What is the best way to schedule an exam block?
You have two options: using the Timetable module or using the eDiary...
OPTION 1 (using the Timetable module)
If your exam sessions somehow fit into the time structure of your regular Timetable or the breaks are at the same time, you could use the Timetable Overrides functionality to schedule your exam block.
Using this solution:
In Rollcall, teachers would not be able to mark the students 'absent' as they will be seen as attending exams.
You could print an exam timetable for students.
Students can access their exam timetable through Student Café.
Suitable if teachers are supervising different exam sessions and exams are taking place in different locations.
You can mark the roll for exam sessions.
The process would be:
Set up your exam subject(s) — The subject with the lowest value in Timetable Override Priority will be the one that the student shows as attending and will be available for rollcall marking.
Allocate classes using your preferred method, e.g. Manually through 'Build Classes' or through 'Upload Student Subject Data'.
Upload your Timetable — This file must contain both your regular classes and your newly created exam sessions. Keep a copy of the regular timetable file.
Once exams are over, upload your regular Timetable.
It won't matter that the students still have the exam subject allocated as there will be no corresponding timetable record.
OPTION 2 (using the eDiary)
A calendar event(s) can be created through the eDiary that is assigned to Student and Staff.
Using this solution:
In Rollcall, teachers would see an alert 'Teacher Assigned Calendar Events'. Hovering over this alert would display the event title, time and option to drill down for more details, e.g. Exam Block 8:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
Students can see their scheduled exam sessions through their eDiary in Student Café.
There is no option to mark a roll or print a report for the exam sessions.
The process would be:
Staff Kiosk program Calendar > My Calendar — Users can create their own events, or you can create events on behalf of someone.
In the calendar entry, you can either block out a full day/week or individually create sessions with a different teacher and students assigned. Note, recurrences can be added.
Create an 'Absent from School' record for all students on exam block (through TASS.web Attendance) if you want to ensure that their normal teachers do not mark the student as absent, and the 'Attendance Rollcall Status' is represented correctly. We'd suggest using an Absentee Reason e.g. Exam Block with an Acceptable Flag = Y.
If the students go to their Home Room before exams (for example), complete this after that roll is marked to ensure that if students are absent for unknown reasons, the parents are contacted.