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School Shop Trouble Shooting

A collection of FAQ related to the School Shop program…

Cannot enter sale — Unable to enter details in the grid

Check the reporting period is open for ‘Shop’ in General Ledger > Setup Information > Years and Periods.

Valuation report — How to produce a back-dated stock valuation

In order to ascertain the stock value at the prior target date:

  • Run the valuation report as at today’s date.

  • Produce the sales analysis report from the day after the target through to the current date and add the total cost of goods back to the stock total.

  • Review stock receipts from target date — subtract from the stock total (for actual shipments recorded via A/P against the stock account).

  • Review stock adjustments from target date — adjust figures accordingly.

Bank deposit report warning

"WARNING: Cash Refunds & Cashouts exceeds Cash Taken."

  1. If running a TRIAL report, delay processing the FINAL report until "Cash Taken" exceeds the amount of refunds.

  2. If the FINAL report has been processed, there will have been no cashbook entry created but the credit posting to the bank account will have been posted. To fix:

    • Create a bank charge (CBJ) to create a cash book entry.

    • Upload a journal to reverse the posting from the CBJ above.

Cannot print invoice

Check if the invoice been transferred to the parent account. If so, will need to request 'Print transferred invoices only' specifying the transfer batch number.

Nothing to transfer to parent accounts

  1. Check fee code has been set up in shop parameters.

  2. Check outstanding student sales do exist (have not been previously transferred).

Cannot select cash sale on Sale Entry Invoice/Credit

Check Genera Ledger integration for 'Post Cash Sales to GL' = Yes.

Cannot enter customer type in new shop setup parameters

  1. Check for unposted activity in Commercial Debtors.

  2. Post Period Activity.

  3. Retry.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.