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How do I select a Calculation Rule and Calculation Method that is compatible with my Markbook Assessment Methods?

Introduction to Assessment Methods and Calculation Rules

When deciding which calculations to use in the Markbook, it is important to ensure that each Objective's Result Formats and Assessment Codes (Assessment Methods) are compatible with the types of calculations you would like to perform, as there are some limitations between numeric and non-numeric Assessment Codes (or Assessment Methods).

Assessment Codes (or Assessment Methods) used for marking each Objective in Staff Kiosk Assessment.  They are set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Assessment Methods’ tab. These methods are linked to each Objective by a common ‘Result Format’ specific to each Report Type, Year Level, and Subject.  These ‘Result Formats’ are created and maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Result Formats’ tab.

The Assessment Codes (or Assessment Methods) linked to each Objective can be Numeric or Non-Numeric:

Numeric Assessment Methods include:

Non-Numeric Assessment Methods include:

  • N%      Percentage Number.

  • N         Numeric Score.

Numeric Assessment Methods can be validated using a Range of numeric grades (e.g. 1-10), or a listing of Individual results (e.g. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10).

A ‘Numeric Range’ is when an ‘Assessment Method Type’ is set to ‘Numeric Score’, and the ‘Validation Type’ is set to ‘Range’.

  • A+       Grade (-, +).

  • A         Grade.

  • PF       Pass/ Fail.

  • FF       Free Format.

Non-numeric Assessment Methods can only be validated as a listing of Individual results (e.g. A+, A, A-, B+, B, etc.)

When an Individual validation is selected the Assessment Methods listing will appear in the Markbook as a drop-down selection list.  If you want to ‘Calculate Results’, a Calculation Rule will need to be set up to translate the non-numeric value into numerals for the mathematical calculations to be performed.

Applying Calculation Rules in Markbook

When applying a Calculation Rule in Markbook, you must select the option that aligns with the ‘Assessment Method’ used for ‘Objectives’.


  • If your Objectives use a ‘Numeric Range’ Assessment Method, you would select the ‘Numerical Range’ Calculation Rule to tell Markbook that you are working with numbers only, and no grade translations are required.

  • If your Objectives use a ‘Non-Numeric Individual’ Assessment method, you would select the Calculation Rule, which helps Markbook identify how to translate the non-numeric values into a number range for the mathematical calculations to be performed.

When using the 'Calculate Results' feature in Markbook, it's important to note the following:

  • Calculations can be performed from numeric to numeric.

  • Calculations can be performed from numeric and then translated to non-numeric.

  • Calculations can be performed from numeric to numeric and then translated to non-numeric.

  • Calculations can be performed from non-numeric to non-numeric.

  • Once you have translated a result from numeric to non-numeric, you cannot return to a numeric value.

  • Calculations either have to be numeric the whole way through, non-numeric the whole way through, or begin as numeric and then be translated to non-numeric by applying a Calculation Rule.

In Markbook, you can tell what type of Assessment Method is set for each Objective here:


The bottom and top levels of the Assessment Method result range is displayed here:


To check which Assessment Code (or Assessment Method) has been set up for each Report Type, Year Level and Subject refer to:

Calculations Methods in Markbook

The Staff Kiosk Markbook allows for three calculations: Activity Total Score, Final Results, and Overall Subject Grades.  The following calculation options are available for each method.

The Activity Total Score calculation allows users to select:

  • a ‘Simple Addition’ calculation method,

  • or a ‘Weighting and Averages’ calculation method.

Click here for more information.

The Result Format ‘Activity Assessment Code’ field determines the ‘Assessment Method’ that will be used for the ‘Activity Total Score’.   This can be maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Result Formats’ tab.

Numeric Activity results can be calculated into a numeric Activity Total Score by selecting the ‘Numeric Range’ Calculation Rule. For this calculation to work, all Objectives used in the calculation must have their Result Format ‘Assessment Code’ field set to use a ‘Numeric Range’. This field can be maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Result Formats’ tab.

