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Student Attend - STATS (Aus)


The Student Attend - STATS (Aus) program provides a tool to export student attendance data for submission to the Department of Education and Training's Non-Government School's Student Attendance System (STATS). Data can be exported as a PDF or Excel® file (XML is the required upload format).

In order to determine the attendance statistics, the report applies a weighting to 'Absentee Types' set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup on the 'General' tab.

The following weighting is applied to each 'Absentee Type':

Absentee Type



Absent from School


Absent Half Day



The values below are dependent on the total number of hours the student was absent.

Late Arrival

Early Departure

Absent Part Day

Absent for Class

Greater than 2.00 hours:

Less than or equal to 2.00 hours:



Only attendance records where the 'Reason for Absence' has an 'Acceptable' flag of 'N', or where no reason for absence has been defined, will be included.

The 'Acceptable' flags for 'Absence Reasons' can be configured on the 'Absentee Reasons' tab in TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup.

This report has extensive options that can be activated via run-time settings. These settings can be saved as a report 'Configuration'. You can save more than one 'Configuration'.

Click here for more information on Saving Configurations.

To use a previously saved report configuration, select it from the 'Use a Previously Saved Configuration' picklist and click 'Next'.

The 'Use a previously saved configuration' picklist will only be available if a saved configuration exists.

To create a new configuration, click the 'Next' button without selecting an option from the 'Use a Previously Saved Configuration' picklist.

Enter your runtime options for the program.

To save the runtime options that you have entered as a re-usable report configuration, enter a meaningful description into the 'Save this Configuration as' field on the 'Process' or 'Print' tab.

You can delete a report configuration by selecting it from the picklist, clicking the 'Next' button, and then clicking the 'Delete' option.

You can modify an existing configuration by selecting it, making the necessary changes to the run-time options, then clicking 'GO' on the 'Process' or 'Print' tab. You need to ensure the 'Save this Configuration as' field is populated with the report configuration name. This field is populated automatically when an existing configuration is selected.


A report 'Configuration' will only save or update if a report is successfully run.

You should also consider that if you have selected a saved configuration that was created by another user and you make changes to selection criteria and run the report, you will be effectively modifying that configuration.

When submitting a report using the XML output format, it is recommended that you also create a PDF or Excel® copy in parallel and store it in a safe place, as these are easier to interpret should questions be asked by the governing body at a later date.

Map Genders

Use the 'Map Genders' icon to view or edit the specific TASS genders and codes mapped for this report.


If your school has defined additional gender types that are not recognised by the report's governing body, you will see the following message:

'Unmapped Genders exist. To run this report you must use the 'Map Genders' icon, and enter a mapping for all genders.'

To run the report, any additional genders in your database must be mapped to those that are accepted for the report by the governing body.

For example, if the governing body were to accept 3 gender types:

  1. Female might map to gender code 'F'.

  2. Male might map to gender code 'M'.

  3. Any additional gender types that your school recognises could map to 'Unknown' (gender code 'U')—if the governing body recognises this gender type and you have defined it (or it is already defined) in TASS.

For more information on 'Gender Setup', refer to TASS.web Community > Setup Information.

General Tab

Fields from the 'General' tab can be used as selection criteria to filter the data that will be included in the Student Attendance data export. These tabs are similar to those displayed in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students.

The 'Year Group' and 'FTE' fields have been pre-filled by default, however, it is important that you check these against your school's requirements for reporting to the Department of Education and Training.

The 'Date of Entry' and 'Date of Leaving' fields are not editable and will be populated based on the 'Start Date' and 'End Date' entered on the 'Process' tab.

User Defined Tab

Use the fields on this tab to further filter the students who will be included in the report.

Process Tab

This tab is used to enter information that will be included in your report and to choose the file format.

Data Option


This is a mandatory field.

Enter your school's Australian Government Education ID number (formerly known as the DEEWR ID number).

This will be included in column 'A' in your .csv export file.


This is a mandatory field.

Use this picklist to choose a description for the period that this data export will cover.

For example:

  • Semester 1.

  • Term 3.

This will be included in column 'B' in your .csv export file.

Absentee Parameters

Start Date and End Date

Enter the date range of attendance records that will be included in the report.  This will adjust the 'Date of Entry' and 'Date of Leaving' fields on the 'General' tab automatically.

When the 'Load School Dates' button is used later in this program a chronological list of dates based on this 'Start Date' and 'End date' (excluding weekends) will be generated into the 'School Dates' panel.

School Start Time

It is important to enter this accurately as the program compares this time with the student's arrival time to calculate 'Late Arrivals' absentees.

School End Time

It is important to enter this accurately as the program compares this time with the early departure time to calculate 'Early Departure' absentees.

Late for School after

Enter a time that 'Late for School' attendance records will be included from, e.g. Do not include records where the 'Time Arrived' is before 9:30 a.m.

