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How do I transition from webBook to Staff Kiosk Markbook?

As webBook will soon be decommissioned in January 2025, your school must stop using it and switch over to using Staff Kiosk Assessment > Markbook and/or Staff Kiosk Assessment > Enter Results and Comments.

These Staff Kiosk Assessment programs have been intentionally designed to make the transition from webBook as easy as possible by reusing all the existing setups and processes that were required for webBook.

The only work required for the transition is to setup the appropriate Security Permissions for users to access the new programs in Staff Kiosk. Portal Security Permissions are assigned in TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions forTeacher Kiosk’. 

To support your school's transition, the following resources are available on TASS Knowledge Base:

The following new videos are also available in our Video Library:

▶️ Markbook Overview Video

▶️ Introduction to Markbook Activity Assessment Video

Stay tuned over the coming months as we continue to refine our Knowledge Base and add more FAQ articles, how-to guides, and videos in preparation for the end of life of our webBook end-of-life in January 2025.

If you need further assistance getting started, our dedicated Professional Services team can provide expert services for a chargeable fee. Contact our Professional Services team for personalised support tailored to your school’s needs.

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