Numeric Activity results can be calculated into a non-numeric Activity Total Score by selecting the appropriate ‘Calculation Rule’ that determines how Markbook will translate the numerals into a non-numeric grade. For this calculation to work, all Objectives used in the calculation must have their Result Format ‘Assessment Code’ field set to use a ‘Numeric Range’.

Non-numeric Activity results can be calculated into a non-numeric Activity Total Score by selecting the appropriate ‘Calculation Rule’ that aligns with the Assessment Method.  For this calculation to work, all Objectives used in the calculation must have their Result Format ‘Assessment Code’ field set to use the same Assessment Method. 

Non-numeric Activity results cannot be calculated to a numeric Activity Total Score because this is not a compatible calculation in Markbook. 

Activity Results (Raw Scores)

Activity Total Score

(tick) Numeric

(tick) Numeric

(tick) Numeric

(tick) Non-Numeric

(tick) Non-Numeric

(tick) Non-Numeric

(error) Non-Numeric

(error) Numeric

The Final Results calculation allows users to select:

  • a ‘Simple Addition’ calculation method,

  • or a ‘Weighting and Averages’ calculation method.

Click here for more information.

The format of the Final Result is determined by the ‘Assessment Codes’ (Assessment Method) set for each Activity Result Objective.  This field can be maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Result Formats’ tab.

Numeric Activity results can be calculated into numeric Final Results by selecting the ‘Numeric Range’ Calculation Rule. For this calculation to work, all Objectives used in the calculation must have their Result Format ‘Assessment Code’ field set to use a ‘Numeric Range’. This field can be maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Result Formats’ tab.

Non-numeric Activity results can be calculated into non-numeric Final Results by selecting the appropriate ‘Calculation Rule’ that aligns with the ‘Assessment Method’.  For this calculation to work, all Objectives used in the calculation must have their Result Format ‘Assessment Code’ field set to use the same Assessment Method. 

Numeric Activity results cannot be calculated into a non-numeric Final Result because this is not a compatible calculation in Markbook. 

Non-numeric Activity results cannot be calculated to numeric Final Results because this is not a compatible calculation in Markbook.

Activity Results (Raw Scores)

Activity Total Score

Final Results

(tick) Numeric

Not Applicable to Calculation of Final Results

(tick) Numeric

(tick) Non-Numeric

(tick) Non-Numeric

(error) Numeric

(error) Non-Numeric

(error) Non-Numeric

(error) Numeric

The Overall Subject Grades calculation allows users to select from three different method of calculation. The compatibility of calculations depends on which method has been selected.

  • Method 1 – based on Final Results using:

    • a ‘Simple Average’ calculation method,

    • or a ‘Weighting and Averages’ calculation method.

Click here for more information.

Numeric Final Results can be calculated into numeric Overall Subject Grades by selecting the ‘Numeric Range’ Calculation Rule. For this calculation to work, all Final Result Objectives used in the calculation must have their Result Format ‘Assessment Code’ field set to use a ‘Numeric Range’. This field can be maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Result Formats’ tab.

Numeric Final Results can be calculated into a non-numeric Overall Subject Grade by selecting the appropriate ‘Calculation Rule’ that determines how Markbook will translate the numerals into a non-numeric grade. For this calculation to work, all Final Result Objectives used in the calculation must have their Result Format ‘Assessment Code’ field set to use a ‘Numeric Range’.

Non-numeric Final Results can be calculated into non-numeric Overall Subject Grade by selecting the appropriate ‘Calculation Rule’ that aligns with the ‘Assessment Method’.  For this calculation to work, all Objectives used in the calculation must have their Result Format ‘Assessment Code’ field set to use the same Assessment Method. 

Non-numeric Final Results cannot be calculated to a numeric Overall Subject Grade because this is not a compatible calculation in Markbook. 

