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How do I export a Student list from TASS.web?

Several program areas in TASS.web offer the option to export a student list.

The following instructions outline the process for exporting a basic student list using the Details Listing program. Refer to the Details Listing article on Knowledge Base for more detailed instructions.

  1. Navigate to TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Listings/Reports/Merges > Details Listing

  1. Click the ‘Student Details’ option on the navigation bar at the top of the screen.

  2. Enter your selection criteria for the export into the relevant Student Details selection criteria fields.

For Example

  • To export student details for specific year groups, select the year group/s that you would like to include in your export in the ‘Year Group’ field drop-down list.

  • To export student details for specific PC/Tutor groups, select the PC/Tutor Group/s that you would like to include in your export in the ‘PC/Tutor Group’ field drop-down list.

When using drop-down lists, hold down the 'Shift' key while clicking with your mouse to enable a range selection. Hold down the 'Ctrl' key while clicking with your mouse to enable multiple individual selections.

Wildcards (*) can be used in basic text fields to broaden your search.   e.g. To report on all surnames beginning with 'S', type 'S*' into the 'Surname' field or to report on students with any type of data in the field simply use an Asterix (*). Wildcards cannot be used in fields with picklists and dropdown menus. 

Additional selection criteria can be entered for Student UD, UD Areas, Testing Type, Parent, Account Details, Parent UD, Subjects, Extra Curricular, Events & Payments. Click the selection criteria category on the navigation bar at the top of the screen or scroll down the page until you find the required category.   

Refer to the ‘Selection Criteria’ section of the Details Listing article for more information.

  1. Click ‘Report Options’ on the navigation bar at the top of the screen or scroll down the page until you reach the Report Options category.

  1. To sort your list, use the ‘Sort by’ or ‘Then by’ fields in the Sorting section.

  2. In the 'Export To' section, select the type of file you wish to export. Options include PDF, Excel®, Word®, or Screen with Hyperlinks.

  3. To enhance the appearance of your list, use the checkboxes and drop-down boxes available in the ‘Formatting Options’ section.

The ‘Formatting Options’ section has an option to ‘Include Photos’ if required. For more information, refer to the ‘Report Options’ section of the Details Listing article.

  1. If you would like to include attendance status information in your export, tick the ‘Include Attendance Status’ checkbox and select your preferred attendance date/s.

  2. Select any ‘Additional Fields' associated with the Students’ that you would like to include in your export.

For Example:

  • To include each Student's Date of Birth in your export, select ‘Date of Birth’ as an additional field

  • To include each Student’s Gender in your export, select ‘Gender’ as an additional field

Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking with your mouse enables a range selection. Holding down the 'Ctrl' key while clicking with your mouse enables multiple individual selections.

  1. Click the ‘GO’ button in the bottom right corner of the screen to generate the report.

  2. Click ‘View in New Window' to view your export, or click ‘Download’ to download it to your preferred Downloads location (that you have set for your web browser).

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