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Why can't I see the ‘Activity Assessment’ link for a class in Markbook?

If you receive a message on the Markbook > Subject Class Selection Screen saying that “This class has not been set up for academic reporting in the selected reporting period.”:

  • Check that you are in the right ‘Reporting Period’, as the ‘Activity Assessment’ link will not display if you are in a period the subject class is not assigned to.

  • Check that your Assessment Activities have the ‘Will you be assessing this Activity?’ field set to ‘Yes’, and the ‘Use in Activity’ checkboxes are ticked for the correct Objectives. The ‘Activity Assessment’ link will not appear if there are no Assessment Criteria set up.

Ask your Administrator to:

  • Check if a ‘Result Format’ has been setup for the correct ‘Report Type’, ‘Subject’ and ‘Year Level’ in TASS.web program Academic Reporting > Setup Information > Assessment Setup > ‘Result Formats’ tab.

  • Check that the ‘Result Format' contains Objectives with Progressive Assessment Type: ‘QS’ or ‘QT’, and these are Assessment Activities have the ‘Use in Activity’ checkboxes ticked for these ‘QS’ and ‘QT’ activities. If no ‘QS’ or ‘QT’ Progressive Assessment Types are assigned to the ‘Report Type’, ‘Subject’ and ‘Year Level’ the ‘Activity Assessment’ link will not appear.

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.