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STR - Year/Tutor Group Listing

Year/Tutor Group Listing Overview

This multi-purpose listing provides you with the ability to generate a report outlining year and tutor group information.

General Tab

'Report Criteria' is entered into the fields displayed in the 'General' tab to filter the data produced in the report.

Print Tab

The 'Print' tab options are used to format and export the report. Sorting options are available on the left side of the screen.

Fields that require further explanation
Sort By
  • Surname.
  • Year Group.
  • PC/Tutor Group.
  • Date of birth.
  • Gender.
  • Year Group / Form Class.

By default, the report will be sorted by 'Surname'. Select one of the other options to format the results differently.

Formatting Options
  • Export To PDF.
  • Export to Excel.
  • Export to Word.

Choose to print the report as a PDF or export to Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.

Export to PDF is the default setting.

Use the checkboxes to indicate your preference for displaying 'Alternate Row Colours' and 'Table Borders'. These can enhance the readability of the report but are not available if the listing destination is Excel®.

Display Options

Print Date Of Birth.

Print Blank Columns.

The 'Print Date of Birth' and 'Print Blank Columns' radio buttons displayed on the right side of the screen produce another column in the report to either add blank fields to the report where your own data can be entered when exporting to Word® or Excel®, or to include the displayed students' date of birth.

Include Sibling Details.

Select this option to generate a report that includes a list of Students with their Siblings (with their Year Group appended).

To list all Students with Siblings only, use the option 'Export to Excel' where the Students with no Siblings can be filtered out.

Page Break by Sort field.

Format the report by separating the results into pages based on the 'Sort By' selection.

This is only available when one of the following 'Sort By' options are selected:

  • Year Group.
  • PC/Tutor Group.
  • Year Group / Form Class.
Report Title
Enter a preferred title for the report or use the default title 'STUDENT YEAR/TUTOR GROUP LISTING'.
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