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STR - Copy Classes


The Copy Classes program provides a facility to copy student subjects from one term or semester to another using a combination of:

  • Year group (e.g. All Year 5 student's subjects).

  • A subject (e.g. Year 11 English).

  • A subject class (e.g. Year 11 English Class A).

Select From

Use the fields in this section of the screen to nominate the subject class details that this process will be copied from.

Nominate a 'Class' if all students will continue to be in the same 'Class'. Alternatively, leave the 'Class' field blank and add the classes later using TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Classes > Build Classes.

Untick the 'Exclude subjects with a Date Range' checkbox to include subjects where a date range has been entered on the student subject record.  The date range defined will not be copied across and will need to be re-entered using program …. if required.

Copy To

Use the fields in this section of the screen to nominate the year and period that subject class data will be copied to.

When the 'Show existing records in Review screen' checkbox is ticked, the program will display students even if they are already in the group that you are copying to. These records will be shaded green.

After making your selections, click on the 'Next' button.  The 'Records to be Copied' screen will then be displayed.

Records to Be Copied

Students who can be added into each subject have an active checkbox on the left-hand side (and are not shaded green). By default, the checkbox will be ticked. Un-tick this to exclude any student from the subject that you are building.

Students already included in the nominated subjects will be shaded in green if you ticked the 'Show existing records in Review screen' checkbox on the previous screen.

Click the 'Confirm' button to complete the process and create student subject records.

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