can access to get a feel of the staff app?

Yes, a Trial Area of Staff Orbit will be available for our launch day on Thursday.

Any plans on integrating with Clipboard?

At this stage, we don't have a Clipboard integration on the Roadmap. Our focus has been a major project on Extra Curricular within TASS and Orbit as we consider this core to day to day operations at a school. 

If the school already has an App, can Orbit integrate within it?

Depending on the app that is being used, you're able to use the Quick Custom Links to deeplink into another app and use the SSO authentication to pass into the other app without requiring additional logins by the user, provided they're using the same SAML authentication. Feel free to reach out and we can chat to you about this. 

Can a staff member, who is also a parent, use both versions of Orbit and switch easily to between both?

Yes, the staff member can install both apps on their device and access the intended information from both.

How is the information populated for parents, for example, sports results - who is inputting the data into the app? Does this add to teacher/staff workload?

The information for the extra curricular hub data hinges off the Extra Curricular Fixtures system in Staff Kiosk. If this is something the school is already using, then it would require no additional workload for it to appear on the app. However, if you aren't, then yes, you'll need to input the data. 

Is there any application for buses?

TASS has an integration with 'Rollcall', and we also are seeing schools utilise the UD Areas to maintain bus routes and communicate with parents. 

Will there be full HR/Payroll options available in the app eventually?

The next item on the roadmap in this space will be Leave Applications. We'll then look at Timesheets as we realise this is important from a coach/Extra Curricular perspective. 

Is staff orbit relief teacher friendly?

Relief teachers would require a login - we do see most schools provision accounts so they can log into the app. Once they are in, substitutes can mark rolls and access the information they need (hinging of permission). 

Is there a feature that allows staff to see authorised pick-ups e.g. if they are off site at a sporting event?

Yes, we'd suggest utilising a UD Area which can be easily accessed on the Student Profile, or if it's specific to a sport, you have Extra Curricular UD fields. 

Are parent phone numbers from the student profiles - ‘click to dial’ from the staff app?

Yes, you will be able to tap on the phone number to open into your phones default call app.

What app features can we expect to see in the web interface of Staff Kiosk? Some of the things like recent searches, iconography and layout/theme look good, but most teachers will still be engaging day to day on their laptops.

Love to hear that you're enjoying the UI/UX. We'll pass this feedback onto the relevant people internally. 

Until Staff Orbit becomes available, how are schools ensuring staff are across notifications to parents, without double-handling communications? We are new to TASS and Orbit but this is one challenge we are trying to resolve.

You are able to view communications that have been sent via Staff Kiosk > Teacher > Notifications. Note that you can view Notifications sent by other users using the search feature. 

Kate's statement of not opening up App access to extended family? Is it restricted to only have one person logged into the account? If not, parents could share their credentials to other family?

No, it's not restricted. Access can be provisioned within TASS.web to multiple family members. Orbit restricts access to people who don't have permission to log in and see their child details, adding a layer of security. If parents share an account, it will allow them both to sign in at the same time without logging each other out.

Confirming, that targeted notifications are driven by a student membership of a group in TASS Extra Curricular ? Or can we create custom groups outside of these that parents can join?

Yes, they are based on student membership to specific groups i.e. Students are attending an event or within a subject class or Extra Curricular activity. Parents can accept and sign-up to events, extra curricular, UD fields through Parent Orbit. Then, staff can use the Notifications program to filter on a significant amount of student groups and target notifications. 

If our school choose to use the other school app can some of the features such as illness graph be available through deep integration to TASS?

No, this is exclusive to and natively built within Orbit. 

Can you have the app available to staff only if we are already using Digistorm for parents?

Yes, you have the flexibility to choose which app to purchase. They're licensed separately. Let us know if there is anything we can do to launch you into the Orbit world for Parents :)  

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