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When is webBook being decommissioned?

Staff Kiosk Markbook is the new and improved version of webBook. While webBook's functionality has been maintained, enhancements have been made to create a seamless and modern interface.

Markbook will work interchangeably between webBook and Staff Kiosk until webBook is decommissioned.

Our Academic Reporting Overhaul Project is still underway, with additional functionality being delivered throughout 2024. In 2024, users can expect the calculation of Activity Total Scores from the new Markbook, additional save prompts, Default Calculation Rules, Z Scores and estimates, a new Assessment API and more!

New resources for using Staff Kiosk Markbook are now accessible on the TASS Knowledge Base, with more to be added over the coming months.

Stay up to date with enhancements via our Roadmap, and update your email preferences to receive communications.

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