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STR - Details Listing


This is a multi-purpose listing allowing you to:

  • Generate detailed reports (PDF, Word® or Excel®, Screen with Hyperlinks) using filters and search criteria.

  • Nominate additional fields to include in your report.

  • Save your report so that you can re-run the report later with the same search mode filters and additional fields.

  • Create reports to be scheduled and distributed using TASS.web User Interface > Bookmarks tab > My Saved Lists.

A report that you have created can't be accessed by another user and vice versa. This is because each user’s configuration depends on the individual user's security permissions to determine the fields that can be included. 

My Saved Listings

To use a previously saved report, navigate to ‘My Saved Listings' in the top right corner of the screen and select the report you require.  ‘My Saved Listings' is only visible if saved reports exist.

To create a new Saved Listing, enter your report parameters then navigate to the ‘Report Options’ tab.  Type a report name or a meaningful description into the ‘Save this Report as’ field then click ‘GO’.  

Saved report names cannot be edited, so please select your report name carefully.

To modify an existing Saved Listing, select from ‘My Saved Listings’, make the necessary changes, then click 'GO'.   Ensure that the ‘Save this Report as’ field on the ‘Report Options’ tab is populated with the same report name as the original.  This field will automatically populate when a Saved Listing is selected.

To delete a Saved Listing, select the report from ‘My Saved Listings’, then click 'Delete'.  A Saved Listing cannot be deleted when it is attached to a current schedule or has run a scheduled occurrence as the program uses these listings to preserve a record of when and to whom emails have been sent.

Saved Listings can also be viewed, managed, and scheduled in TASS.web User Interface > Bookmarks tab > My Saved Lists.

Selection Criteria

There are ten Selection Criteria categories available.  Click the Selection Criteria category on the navigation bar or scroll down the page until you find the category you require.   

The Selection Criteria fields determine the 'filters' used to select which student details are included in the report.   You can use any combination of Selection Criteria categories to select the students for your report.

Search strings entered into the filter fields are case insensitive.

Wildcards (*) can be used in basic text fields to broaden your search.  

e.g. To report on all surnames beginning with 'S', type 'S*' into the 'Surname' field or to report on students with any type of data in the field simply use an Asterix (*).

Wildcards cannot be used in fields with picklists and dropdown menus. 

Click here to view a list of Wildcard (*) enabled fields.
  • Student - Surname
  • Student - Given Names
  • Student - Preferred Names
  • Student - PC/Tutor Group
  • Student - Email
  • Student - Mobile Phone
  • Student - Alternate ID
  • Student - USI
  • Student - Last Update By
  • Student User Defined (basic text fields only, not picklists and dropdown menus)
  • UD Areas (basic text fields only, not picklists and dropdown menus)
  • Parent - Surname
  • Parent - Last Update By
  • Parent - Mother / Parent 1 - Name
  • Parent - Father / Parent 2 - Name
  • Parent User Defined (basic text fields only, not picklists and dropdown menus)
  • Subject Selection - Class
  • Extra Curricular - Priority
  • Extra Curricular - Student Acknowledgement
  • Extra Curricular - Parent Acknowledgement
  • Extra Curricular Activity Type User Defined (basic text fields only, not picklists and dropdown menus)
  • Extra Curricular Activity User Defined (basic text fields only, not picklists and dropdown menus)

To set a date value 'Less than and including' or ‘Greater than and including’ a particular date, click the calendar icon next to a date field and select the ‘Date Range’ tool.

  • Enter a date value into the ‘Start Date’ field to create a report that includes the date value entered and any future date values.

  • Enter a date value into the ‘End Date’ field to create a report that includes the date value entered and any past date values.

The categories and fields available to you depend on your User Security Permissions.

Selection Criteria Category


Student Details

Use this category to create a report filtered by an individual Student or multiple Students, Surname, Given Names, Preferred Names, Year Group, Form Class, PC/Tutor Group, House, Campus, Boarder, Religion, Age ... From/To, Date of Birth, Gender, Alternate ID, USI, F.T.E., Multi Parenting Arrangements, Entry Year Group, Date of Entry, Date of Leaving, Next Year, Previous School, Student Cafe Access, Email, Mobile Phone, SMS Flag, Residency Status, Visa Expiry date, Visa Subclass, Date of Arrival in AU, Lives With (OLD), FFPOS, Comparative Reporting, Last Update By, Last Update On.

The program will default to include students who are current on the day you run the report. 

