PAC - Parent Account Inquiry
The Parent Account Inquiry program enables you to add, update, view and maintain Parent Account information.
Viewing and Editing a Parent
To view or edit a parent record, use the Picker Screen or Search Engine to search for records in the database.
Searchable fields for the picker are; Parent Status, Occupation, Parent Type, Boarder and Year Group.
Click the 'Go' button (or press 'Enter') to execute the search and populate the Student Picker with the matching records.
Once a student has been selected from the picker a summary of the record will appear in the Summary Information pane. The 'View' and 'Edit' buttons at the bottom of the Summary Information pane will populate the multi-tabbed Parent screen.
Search Engine
Enter a search string directly into the 'Search' field at the top right of the screen. Click on the ' Lookup' binoculars icon or press the 'Enter' key to execute the search.
The searchable fields are:
Parent Code, Surname, Father's Name, Mother's Name, BPAY Reference Number, Father's Occupation Description, Mother's Occupation Description, Address Name, Address Name2, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address Line 3, Town/Suburb, State, Postcode, Country, Home Phone, Business Phone, Mobile Phone, Facsimile, Salutation, E-mail.
Search strings entered into the search engine are case insensitive. Wildcards can also be used within this field to broaden the search.
The Search Results pane will display the matching records. Highlight the record that you require and click the 'View' or 'Edit' button on the bottom of the pane to populate the multi-tabbed Parent screen.
Hover over a record displayed in the 'Search Results' to view the full 'Parent Name'.
Add, edit and delete options are available from this screen by selecting the 'New', 'Edit' and 'Delete' icons displayed at the top of the screen.
Adding a New Parent Account
There are three ways in which a parent record can be created:
A new parent record is created when an enrolment is entered using TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Adding a New Enrolment.
Once the enrolled student has been transferred into 'current', a record will automatically be created for the parent and student. These are available for viewing and editing in TASS.web Student Information > Student Records > Students and Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents.A new parent record can be created in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents (bypassing the Enrolments module).
A parent record can also be created using this program Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry (also bypassing the Enrolments module).
A parent record must be created first before the student's enrolment record can be entered.
A default address MUST be entered when creating a new Parent record.
To enter a new parent record, click the 'New' icon to display a blank 'Parent' screen.
Once the parent master record has been added following the two-stepped process, the 'Parent Record Screen' will open.
Parent Record Screen
The Parent Records screen displays the following tabs in a multiple-tab layout:
User Defined.
Confidential Notes.
Account Details.
Account Status.
Direct Banking.
Account Diary.
Payment Schedule.
General Tab
This tab is used to display and maintain:
Mother and Father Name and Occupation details.
The parent's Commercial Debtors customer code (if applicable).
The parent's Parent Lounge access flag and password (if applicable).
The Split Family Access status.
Details for the children for this parent.
Parent General Details
Fields that require further explanation | |
Parent Code | This is a unique code for the Parent record. |
Surname | The Parent/s Surname. |
Status | This field is determined by the system. A scheduled task to update parent statuses is run every night. The 'Current' status will be applied where the parent has at least one current student at the school. The parent record is directly attached to a current student. The parent records are directly attached to students through the 'Parent Code' field on the 'General' tab in program Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students, or The parent record is not directly attached to a current student but is attached to a current student via a 'Communication Rule' on the 'Addresses & Communication Rules' tab in program Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students. A student is defined as current when his/her 'Date of Entry' is less than or equal to today and has no 'Date of Leaving' or his/her 'Date of Leaving' is greater than or equal to today. |
Customer Code | If your school has established a separate trading entity using the Commercial Debtors module (such as the gym) and this parent is a customer in that trading entity, you can link the parent record to the customer record. The customer's address (in the Commercial Debtors module) will then be derived dynamically from the linked parent's address rather than being stored on the customer record. The linkage has to be initiated using program Finance > Commercial Debtors > Customer Information > Customers. |
