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What is TASS Web Stack Management?

TASS Web Stack Management is a mandatory TASS service that includes: 

  • 3rd Party software licences.

  • Configuration and management of web application technology stack components required to run TASS, including:

    • Java

    • Tomcat

    • ColdFusion

    • IIS 

  • Maintenance services (patching as scheduled by the customer).

  • Performance tuning (upon request).

  • Tracking of installed versions and notifications if updates are required.

For self-hosted customers, the following items are not included and are the responsibility of the customer:

  • Windows Server (licensing, management, and updates).

  • SQL Server (licensing, management, and updates).

  • Backups.

  • Firewall, security, and anti-malware configuration.

  • New server installations or server migrations - see Installation and Migration Services (Self-Hosted) for details on how we can assist with this. 

  • Web servers that are not exclusively dedicated to hosting TASS. 

For customers using TASS Cloud, the above items are managed by TASS. 

What does my school need to do? 

To find out if you're running the latest version, you can review the System Requirements against TASS.web > System Admin > Utilities > TASS Usage Statistics.

If you're not up to date with the latest version, book in an upgrade with Technical Services

How does this change affect TASS Cloud Hosting Customers?

Tier 1: Licensing and services are already included.

Tier 2, 3 and 4: the TASS Web Stack Management Package will be added to your license automatically. 

Are there costs associated with this?

Yes. A TASS Web Stack Management package will automatically be added to your school’s TASS Licence. 

For information on what these costs are, please contact the TASS Licensing team

How does my school know if an update is required? 

TASS will send out periodic reminders when updates are released. These will also be published on the System Requirements page. 

Why do we need to schedule an outage window for updates? 

Installation of these updates require a small amount of downtime and we don't want to cause disruption to your school community. 

Do we still get access to ColdFusion Administrator?

No. You can find more information about this here: ColdFusion Administrator Access

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