Click here for more information about generating reports for current, past, and future students.

 To search for current students:

  • Set the ‘Date of Entry’ to ‘Less than Tomorrow’,
  • Set the ‘Date of Leaving’ to ‘Greater than Yesterday’,
  • Tick the ‘Or is Null’ checkbox.


To search for past students

  • Set the ‘Date of Entry’ to ‘Less than Tomorrow’,
  • In the ‘Date of Leaving’ field, you can either: 

a. Click the calendar icon, select the ‘Date Range’ tool, click the ‘End Date’ field, and enter today’s date (or your preferred date value). 

b. Type the word ‘to’, a space, and your date value in dd/mm/yyyy format directly into the ‘Date of Leaving’ field, e.g. ‘to 12/12/2023’.

  • Untick the ‘Or is Null’ checkbox.


To search for future students:

  • In the ‘Date of Entry’ field, you can either: 

a. Click the calendar icon, select the ‘Date Range’ tool, click the ‘Start Date’ field, and enter today’s date (or your preferred date value). 

b. Type the word ‘from’, a space, and your date value in dd/mm/yyyy format directly into the ‘Date of Entry’ field, e.g. ‘from 12/12/2023’.

  • Set the ‘Date of Leaving’ field to ‘Greater than Yesterday’.
  • Tick the ‘Or is Null’ checkbox.

Add multiple student names or student codes to create a report on a custom group of students.

Student UD

Use this category to create a report filtered by Student User Defined fields set up by your school. 

The User Defined fields displayed in this section are set up in Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup > User Defined tab.  UD fields must have a 'Field Label/Description' entered in this setup area to be visible in this Details Listing.    

UD Area / User Defined Fields based on UD Area

Use this category to create a report filtered by User Defined Areas (UD Areas) set up by your school.

When a UD Area is selected, you can filter by any UD fields from within the chosen UD Area. 

Testing Type

Use this category to create a report filtered by Standardised Testing Types set up by your school (e.g. NAPLAN, AGAT, PAT, Writing on Demand, ALLWELL, ATSI, PIPS, OLSAT). 

The Testing Types available to users are managed by TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Upload Testing Data.    

When a Testing Type is selected, you can filter by 'Test Years' and 'Year Groups' (for which there are results data).   

When Testing Type Selection Criteria is used 'Additional Fields' for 'Testing' become available in Report Options.


Use this category to create a report filtered by an individual parent or multiple Parent(s), Surname, Status, Parent Lounge Access, Last Update By, Last Update On, Mother/Parent 1 or Father / Parent 2, Name and Occupation.  

Add multiple parent names or parent codes to the 'Parent' field to create a report on a custom group of parents.

The fields used for 'Mother/Parent 1' and 'Father / Parent 2' are defined by Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup > Addresses tab > 'Person Position 1' or 'Person Position 2'.

Account Details

Use this category to create a report filtered by: Parent Type, Auto Billing Account, Reminder Notice Level, Building Fund Paid Amount, Charge Interest, and B-Pay Reference Number.

Parent UD

Use this category to create a report filtered by Parent User Defined fields set up by your school. 

The User Defined fields displayed in this section are set up in Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup > Parent UD tab.   UD fields must have a 'Field Label/Description' entered in this setup area to be visible in this Details Listing.    

Subjects / Subject Selection

Use this category to create a report filtered by the current Year and Semester, Student Type, Subject, Year Group, or Class.

Student subject choices need to be correctly entered into the system for this to work.

The Year and Semester fields cannot be changed. They are set to be the Current Year and Current Semester/Term values from TASS.web program Student Admin > Timetable > Setup Information > Timetable Setup > Timetable tab.

The field label for the ‘Semester/Term’ field is derived from the ‘Description for Semester / Term’ on the Student Records tab in TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Setup Information > Student Records Setup.

You can use this category to create a report that includes students studying a particular subject, e.g. all Year 11 English students. 

The 'Date of Entry' field in Student Section Criteria can be used to exclude or include students who have been transferred in from enrolments with a future date of entry, e.g. Students who are starting next year.

Extra Curricular

Use this category to create a report filtered by Extra Curricular Year, Semester, Activity, Activity Level, Year Group, Unit, Priority, Student Acknowledgement and/or Parent Acknowledgement. 

The User Defined fields displayed in this section are set up in Student Admin > Extra Curricular > Setup Information > Extra Curricular Setup.   UD fields must have a 'Field Label/Description' entered in this setup area to be visible in this Details Listing.    

