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Can I nominate which Calculation Rules and Methods are available to Teachers in Markbook?

Yes, you can choose which calculation Options are available to Teachers in Staff Kiosk Assessment > Parameters (Setup).

From here, you have the options to:

  • Allow Teachers to add My Calculation Rules.

  • Allow HODS and Department Administrators or all Teachers to modify 'Final Results' Weightings for 'Overall Subject Grade' calculations.

  • Allow Teachers to calculate 'Overall Subject Grade' Objectives based on Activity Raw Scores and their Weightings.

  • Default Overall Subject Grade calculations to use Activity Raw Scores and Weightings.

  • Allow teachers to calculate 'Final Results' objectives based on addition.

  • Allow teachers to calculate 'Overall Subject Grade' objectives based on the addition of Activity Raw Scores.

You can also decide which users can Add, Delete, Edit, and Maintain Calculations Rules.  This is controlled by the following the Portal Security Permissions in TASS.web System Admin > Users >Portal Security Permissions for ‘Teacher Kiosk’:

  • Assessment Setup

    • Calculation Rules

      • Add Calculation Rules

      • Delete Calculation Rules

      • Edit Calculation Rules

      • Maintain My Calculation Rules

      • Maintain School Calculation Rules

School Calculation Rules can also be maintained by TASS.web users in TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup on the ‘Calculation Rules’ tab. 

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