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STATS (Aus) Returns FAQ

Why am I receiving a list of students instead of the STATS report?

You've received an Exception Report. An Exception Report is generated when there are invalid data that requires attention. These need to be resolved before the return is successfully generated.

What steps do I take if I receive an Exception Report?

The Exception Report will include an explanation on what the issue is and a list of records that require attention.

Example:    Warning: Absentee records found beyond the Student's Date of Leaving.

To Fix: Review the 'Date of Leaving'. If it's correct, the Absentee Records should be deleted. If the Data of Leaving is incorrect, update accordingly.

Will non-current students who attended school during the date range be included?

Yes. The 'Student Attend. – STATS' program will automatically alter your 'Date of Entry' and 'Date of Leaving' filters on the 'General' tab once you define your 'Date Range' on the 'Process' tab.

What happens with students who have an 'Enrolment History'?

If you've entered an 'Enrolment History' for a student (i.e. the student left the school and came back), this will be taken into consideration when calculating the 'Enrolment Days' and 'Days Attended'.

Enrolment History is entered on the 'General' tab of the Student Record (next to the 'Entry Year Grp').

Which absentee records are included?

Only attendance records where:

  • The 'Reason for Absence' has an 'Acceptable' flag of 'N'.

  • The 'Absentee Type' is defined in Attendance Setup on the 'General' tab.

How are the Possible School Days, Attendance Days and Attendance Rates calculated?

Specific logic has been developed to calculate each of these figures — the program sources information from various locations in TASS. Check the weighting table in the TASS Hub for 'Student Attend. - STATS (Aus)' for the weighting applied to each 'Absentee Type'.

What do we enter into the following parameter fields when running the STATS program?

  • Late for School after.

  • Early Departure before.

  • Part Day Absences greater than.

  • Absent from Class greater than.

These fields are used to exclude certain Absentee Records. For example, enter 9 a.m. in 'Late for school after' to exclude any absences with an arrival time before 9 a.m.

The school must decide on the time/hours to enter.

How do I check the STATS data in TASS?

Before checking your STATS data, please familiarise yourself with the STATS documentation on SchoolsHub.

Here are some examples of the student data that you may want to review before generating your STATS XML:

  • Date of Entry

  • Date of Leaving

  • Year Level

  • Gender

  • Indigenous Status

  • Distance Ed

  • Boarder

  • Attendance Rates

To check the student details and attendance data in the TASS.web database, you can use:

To check the attendance rate for Indigenous students, you must combine both reports mentioned above.

Example of how to generate the 'Details Listing' for STATS checks.

Go to TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Listings/Reports/Merges > Details Listing.

On the ‘Student Details’ tab:

  • Set the ‘Date of Entry’ field to be ‘Less than’ the end date of your STATS attendance collection period.

  • Set the ‘Date of Leaving’ field to be ‘Greater than’ the start date of your STATS attendance collection period, and select the ‘Or is Null’ checkbox. 

  • Select the Year Groups to include in the report.

  • Select the Campus to include in the report. 

On the ‘Report Options' tab:

  • In the Additional Fields ‘--Student Info--' section, select Boarder, Campus, Date of Entry, Date of Leaving, Distance Ed, and Gender. 

  • In the Additional Fields ' --MCEECDYA--’ section, select Indigenous Status. 

  • In the ‘Sorting’ section, sort by Year Group, then Student Name. 

  • Click the ‘GO’ button to generate the report.

Example of how to generate the 'Attendance Rates Report' for STATS checks.

Go to TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Listings & Reports > Attendance Rates Report.

On the ‘General’ tab:

  • Enter the STATS collection period dates into the ‘Start Date’ and ‘End Date’ fields.

  • Select the Year Groups to include in the report.

  • Select the Campus to include in the report.

  • Select the F.T.E status to include in the report.

  • Select the Boarder status to include in the report.

On the ‘Print’ tab:

  • Select Additional Fields: ‘Date of Entry’, ‘Date of Leaving’, ‘Gender’ and ‘Distance Ed’ (if applicable)

  • Sort by ‘Year Group’.

  • Click the ‘GO’ button to generate the report.

What's happening with the inclusion of Gender X?

In Version 53.3, a run time option called 'Map Genders' became available. This allows you to map a gender you've created to a code to use when running the export.

Why can't the XML export option be selected?

The STATS Location Details on the 'Contact Info' tab in Attendance Setup must be completed before you can use the XML option.

Do I need to transfer the data from the XML file into the SchoolsHub template?

No, TASS.web exports the data in the format required by SchoolsHub and can be uploaded as is. The PDF and Excel versions should be used to check the data prior to producing the XML file.

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