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Why are some families not receiving Emails from TASS?

The TASS webserver passes the emails to your Exchange Server via a SMTP relay. The Exchange server then sends those emails onto the recipients.

The TASS support team are limited in how much they can assist when emails are not being received by parents. You will likely need to work with your mail admin, who have access to your other systems that can assist in troubleshooting this issue.

Here are some things to try:

  • Check the Communication Rules for the student are set up correctly.

  • Mail traces: These help you confirm that the email is entering your Exchange server.

  • Send a test email to a troublesome email domain account (eg bigpond).
    Test emails can be sent from: Tass.web > System Admin > Utilities > Mail Spool Maintenance > Send Test Email.

  • View mail sent logs in TASS.web: Tass.web > System Admin > Utilities > Server Logs > mailsent.log. Scroll to bottom, search the troublesome domain (eg "bigpond").

  • Check if your mail server has been blacklisted by the troublesome domain (eg bigpond) using MXToolbox, Spamhaus, etc.

  • Check whether the SPF settings are setup correctly: Mail Server Requirements

  • If an email arrives into an inbox for a troublesome domain, consider running the message headers through MXToolbox or Microsoft Message Header Analyser.

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