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STR - Advance Student Year Groups


The Advance Student Year Groups program advances students (excluding those with a date of leaving) into the next year group.

It also checks for students with a 'Repeating' flag and does not advance them to the next year group.

Very Important!

Before running this function, several processes must be completed. In particular:

  • The 'Next Year' status on the students' records needs to be checked. This can be done by running TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Listings/Reports/Merges > Details Listing. Select 'Next Year Ind.' from the 'Additional Fields' list on the 'Print' tab.

  • 'Date of Leaving' must be entered for final year students. Use TASS.web program Student Admin > Student Records > Year End Processing > Enter DOL for Seniors to enter this for final year students and Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students for any other students who are leaving.

  • 'Date of Leaving' must be entered for any other students who are leaving.

  • All academic report processing must be finalised, and reports run and completed for the year.

  • You should check with your Academic Reporting administrator that TASS.web Student Admin > Academic Reporting > Special Processes > Copy Data to Archive has been run for the last reporting period before proceeding. If the 'Copy to Archive' program is run after 'Advance Student Year Groups' then wrong year levels for the students will be included in the archive.

This program should be run prior to new enrolments being transferred. However, it will not advance transferred enrolments where the student's 'Date of Entry' is greater than the day that you run 'Advance Student Year Groups'. Therefore, if you have transferred enrolments with a date of entry being the first day of school, you can advance year groups prior to this date without affecting these new students.

Selection Criteria

Starting Year Group/Ending Year Group

Although this field allows you to advance students in a single or range of year groups, it is advisable to do this for the whole school to avoid mistakes, e.g. Run with the program defaults.


Do not roll up one year group at a time. This can result in all students being rolled into the senior year group.

Checklist before Advancing

Review 'Next Year' status of students

Only tick this box after you have verified that the 'Next Year' status on the students' records has been checked. Refer to the Very Important above.

Date of Leaving entered for final year students

Only tick this box after you have verified that the 'Date of Leaving' has been entered for final year students and any other student who is leaving. Refer to the Very Important above.

Academic Reports archived for the current period(s) (if applicable)?

Only tick this box after you have verified that the academic reporting process has been finalised and that the archiving process has been run. Refer to the Very Important above.

Click the 'Next' button.

The program will now display the Year Groups that will be advanced and request a confirmation that you are certain that your school has completed all of the prerequisites detailed directly above.

Click the 'Go' button to advance student year groups.

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