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Academic Reporting Phase 2 Webinar 2023 Q&A

Questions and Answers from the ▶️ Academic Reporting Phase 2 Webinar Video.

Question from Attendee

TASS Comment

How do we activate the Markbook menu in Staff Kiosk?

To access the new Markbook program you will firstly need to be running (released in March 2023).

If you are currently using webBook, all you need to do is assign the new permission in Portal Security Permissions called ‘Markbook’ to the appropriate User Roles /Users and the Markbook menu will appear in the Assessment menu in Staff Kiosk.
If you are not currently using webBook, we would suggest following the Academic Reporting Checklist - Beginning of Reporting Period.

Is the webBook User Maintenance area in TASS.web still the correct place to manage the permissions for the new Staff Kiosk based Markbook?


Yes, the same webBook User Maintenance settings apply to the new Markbook in Staff Kiosk.

Can old objectives be deleted?


Objectives can only be deleted when they have not been used.

You can however mark Objectives that are no longer in use as 'Inactive' to ensure only current objectives are available when maintaining academic reporting setups.

Will our existing Report Types translate across to the new system or do we need to re-create them?

All existing Report Types, Results Formats, Assessment Methods, and School Calculation Rules that are set up for Markbook in webBook will work in the Staff Kiosk Markbook. There is no need to re-create these.

Are the statistics based on the subject for the entire grade, or just the class the teacher is marking for?

The statistics that can be optionally displayed onscreen in the Staff Kiosk Markbook are calculated only for the students displayed onscreen who have results entered.

Once marks have been entered is it possible for TASS to automatically generate rankings, rather than teachers having to enter this data manually?
Is there a Rank Column?

Rankings are not part of this update.

Will there be bulk upload facility for us to upload our own Result Based Comments? 

We can certainly add this to the Roadmap, but it was outside of the new Markbook scope for this update.

Will teachers be able to copy and paste when entering student results in Kiosk?

Yes! A selection of valid results can be copied from a spreadsheet and pasted into the new Markbook grid.

Will format comment option be available?

Yes indeed, the ‘Format Comment’ works in Student and Teacher Comment boxes.

Is there a way to filter out certain (but not all) non-current students for teachers?

The new Markbook lists all student in the class, there is no filtering functionality for students who are excluded or absent from activities at this stage.

Can teachers be flagged that they have missed marking something?

There is no change in functionality here, the ‘Check for Missing Data’ program in TASS.web is still the place to go for missing data checks.

We don't use Markbook. We only use the reporting aspect. Will that be affected with the move to Teacher kiosk?

If you were using webBook to enter non progressive results and comments these are still done in webBook for now but will be moved across to Staff (Teacher) kiosk.

Is there some documentation that will step us through this process?

Yes, the TASS Hub Knowledge Base has the new documentation:

How to Setup Markbook

Is there an opportunity for students to reflect on their result and parents to also reflect on the student result in the new rollout?

Student Reflections were not part of this update, but we are aware of the interest in this feature.

Is there going to be any integration between external Markbooks and the TASS Markbook to save double handling data?

Integrations will be discussed in the next stage. We will need to investigate this thoroughly, given the number of systems schools interact with in this area.

How do we access the TASS community forum?

The link to the Forum is:
You will need to register if you don't yet have an account.

What is the timeline of the Roadmap?

An outline of some of the functionality coming soon was provided in the webinar. We will publish a roadmap that provides a timing guideline.
While we are proud of what we have done so far, we still have many things we’d love to do in this space, and it will come down to your feedback, the priorities and scope of work. We will update you as we finalise the details.

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