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How do I access Budgets in Staff Kiosk?

Once configured, Budget information can be accessed using the top menu...

Option Staff > Budgets.

The use of Budgets in Staff Kiosk requires the following:

  • Budgets: Accounts to be viewed must have a current year budget against them. Note that an account can have no budget which is different from having a zero budget!

  • Budget Number: Staff Kiosk will only look at one of the six budgets available in General Ledger when using Purchase Requisitions.
    This is set up in TASS.web Finance> Purchasing > Setup Information > Purchasing Setup on the 'Parameters' tab 'Budget number for commitment check' field.

  • Permission: Users will need to have the appropriate permissions point/s setup against their individual record or user group. These can be reviewed via TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions. Edit Staff Kiosk, then ensure there is a tick for 'Budgets' and/or ' --- Departmental Budgets' under the Teacher section.

  • Account Responsibility: Users will need to have responsibility for at least one General Ledger account configured for them. Review these via:


The user needs to have the responsibilities added to the account they use to log into Staff Kiosk, i.e. is their access mapped to their Teacher Code or Employee Code.

If all these requirements are in place and you are still having issues accessing Budgets in Staff Kiosk, please contact the TASS.web help desk for assistance.

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