Numeric Activity results that were translated previously to become a non-numeric Final Result, cannot return to being a numeric Overall Subject Grade because this is not a compatible calculation in Markbook. 

Activity Results (Raw Scores)

Activity Total Score

Final Results

Overall Subject Grade Method 1

(tick) Numeric

Not Applicable to Final Results and Overall Subject Grade Method 1 Calculations

(tick) Numeric

(tick) Numeric

(tick) Numeric

(tick) Numeric

(tick) Non-Numeric

(tick) Non-Numeric

(tick) Non-Numeric

(tick) Non-Numeric

(error) Non-Numeric

(error) Non-Numeric

(error) Numeric

(error) Numeric

(error) Non-Numeric

(error) Numeric

  • Method 2 – based on Activity Raw Scores using:

    • a ‘Weightings and Averages’ calculation method only.

Click here for more information.

Numeric Activity results can be calculated into numeric Overall Subject Grades by selecting the ‘Numeric Range’ Calculation Rule. For this calculation to work, all Final Result Objectives used in the calculation must have their Result Format ‘Assessment Code’ field set to use a ‘Numeric Range’. This field can be maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Result Formats’ tab.

Numeric Activity results can be calculated into a non-numeric Overall Subject Grade by selecting the appropriate ‘Calculation Rule’ that determines how Markbook will translate the numerals into a non-numeric grade. For this calculation to work, all Final Result Objectives used in the calculation must have their Result Format ‘Assessment Code’ field set to use a ‘Numeric Range’.

Non-numeric Activity results can be calculated into non-numeric Overall Subject Grade by selecting the appropriate ‘Calculation Rule’ that aligns with the ‘Assessment Method’.  For this calculation to work, all Objectives used in the calculation must have their Result Format ‘Assessment Code’ field set to use the same Assessment Method. 

Non-numeric Activity results cannot be calculated to a numeric Overall Subject Grade because this is not a compatible calculation in Markbook. 

Activity Results (Raw Scores)

Activity Total Score

Final Results

Overall Subject Grade Method 2

(tick) Numeric

Not Applicable to Overall Subject Grade Method 2 Calculations

Not Applicable to Overall Subject Grade Method 2 Calculations

(tick) Numeric

(tick) Numeric

(tick) Non-Numeric

(tick) Non-Numeric

(tick) Non-Numeric

(error) Non-Numeric

(error) Numeric

  • Method 3 – based on Activity Raw Scores using:

    • a ‘Simple Addition’ calculation method only.

Click here for more information.

This calculation method is only compatible with numeric Activity Objectives. 

Numeric Activity results can be calculated into numeric Overall Subject Grades by selecting the ‘Numeric Range’ Calculation Rule. For this calculation to work, all Final Result Objectives used in the calculation must have their Result Format ‘Assessment Code’ field set to use a ‘Numeric Range’. This field can be maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Result Formats’ tab.

Numeric Activity results can be calculated into a non-numeric Overall Subject Grade by selecting the appropriate ‘Calculation Rule’ that determines how Markbook will translate the numerals into a non-numeric grade. For this calculation to work, all Final Result Objectives used in the calculation must have their Result Format ‘Assessment Code’ field set to use a ‘Numeric Range’.

Non-numeric Activity results cannot be calculated to a non-numeric Overall Subject Grades because this is not a compatible calculation in Markbook. 

Non-numeric Activity results cannot be calculated to a numeric Overall Subject Grade because this is not a compatible calculation in Markbook. 

Activity Raw Score Objective Results

Activity Total Score

Final Results

Overall Subject Grade Method 3

(tick) Numeric

Not Applicable to Overall Subject Grade Method 3 Calculations

Not Applicable to Overall Subject Grade Method 3 Calculations

(tick) Numeric

(tick) Numeric

(tick) Non-Numeric

(error) Non-Numeric

(error) Non-Numeric

(error) Non-Numeric

(error) Numeric

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