STR - Build Classes
The Build Classes program provides a tool to speed up the building of subject classes. You would typically use this after you have automatically generated subjects based on your prototype (core) subjects for each year level (using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Classes > Generate Subjects for Students.
This would be used to create the non-core subject classes.
This program is also used as a quick way of adding students to an existing class or removing them from a class.
You can also use it to clone one subject class to another, e.g. All students studying Year 11 Modern History to Year 11 Ancient History.
The 'General' tab is used to define the subject class that you want to work on.
The screen will then display the header details for the subject you want to build or maintain and a panel labelled 'Choose from these Students' and a panel labelled 'Students in this Class'.
Any students already allocated to this class will be displayed in the second panel.
You can lookup students to add to this class individually by clicking on the 'Students' icon. Alternatively, you can select students within a class group by clicking on the 'Class' icon. Select individual students or a range of students and click the 'Selected' or 'All' icons (with the arrows facing toward the 'Students in this Class' panel) to build your required class.
You may also remove individual students or a range of students from a class by making your selections in the 'Students in this Class' panel and clicking the 'Selected' or 'All' icons (with the arrows facing away from the 'Students in this Class' panel) to remove these students from the class.
Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options permits a range selection, holding down the 'Ctrl' key enables selection of discrete (individual) criterion.