Student Records (STR)
The TASS.web Student Records module allows your school to easily design, maintain and then deploy your student records to the essential people at your school.
Featuring many school-definable data areas this module allows you to customise your student record to fit your own requirements.
In combination with the Staff Kiosk and Parent Lounge modules, selected 'views' of the database can be published to teachers and parents.
The Student Record includes:
General details.
School definable fields (User definable fields and user-definable areas).
Billing Flags.
MCEECDYA information.
Student Notes (standard and confidential with separate security points).
Parent Information.
Address and Communication Rules (to assist with correct communication with split families and other multi-parenting arrangements).
Standardised Testing Results.
Subject Information.
Extra-Curricular Details.
Student Results.
Report Comments.
Sibling Information.
Absentee Details.
Medical Information.
Boarder Information.
TASS.web Student Records caters for Pastoral Care/Tutor Group or House Group allocation against students.
Full administration analysis functions such as school census information, house, boarder and school-wide information are included.
'Trigger' fields allow schools to set up database initiated warnings for conditions such as restricted parental access and special conditions. These fields are triggered automatically and initiate a warning message for appropriate student records.
TASS.web operators can set their own dashboards. Every time an operator logs on, he or she will be greeted with a graphical representation of the latest data on their favourite dashboard.
By storing email addresses for parents and students on the TASS database, operators can use the software as a convenient way to initiate an email. This negates the need to have multiple email lists for parents and students on campus.
Bulk mail-outs can be split between parents who would prefer email correspondence and those who prefer traditional mail correspondence. In conjunction with the TASS Staff Kiosk module, teachers can email a class, year group, house group or PC/Tutor group.
AMAS (Address Mailing Approval System) formatted barcoding is available on label generation to save money on mail outs, where supported by the POSTmanĀ® software.
TASS.web allows your school to get rid of all those paper-based student files with the document attachment feature. Using the TASS.doc function, you can now attach scanned documents to student notes. Once the document has been attached even if the original source document is deleted, TASS.doc will preserve a secure copy.
Use a 'spreadsheet' style for entry and editing of multiple student records using data grids. This is the ultimate tool for getting the student's database up to date quickly.
Student Records Menu
STR - Listings/Reports/Merges
- STR - Details Listing
- STR - Student Subject Listing
- STR - Name and Address Listing
- STR - Age Report
- STR - Pupil Master Listing
- STR - Youngest/Oldest in Family
- STR - Denomination Numbers
- STR - House Boarder and School Totals
- STR - Family Statistics Report
- STR - Labels/Letter Merges
- STR - Year/Tutor Group Listing
- STR - Communication Rules Listing
STR - Government Returns
- ACARA Data Extract (Aus)
- Census (Aus)
- Student Attend - STATS (Aus)
- NAPLAN Data Extract (Aus)
- Address Collection (Aus)
- MCEECDYA Grid (Aus)
- Disability Processing (Aus)
- QCAA Grid (Qld)
- RYPS Grid (Qld)
- RYPS File Creation (Qld)
- SDCS Grid (Qld)
- NESA Grid (NSW)
- VSR Batches (Vic)
- VASS Processing (Vic)
- SCAS Data Extract (Vic)
- TASC Grid (Tas)
- SCSA Processing (WA)
- School Census (WA)
- PRA Data Extract (WA)
- SACE Data Extracts (SA)