Parent Lounge Access | This field determines if the parent has access to the Parent Lounge portal and Parent Orbit app. To allow access, select ‘Yes’. To deny access, select ‘No’. Click the 'Login History' link to display a list of this parent's Parent Lounge login history. The pop-up will display the last 30 logins. If there is a Parent Lounge split family access arrangement for this family, the 'SFA #' column will indicate which of the 'splits' logged in each time. Click the 'Print All' button to produce a listing of this parent's entire login history. To produce a Parent Lounge login history list for multiple parents, use TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Listing & Reports > Parent Details Listing. Select 'Last PL Login' from the 'Additional Fields' box. Click the 'Ghost Logon' link to log into Parent Lounge as this parent. Click the 'Parent Orbit Ghost Logon' link to log into Parent Orbit as this parent. The 'Ghost Logon' can be used to provide a parent with support for Parent Lounge and Parent Orbit by being able to log in and see what they can see. It can also be used to check the permissions the parent has been given access to. If there is a Parent Lounge split family access arrangement for this family, a 'Split Family Access Ghost Logon' screen will be displayed. A 'Ghost Logon' link will be available for each split family access record. If the ghost logon has been used to access Parent Lounge or Parent Orbit, the username of the TASS.web user will be recorded in the 'Login History'. Each time a 'Parent Orbit Ghost Logon' is requested a new QR code will be generated, allowing the administrator to ghost in as the parent. The QR code can be scanned from the Parent Orbit app when logged in as an Administrator. For security purposes, each QR code will expire after 30secs. |
Parent Lounge Password | This field is used to enter the login password allocated to a parent for access to the Parent Lounge Portal. Passwords are case sensitive. Where the 'Parent Lounge Access' field is 'Y', this field is mandatory. The password that is entered is not displayed, as it is written to the database using an encryption technique and is case sensitive. When LDAP or SAML has been enabled for Parent Lounge in TASS.web System Admin > Users > LDAP/SAML Maintenance, this field will not be available. If you need to update login details, see your system administrator. When LDAP or SAML is not enabled, this field will also not be available when there is a 'Split Family Access' record for this parent in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Lounge Setup on the 'Split Family Access' tab. Therefore, where a 'Split Family Access' record exists, Parent Lounge passwords must be maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Lounge Setup on the 'Split Family Access' tab. |
Split Family Access | This is used to set up and maintain Parent Lounge access for split families. The setups entered here, determine the address and student details that each person in a split family has access to. As an example, a family may have a scenario where Parent/Caregiver 1 is allowed to view and update their own address details but not Parent/Caregiver 2's details (and vice versa). Parent/Caregiver 1 may be able to view details on all students in the family, however, Parent/Caregiver 2 is only allowed to view details on one. Any parent who has been set up with Split Family Access (using this program), will not have access to the 'Parent Details' option in Parent Lounge (in the top menu). This has been done deliberately so that 'Correspondence' address details (that may contain information relating to both parents) are not exposed to the split parent. They will also not be able to access Parent Lounge Student Details > Parent Details. If there is no split family arrangement in place for this parent record, then this field will display 'No' and an 'Add' link may be available to create a new arrangement. Split Family Access can also be set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Setup Information > Parent Lounge Setup. If a Split Family Access (SFA) arrangement exists for the Parent record, this field will display 'Yes', and a 'View' link may be available to view and maintain this arrangement. Click ‘View’ then ‘Edit’ to update the Parent Lounge Password, Addresses, Payment Methods, and Students associated with the SFA record. For more information, refer to the 'Split Family Access' section of the 'Parent Lounge Setup' article. |
Deceased | If Parent/Caregiver 1 or Parent/Caregiver 2 is deceased, change this field to 'Yes'. The program will not allow you to change this flag to 'Yes' if there is address information on this parent record for this person. You must go to the 'Address' tab first and remove all of the address information in the corresponding address block, e.g. If the Parent/Caregiver is deceased, remove all address information for that Parent/Caregiver's address block. The program can't check other address blocks on this parent record to ensure that there is no address or contact information for the deceased person. Therefore you MUST manually check these before setting this flag to avoid accidental reference to the deceased parent through mail merges and other communications, e.g. If Parent/Caregiver 1 is deceased, check that the correspondence, billing, and alternative emergency blocks for this parent record do not contain any reference to the 'Parent/Caregiver 1'. You will not be able to update this field when Parent/Caregiver 1 or Parent/Caregiver 2 is a Past Student. To flag a parent who is also a past student as deceased, you must enter a 'Date of Death' on the Past Student record. |
Person No. | This field will display the system-allocated Community 'Person Number' for Parent/Caregiver 1 / Parent/C Hover over the ‘puzzle’ icon to see the other ‘Entity Types' that have been set up for the selected person in the TASS database. For example: they may also be a past student of the school, Current Employee, Current Teacher, Donor, etc. Click the ‘puzzle’ icon to open the nominated person's record in the Community program. ‘Person Details’ and ‘Entity Types’ can be maintained in the program area where the ‘Entity Type’ originated from and TASS.web Community program. |
Children Details
This section of the screen displays any students (enrolment, current and past students) who are attached directly to this parent record or via a 'Communication Rule'.