You can use this category to create a report for students who are involved in a particular Extra Curricular Activity, e.g. all Year 11 students involved in the Choir.  

Current student extra-curricular choices need to be correctly entered into the system for this to work.

Events & Payments

Use this category to create a report filtered by students involved in an Event and the Student Status.  

Events and Payments are managed by Staff Kiosk program Events.

Report Options

The Report Options section of the Details Listing is used to format your report.

Sort by / Then by

  • Student Name (Surname, Given Names, Student Code)

  • Year Group

  • Form Class

  • PC/Tutor Group

  • Gender

  • House

  • Campus

  • Boarder

  • Date of Birth

  • Religion

Choose the order in which data will be displayed in your report/export.

Click to toggle the 'alphabetical sort order' icons.

Click the 'include subtotals' icon to toggle on/off.  Available for PDF, Excel and Word reports. Not available when ‘Screen with Hyperlinks’ is selected.  The report will subtotal based on the first 'Sort by' option selected.

Click the 'include page break' icon to toggle on/off.   Becomes available when 'Include Subtotals' is selected.

Export To

  • Export to PDF

  • Export to Excel®

  • Export to Word®

  • Screen with Hyperlinks

  • Transfer Notes (WA) (*WA schools only).

Select the export 'destination' of the report.

The 'Screen with Hyperlinks' format is best if you need to drill-down and find further information.

Transfer Note (WA) is only available to schools with 'Company Information' set to Western Australia and SMTP Emails enabled.   Click here for more information about Transfer Notes (WA).

Click here for more information about Transfer Notes (WA)

Refer to 'How to enable SMTP emailing and setup Communication Log Permissions' for more information on how to enable SMTP Emails.

Select Transfer Notes (WA) to send a templated email with a Word Merge File/PDF attachment of the WA Transfer Note to the 'Previous School' for the students selected.

You can edit this email template and add or remove a Word Merge File on the Email Templates tab of TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings.    Email Templates are only visible to users if a template has been setup and is assigned to Category: Transfer Notes (WA) (TFRNWA).

Click here for more information about Word Merge.

Word Merge

Word Merge export files are produced from various TASS.web or Staff Kiosk programs to extract a set of merge field codes and students/parents/employees details in a format required to insert into a Word Merge document.
Word Merge documents can be used for two purposes:

  1. To produce a personalised document for each recipient containing the recipient's own details in place of the merge fields.
    Example: School enrolment letters are printed for all incoming families. Each letter includes data extracted from TASS.web and is personalised for each recipient, such as the student and parent names and addresses, entry year group etc.

  2. To attach to an Email Template A PDF is attached as each email is sent containing the recipient's own details in place of the merge fields.
    Example: Attendance emails to parents regarding their child's attendance. A PDF attachment is generated and attached at the time of sending the emails, personalised for each recipient.

  • The PDF Conversion API is required to attach Word Merge Files to Email Templates.

  • Word Merge documents can be attached to the following Email Template categories:  Attendance, Enrolment, Immunisation Register, Parent Accounts, Parent Lounge Licences, Pastoral Care, Student Immunisations, Student Records, and Transfer Notes (WA).

Create a Word Merge document:

  1. Generate the Word Merge export file.
    Use the selection criteria from the appropriate program to produce a file that includes the desired merge fields headings and recipient details.
    Select the 'Word Merge file' export button, usually found on the Print tab. If no word merge button exists, use the Excel export option and save as a csv file.

A PDF report entitled 'Students with no Communication Rules' will display if there are issues with your selection. These must be fixed before the export can be processed.

  1. Create your Word Merge document.
    Follow the steps in Word using the Mailings > Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard. Select the word merge export file generated above, and insert merge fields into the document wherever the personalised data will be populated. Preview the document but do not select 'Complete the merge'.
    Save the document. Print if desired.

  2. To attach the Word Merge file to an Email Template:
    Create an email template and attach the Word Merge document created above.
    TASS.web program System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings

Keywords for Transfer Note (WA) Word Merge File

The following keywords can be used for keyword substitution in the Word Merge File:

TASS Merge Field

JSON Label

  • PS Full Name

  • PS Address 1

  • PS Address 2

  • PS Town Suburb

  • PS State Code

  • PS Postcode

  • Surname

  • Given Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Date of Entry

  • Year Grp

  • WA Student Number

  • PS_Full_Name

  • PS_Address_1

  • PS_Address_2

  • PS_Town_Sub

  • PS_State_Code

  • PS_Postcode

  • Surname

  • Given_Name

  • Date_of_Birth

  • Date_of_Entry

  • year_grp

  • WA_Student_Number

Where PS = Previous School.

