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How does TASS decide what’s included in the roadmap?

A number of factors affect the development roadmap. The TASS Software Planning committee brings ideas from:

  • TASS Forum: one of the main driving forces. We not only look at top voted requests, but we see what challenges schools are facing, what solutions customers are trying to solve through TASS or with other products. The forum also helps us make decisions on what direction to take the product.

  • Pain points from customers: collected via feedback from support requests submitted, conversations on the Forum, professional services training sessions, annual customer survey and customer catch ups.

  • Sales tenders / prospect customers: we see the schools current needs, how TASS scales and what we need to bring to the table to meet the needs of the market.  

  • Onboarding customers: we get new perspectives from schools who’re just starting to use TASS and what they find challenging in comparison to a seasoned, power user. 

  • APIs and Integrations: ensuring customers can connect other systems and use their data.

  • Innovative features: taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture.

  • Software fixes: ensuring we’re fixing the issues within the software you report.

  • User Groups: TASS also run User Groups where we listen to schools talk about their processes. 

Advisory Groups, made up of power users, are often formed for major software development. 

For full details on the enhancement process, check the the SLA (accessed through the Account button in TASS.web).

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