You can access the student records by clicking on the 'View' or 'Edit' links in the 'Action' column.
Student based 'Medical Alerts' and 'Triggers' from User Definable fields will display where applicable next to the 'Action' column. Click on the 'yellow alert' icon for further details.
Address Tab
This tab displays the address information for this Parent Record.
TASS.web caters for up to 20 different address blocks. The address blocks that have been setup at your school are displayed in the upper left hand box on this tab. Scroll down through this box to view each individual address block for this parent record.
User Defined Tab
This tab displays user definable fields. There are 25 Parent user defined fields that can be utilised by your school to store additional parent information. Of the 25 available fields, there are 'Y/N Flag' fields, 'Table Reference' fields and 'Text' fields.
The field names displayed in this tab depend on the parameters set up by your school in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records (Setup).
Notes Tab
This tab displays parent notes entered by teachers or administration staff.
'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' functions are available to alter previously made entries.
To add a new parent note, select the 'Add Note' button and fill out the fields displayed.
Notes can also be categorised by the school.
TASS.doc is a feature that allows the operator to attach documents to a note which can be viewed by all authorised users of the 'Parents Notes' screen. An attachment is signified by the 'Paperclip' icon. Attachments can be added to the note by clicking the 'Browse' button and selecting the required file to attach from within the school's network. Once the file has been attached the original can be moved or deleted.
Select the 'Print' icon at the top of the screen to generate a report on the records in the 'Notes' tab.
'Start Date', 'End Date' and 'Note Category' fields can be used as 'Search Criteria'.
'Formatting Options' allows you to choose the destination of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®. The report can be sorted by 'Date' and 'Category' by selecting the appropriate radio button.
Use the checkboxes to indicate your preference for displaying 'Table Borders' and 'Alternate Row Colours'.
Confidential Notes Tab
This tab displays parent notes of a more sensitive nature than the standard 'Notes' tab.
'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' functions are available to alter previously made entries.
To add a new parent confidential note, select the 'Add Note' button and fill out the fields displayed.
Attachments can be included in the confidential note by selecting the 'Browse' button and selecting the required file.
Security levels may be setup to limit staff members from viewing or working with either of the 'Notes' and 'Confidential Notes' tabs.
