Why do I have classes missing from my Markbook Subject Class selection screen?
Check if all your classes display in Staff Kiosk program Assessment > My Classes.
If not, ask your Administrator to:
Set the ‘LMS’ flag for the Subject to ‘Yes’ in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup on the ‘Subjects’ tab.
Check/Assign your Subjects to you.
Subjects are automatically generated and added to Teacher records when uploading the Timetable. As the data within the timetable changes, the TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable will automatically update the Teacher Subject records to ensure they are in sync. For more information, refer to 'Timetable Rollover Checklist (Year and Term/Semester)'.
Schools not using the TASS.web Timetable module can maintain Teacher Subject records manually in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teachers on the ‘Subjects’ tab.
Check that the teacher has the correct subjects assigned to them in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teachers on the ‘Subjects’ tab.
Check that each Teacher has the correct Department assigned to them in the ‘Teacher Department’ field in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teachers on the ‘General’ tab.