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STR - Transfer Students to Past


The Transfer Students to Past program creates a record in the Past Student module for students who have left the school. After completing this process Past Student Records are then available in TASS.web Student Admin > Past Students > Student Information > Past Students.

Selection Criteria

Year Groups

This field allows you to run the transfer for a single or multiple year groups.

Leave this field blank to run the transfer for all year groups.

Include Students with Date of Leaving up to

Use this field to transfer students who have a 'Date of Leaving' up to and including this date.

A student's 'Date of Leaving' is recorded in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the 'General' tab.

Any student with a 'Date of Leaving' after the date you nominate here, will not be included in the transfer process.

Keep Student Linked To Parent Address

By ticking this option, the Past Student records created will be linked to the student's parent record and the Past Student's address will be derived from the linked parent's default address number.

After the transfer has been completed and the Past Student record has been created, changes to the default address block on the linked Parent Record will flow through to the Past Student record.

Therefore correspondence to 'new' Past Students will be directed to their parents' default address during a time when Past Students' address information is likely to change a lot.

You can then go into individual Past Student records and sever the link when the Past Student notifies the school that he/she now has his/her own address.

By unticking this option, the Past Student records created will not be linked to their parent record. Instead, the Past Student's address will be copied from their parent record using the address block that is set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Past Students > Setup Information > Past Student Setup.

Transfer student Email address

Tick this option to transfer the 'Email' address in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students to the 'e-mail' field in program Past Students > Student Information > Past Students on the 'Address' tab.

Transfer student Mobile Phone

Tick this option to transfer the 'Mobile Phone' in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students to the 'Mob Phone' field in TASS.web Student Admin > Past Students > Student Information > Past Students on the 'Address' tab.

Revoke Student Café licenses/access for students who have left

Tick this option to remove Student Café licenses that have been allocated to students who will be included in this transfer process.

Student Name Transfer Format

These options will determine how the 'Student Name' field in TASS.web Student Admin > Past Students > Student Information > Past Students on the 'Address' tab will be constructed:


Choose the title that will be prefixed to student names, e.g. Ms A Clark or Miss A Clark.

First Name

Choose the name format that will be used in the creation of the 'Student Name' in the Past Student records, e.g. Miss A Clark or Miss Andrea Clark.

Salutation Transfer Format

These options will determine how the 'Salutation' field in TASS.web Student Admin > Past Students > Student Information > Past Students on the 'Address' tab will be constructed:


Choose the title that will be used in the transferred past student's salutation, e.g. Ms A Clark or Miss A Clarke.

First Name

Choose the name format that will be used in the creation of the salutation in the Past Student records, e.g. Miss A Clark or Miss Andrea Clark.

Click the 'Next' button to proceed to the next screen.

This screen will display a list of students who will be included in the transfer process.

The records displayed in this list can be sorted by clicking on the 'Student Code', 'Given Name', 'Surname', 'Year Group' or 'DOL' column headings.

Click the 'Go' button to create a Past Student record for the students displayed.

The 'Transfer to Past' process will also populate the Community Person Record with the following fields:

  • Title.

  • Initials.

  • Surname.

  • First Name.

  • Other Names.

  • Preferred Name.

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