Early Departure before

Enter a time that 'Early Departure' attendance records will not be included from, e.g. Do not include records where the 'Time Departed' is after 3:00 p.m.

Part Day Absences greater than

Use this field to indicate the number of hours students have to be absent before they are included in this report, e.g. Only include records where the student is absent for over 4 hours.

Up to one decimal place can be entered.

Absent from Class greater than

Use this field to indicate the number of periods students have to be absent from class before they are included in this report, e.g. Only include records where students are absent from class for over 4 periods.

This field accepts numerical values 0-9 only.

Nominate Non-School Days

Use this section of the program to nominate the non-school days for the attendance period for this export.

Click the 'Load School Dates' button to load a chronological list of dates based on the 'Start Date' and 'End date' entered above (excluding weekends) into the 'School Dates' panel.

You should now move any non-school dates (e.g. Public holidays) that appear in the 'School Dates' panel. These should be selected and moved to the 'Non-School Dates' panel.

If the date order becomes ragged as a result of moving dates from one column to the other, click the 'Sort Dates' button to have them reordered chronologically in both panels.

If you make a mess, click the 'Clear Dates' button and then the 'Load Dates' button to start again.

Once the 'Load School Dates' button is clicked, the Start Date and End Date fields are locked. Click the 'Clear Dates' button to edit these fields.  

Export to

Choose to print the report as a PDF or export to Microsoft Excel® or XML file.

Save this configuration as

If populated with a value and you click 'GO', the current report settings will be saved using the configuration name entered in this field.

You must acknowledge the statement at the bottom of the screen by ticking the corresponding box before clicking the 'GO' button to produce your export file or report.

File Format (for PDF and Excel)




TASS Program/Field Name



Same value in every record.

As entered on the 'Process' tab in this program.



Same value in every record.

As entered on the 'Process' tab in this program.


Year Level

Displays 'Y' and a numeric value representing the Year Level, e.g. Y1, Y2 etc.

TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students. Data from the 'Year Group' field.



The values available for this field will derived from the gender mapping table.

Refer to section 'Map Genders' above.

TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students. Data from the 'Gender' field.


Student Type

'T' or 'I'.

The program creates a separate row for 'Indigenous' students and 'Total' students for each gender and year level.

TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students. Data from the ‘MCEECDYA’ tab.


TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Government Returns > MCEECDYA Grid (Aus).

'Indigenous Status' 
This program uses the MCEECDYA codes (1,2,3,4,9).
'T' = all students
'I' = students with and status of '1,2,3'.


Cohort ID

This value is a line reference for the report.

It starts at 1000 for the first row and is incremented by 1 for each line.

An identifier generated by TASS.web.

It can be used by the governing body as a reference if they need to contact the school to query the data.


Possible School Days


The program uses the following logic to determine this:

  • Calculates the number of 'School Dates' minus 'Non-School Dates' entered on the 'Process' tab in this program.

  • It multiplies this number by the number of students who were enrolled during the date range specified on the 'Process' tab in this program.

  • It also takes into consideration those students who were not enrolled for the entire period or who have an 'Enrolment History' record for this date range.

It calculates this for each row in the file (Year Level, Gender, Indigenous Status combination).


Attendance Days


The program uses the following logic to determine this:

  • Selects students who were enrolled during the date range specified on the 'Process' tab in this program.

A student who has an 'Enrolment History' record for this date range will also be included.

  • Calculates the total number of 'Absentee days'. This is the number of days that each student was absent within the date range specified on the 'Process' tab in this program. It uses the weightings specified in the table at the top of this page.

  • It subtracts the 'Absentee days' from the 'Possible School Days' (detailed directly above) for each student.

It calculates this for each row in the file (Year Level, Gender, Indigenous Status combination).


Students with < 90% attendance


It calculates this for each row in the file (Year Level, Gender, Indigenous Status combination).


Students with > 90% attendance


It calculates this for each row in the file (Year Level, Gender, Indigenous Status combination).


Possible School Days for Students with >= 90% attendance


The program uses the same logic as detailed in Point 6 above, to calculate the 'Possible School Days'.

It calculates this only for students who have an attendance rate of 90% or higher.

It calculates this for each row in the file (Year Level, Gender, Indigenous Status combination).


School Days in Reference Period


It calculates the number of 'School Dates' entered on the 'Process' tab in this program.

Generating XML

If the report is exported as XML, there are a number of fields which are included (added) which are not included with the PDF/Excel output:

  • Reference ID.

  • Software Product.

  • Software Version.

  • School Name.

  • Primary Contact: First name.

  • Primary Contact: Last name.

  • Primary Contact: Position.

  • Primary Contact: Phone.

  • Primary Contact: Email.

Location details are also included which provide the school's nominated contact person for the STATS return. If these details have not been completed the following message will be displayed 'The STATS Location Details on the Contact Info tab in Attendance Setup must be completed before you can use the XML option.'

Location details are defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup on the 'Contact Info' tab.

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