Keywords for Transfer Note (WA) Email Message and Template

The email message section contains a 'Froala' toolbar with formatting tools, a picklist of keywords that can be used for keyword substitution, and a preview icon.

The following keywords can be used for keyword substitution in the email message:

Student Keywords

  • Alternate ID

  • Campus (conditional). The Campus keyword will only be available where the school has campuses set up.

  • First Name

  • Form Class

  • Given Names

  • He/She

  • he/she

  • His/Her

  • him/her

  • himself/herself

  • House

  • Other Names

  • PC/Tutor Group

  • Preferred Name

  • Preferred Surname

  • son/daughter

  • Student Code

  • Surname

  • USI

  • Year Group

  • Date of Entry

When the individual emails have been generated and sent to their recipients, a copy of the attached PDF 'WA Transfer Note' will be logged in the Communication Log of the Student Record.

Click here for more information about generating emails.

Formatting Options

Show Table Borders

Alternate Row Colours

The 'Table Borders' and 'Alternate Row Colours' options can enhance the readability of the reports.  These options are not available if the listing destination is Excel®.

Include Photos

Tick this checkbox to include student thumbnail photos in your report.

Student Name Format

Choose how you would like student names to display on your report.  Options are Given Names, Preferred Name or Both.

Page Orientation

Select your preferred page orientation; 'Portrait' or 'Landscape'.

Include Columns

Tick this checkbox to add 5 additional blank columns to your report.


Include Attendance Status

* Attendance Date

Tick the 'Include Attendance Status' checkbox to include information about a student’s attendance status on a certain date.  e.g. Present or Absent from School.  The 'Attendance Date' field will default to the current date, but this can be changed this to a different date if required. 

Click here for more information about the Relative Date Range Selector.

This tool makes it easy to specify a time period that is relative to the current date.

This becomes particularly useful when saving or scheduling reports as the date the schedule or report is generated will be relative to that date rather than the date you initially created the report. 

Options will be available based on the filter field. Full list of relative options include: 

  • Today 
  • Tomorrow 
  • Yesterday
  • This Week 
  • This Month 
  • This Period e.g. Term or Semester, depending on how the Timetable is setup  
  • This Year 
  • Relative Date Range e.g. Next 14 days or Previous 2 months. Filters include:
    • Next or Previous 
    • Days, Weeks, Months, Years 
    • Value to specify the amount e.g. 1 Month  

Alternatively, you can select a specific date by using: 

  • Single Date 
  • Date Range 

Additional Fields

  • Student Info

  • Student User Defined

  • UD Areas / Student User Defined Areas (up to 499 areas).

  • Billing Flags

  • Testing (only visible when 'Testing Type' Selection Criteria has been used)


  • Boarder 

  • Boarder UD / Boarder User Defined

  • SDCS (QLD schools only)

  • VSN (Victorian schools only)

  • SCSA (WA schools only)

  • Medical Info / Medical User Defined

  • Australian Immunisation Register Info

  • Previous School Info

  • Parent Info

  • Parent User Defined

Select the additional data fields to include in your report by highlighting them with a mouse click.   Hold down the 'Shift' key to select a range of fields; hold down the 'Ctrl' key to select multiple individual fields.

The additional fields available to you depend on your User Security Permissions.

The Boarder and Boarder UD fields will only display when the school is a Boarding school, and the user has ‘View’ permission for Boarders.

State-based Student IDs are available in the Student Info area for QLD, NSW, VIC, TAS and WA schools.

Report Title

This field can be used to enter an alternative name for this report. The default title is 'STUDENT DETAILS LISTING'.

Save this Report as

If this field is populated with a value and you click 'GO', the current report configuration will be saved as the report name entered in this field.

When this field is used, the report configuration will be saved to the

‘My Saved Listings’ drop-down in the top right corner of the screen and can also be viewed, managed, and scheduled using TASS.web User Interface > Bookmarks tab > My Saved Lists.

Click ‘GO’ to generate and export your report.

The default fields automatically included in the report are: 'Student Code', the selected ‘Student Name Format’ (Given Names, Preferred Name or Both), ‘Surname’ and 'Year Group'.

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