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Why can’t a Teacher access Markbook?

The following may assist you in determining why a teacher cannot access Markbook...

Has your school changed the program name?
Schools have the option to rename 'Markbook' to something else, so check which name your school is using in Staff Kiosk program Assessment > Parameters (Setup).

Does the teacher have the correct Portal Security Permissions for Staff Kiosk?

  1. Navigate to TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

  2. Select Teacher Kiosk

  3. Select the User Role or Individual User

  4. Scroll to the Assessment section and ensure the ‘Accessed via Top Menu’ checkboxes are ticked beside ‘Markbook’ and ‘Enter Results and Comments’.

Does the teacher have access to the reporting period?

  1. Navigate to TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Reporting User Maintenance.

  2. Select Assign Reporting Periods.

  3. Select a Reporting Year and Period.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Review the assignment of teachers. If the teacher is listed as 'not Assigned to this reporting period', select their name and click the appropriate button to provide them access.

Does the teacher have the appropriate user access level?

  1. Navigate to TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Reporting User Maintenance.

  2. Select Maintain User Access Levels

  3. GO.

  4. Review the assigned level of access given to the teacher. If they are listed as a user and do not have the correct level of access required, select their name and click one of the options to provide them with the appropriate level of user access.

Is the Reporting Period, which the teacher has a User Access Level access to, open in Markbook?

  1. Navigate to TASS.web program Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup.

  2. Select the 'Result Periods' tab.

  3. Locate the specific report from the table list.

  4. Check the 'IA Lock' column to identify the current reporting cycle (or view the record). For example, if the teacher has only been given 'Teacher Class' access on one reporting period, and that IA (Internet Access) Lock is set to Restricted, they would not be able to get in.

To avoid confusion and input errors, only assign the correct teachers to each reporting period.

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