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Why can’t I review the notes during a PTI Conference?

If you are trying to access the 'Review' screen, when a Parent Teacher Interview (PTI) is in progress, but are unable to do so...

Double-check the following:

In TASS.web:

  1. Ensure 'Allow Appointment Maintenance in Teacher Kiosk' is set to 'Yes' in Teacher Records > Parent Teacher Interviews > PTI Setup.
  2. Ensure 'Allow Teachers to maintain/change Appointments in Teacher Kiosk' is ticked in Teacher Records > Parent Teacher Interviews > PTI Conferences on the 'Web Access' tab. It is possible that you may have this setting un-ticked during the initial stages of the conference.

In Teacher Kiosk:

  1. In the left menu select 'Parent Teacher Interviews'.
  2. Click 'See All' to see the list of past and present PTIs.
  3. Locate your conference (the 'Status' column should display 'Review').
  4. To the far-right in the 'Action' column, click the pencil icon to edit the conference.
  5. In the 'Action' column of the 'Appointment Schedule' screen, the 'Notes' should be available to you.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.