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What Features are in the Parent Orbit App?

The Parent Orbit App aims to keep your parent community informed and connected to your school through self-service tools for their convenience and your efficiency.

  • Extra Curricular Hub - The Extra Curricular Hub provides a centralised view of sessions, including training, fixtures, and events. Specific portal pages inform everyone of schedule changes, helping busy parents stay updated on cultural, sporting, musical, and academic programs.

  • Events & Diaries - The School Calendar and Daily Notices allow parents to quickly view term dates, school events, and school notices, whilst the eDiary displays information relevant to students and integrates data from various programs in TASS, such as appointments and Parent Teacher Interviews.

  • Student Maintenance - Parents can access and update student data, including vital medical and emergency information while staying connected with administrators. The student page allows instant access to report cards, updates on curricular results, and ongoing communication with teachers.

  • Notifications - Targeted push notifications ensure parents receive relevant information for their children, based on attendance, extra curricular participation, events or pastoral care entries. Parents can easily acknowledge notifications for effective communication with the school.

  • Invitations & Bookings - Parents have the ability to submit future absences and receive notifications keeping them informed about their child’s attendance, which they can then acknowledge and provide additional information if needed. Additionally, they can book Parent Teacher Interviews with their child’s teachers, view where a teacher has requested a booking, and leave comments.

  • Events & Payments - Parents can make easy payments on the go for excursions, school fees, and extra curricular activities through dedicated payment programs. Parents can also view calendar events and student-specific activities.

For more information, visit the Parent Orbit page of the TASS website.

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