SACE Data Extracts (SA)
This program is used to extract Student data in the CSV (comma-separated value) file format required by the SACE Board for the South Australian Certificate of Education.
General tab
Fields from the 'General' tab can be used as selection criteria to filter the data that will be included in the CSV file. These tabs are similar to those displayed in Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students.
If the gender options in your TASS database are different to what the SACE Data Extract requires, you may be prompted to use the 'Map Genders' (grey cog) icon at the top of the screen. When clicked, the ‘Gender Mapping’ modal screen will be loaded. In the Gender Mapping column enter that code that you would that gender to appear as in the CSV file. Click the 'Update' button when complete. The expected SACE data is ‘M’ or ‘F’.
User Defined tab
Use the fields on this tab to further filter the students who will be included in the export.
Process tab
This tab is used to enter information that will be included in your report and to choose the file format.
Student Residential Address | There are 2 options:
The residential address data in the CSV file is based off of the ‘Lives With’ Communication Type on Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students > ‘Addresses & Comm Rules’ tab. If the student ‘Lives With’ multiple parents at multiple addresses, the address chosen for the report will be selected by Parent Code then Address Number. You should choose the 'Use Communication Rules' option to correctly report this data, as the 'Select Addresses' option may not correctly report Parent Information for Split Families. Contact the TASS Professional Services team if you do not have Communication Rules enabled. |
Select 'GO' to proceed and create the upload file.
SACE CSV File Format
Field # | SACE Field | Max Field Length (Characters) | Value | TASS Program/Field Name |
1 | Contact School Number | 3 | Mandatory | The ‘SACE School Number’ entered on the ‘Process’ tab mentioned above. |
2 | Registration Number | 7 | Optional | NULL. |
3 | Student Code | 8 | Mandatory | Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students. 'Student Code'. |
4 | Title | 4 | Optional | NULL. |
5 | Given Names | 45 | Mandatory | Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students. ‘First Name’ + ‘Other Name’ |
6 | Family Name | 45 | Mandatory | Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students. ‘Surname’ |
7 | Gender | 1 | Mandatory If the Genders defined in your TASS database do not align with SACE data expectations, the values for this field will be derived from the ‘Map Genders’ (grey cog) icon on the 'General' tab. The expected SACE data is ‘M’ or ‘F’. | Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students. ‘Gender’ |
8 | Date of Birth | 10 | Mandatory Format must be DD/MM/YYYY | Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students. ‘Date of Birth’ |
9 | Phone Country Code | 3 | Optional | NULL. |
10 | Phone Area Code | 4 | Optional | NULL. |
11 | Local Phone Number | 10 | Optional | NULL. |
12 | Street Address Line 1 | 30 | Mandatory | Student Admin > Parent Records > Parents > Address’ tab 'Address Line 1' The residential address data in the CSV file is based off of the ‘Lives With’ Communication Type on Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students > ‘Addresses & Comm Rules’ tab. If the student ‘Lives With’ multiple parents at multiple addresses, the address chosen for the report will be selected by Parent Code then Address Number. |
13 | Street Address Line 2 | 30 | Optional | Student Admin > Parent Records > Parents > ‘Address’ tab 'Address Line 2' |
14 | Street Address Line 3 | 30 | Optional | Student Admin > Parent Records > Parents > ‘Address’ tab 'Address Line 3' |
15 | Suburb | 45 | Mandatory | ‘Student Admin > Parent Records > Parents > Address’ tab 'Town/Suburb' |
16 | State | 3 | Mandatory For overseas addresses, this value will be “OS” | Student Admin > Parent Records > Parents > ‘Address’ tab 'State' |
17 | Post Code | The expected data is char 4 which is the length of Australian postcodes; however, longer postcodes can be entered and the full value will be included in the data. | Mandatory For overseas addresses, this value will be “OSOS” | Student Admin > Parent Records >Parents > ‘Address’ tab 'Postcode' |
18 | Home Group | 8 | Optional | NULL. |
19 | Year Level | 2 | Optional Valid values are in range 8-13 | Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students. ‘Year Group’ |
20 | Street Address Line 4 | 30 | Optional | NULL. |
21 | TAFE ID | 10 | Optional | NULL. |
22 | ED ID | 13 | Optional | NULL. |
23 | AB/TR Ind | 1 | Optional | NULL. |
24 | Email Address | 100 | Optional | NULL. |
The following Security Role Permissions are required to access this report:
Permission | View | Add | Edit | Delete |
Student Records | ||||
SACE Data Extracts (SA) | X |
To update permissions, go to TASS.web program System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions.