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Why should we use APIs?

TASS APIs provide a secure connection between your TASS instance and additional systems. Some of the benefits include...

  • Security: Data is exchanged using secure encryption and an audit log of all APIC connections can be exported.

  • Privacy: APIs ensure that the third-party only receive the information that they need, restricting access to the types and volume of data that they do not need to access.

  • Performance: APIs are developed by TASS who are experienced in optimising queries needed to extract the data.

  • Changes: Strict version control measure are in place.

  • Data Integrity: TASS has intimate knowledge of the data relationships and validations required to make changes to the TASS database.

This methodology is much more effective at keeping your data safe compared to integrations using 'direct database queries', which may leave your systems open to unwanted access/breaches.

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