Account Details Tab
Fields that require further explanation | |
Parent Type | This field displays the Parent Type and is used within 'Parent Accounts'. The 'Parent Type' is primarily used as a search option when generating fee statements and other reports TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle and TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Listings & Reports. The Parent Types available in this list are user definable. These can be created and maintained in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records (Setup) on the ‘Parent Types’ tab. |
Auto Billing Account | This field displays the type of auto billing account used in 'Parent Accounts' auto billing processes. There are 3 possible values for this field: Y / Auto-billed - indicates a parent account that is to be included in the automated billing. N / Not-Auto-billed - indicates a parent account that will be excluded from the automated billing but can have 'Special Transactions' applied by this billing. S / Split-bill - indicates that the parent account billing will be split during the auto billing process. When this option is selected, a split billing arrangement will also need to be defined in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Split Billing Accounts. |
Reminder Notice Level | This mandatory field is used during the parent records reminder processes. There are 6 possible values for this field: 0 No Reminders. This flag will exclude a parent account from receiving a reminder if their account is overdue, where the reminder is generated from TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Overdue Reminders. 1 Level 1 Reminder. This is the initial reminder level applied to Parent Accounts. 2 Level 2 Reminder. This level will be applied to accounts that have already received one reminder in the current period*. 3 Level 3 Reminder. This level will be applied to accounts that have already received two reminders in the current period*. 4 Level 4 Reminder: This level will be applied to accounts that have already received three reminders in the current period*. 5 Level 5 Reminder. This level will be applied to accounts that have already received four reminders in the current period*. * If the ‘Update Reminder Level’ option was selected when a mail merge was run or emails were generated using TASS.web Finance > Parent Account > Billing Cycle > Overdue Reminders. |
Building Fund Paid Amount | This field displays a record of the amount that has been paid by the parent towards the building fund. This field will be a display only field unless the ‘Update Building Paid Amount' checkbox has been selected in TASS.web Finance > Parent Account > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Parameters’ tab. This field is updated when an amount is received for the building fund through TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Receipting > Receipts. It is optionally cleared in bulk through TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Flag Transactions. |
Charge Interest | This a reference only field. |
B-Pay Reference Number | This is a system-generated number that will only be displayed where the BPay parameters have been enabled. It cannot be changed. |
Account Status Tab
This tab displays detailed information on the status of a parent account. Users can view a detailed account summary, any overdue arrangements (set up in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Overdue Arrangements) and historical transaction data.
The fields displayed here are maintained by the system. As such they are not updatable by the end user.
Fields that require further explanation – Account Summary | |
Last Published Date | TASS.web v43.3 introduced the facility to 'publish' parent statements using an option in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements on the 'Print' tab. This process should be completed during each billing cycle (regardless of whether you allow 'published' statements to be viewed in Parent Lounge). Refer to the Auto Account Billing Checklist for more information. The date displayed here is the last time that a statement was 'published' for this parent. |
Last Statement Date | The date the last statement was issued to this parent account. |
Last Statement Balance | The balance showing on the last statement issued. |
Subsequent Charges | Any charges that have been applied to the parent account since the last statement issued. |
Payments Made | Payments made by the parent since the last statement issued. |
Credits Issued | Any credits issued since the last statement issued. |
Current Account Balance | Current account balance – last statement balance plus any subsequent charges minus any payments made minus any credits issued. |
Building Fund Paid | The amount of building fund paid to date by the parent account. |
Fields that require further explanation – Overdue Arrangement | |
Overdue Amount | The amount currently overdue on this account. |
Next Due Date | Due date of the next payment. |
Next Due Amount | The amount to be paid on the next due date. |
Frequency | The frequency with which payments must be made if the parent account is overdue. This field is defined in TASS.web Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Arrangement Frequencies' tab. |
Category | The overdue category or categories attached to this parent account. This field is defined in Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Arrangement Categories' tab. |
View Edit | To view or edit the overdue arrangement for this parent, click on the active link. These links will only be active if you have security access to 'Overdue Arrangements'. For more information, refer to 'Overdue Arrangements'. |
Fields that require further explanation – History Information | |
History Information | Information regarding the last receipt, charge and credit is maintained by the system. |
Type | The method by which the last receipt was received by this parent: Cash, Cheque, EFTPOS (Electronic Funds Payment Point Of Sale), Direct Deposit or Web. |
Direct Banking Tab
This tab displays direct banking arrangements for the parent account (if applicable).
It can also be used to add a new direct banking arrangement or edit or delete an existing arrangement.
For further information, refer to the program setup using TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Direct Banking > Parent Banking Information.
Arrangement Number | The system supports multiple banking arrangements for the one parent account. |
Type | This indicates if the parent has nominated for this arrangement to be paid by direct debit from a bank account or by credit card. |
Date | This is the date that the arrangement was made with the parent. |
Direct Debit Amount | This is the amount that the system will attempt to process each time a direct banking run is prepared for the cycle in which this parent is setup. |
Remaining Payments | When a direct banking arrangement is entered for a parent, you can nominate the number of times the payment arrangement will occur. The system will keep a track of how many payments a parent has left to go for this arrangement. Once the number remaining is zero it will stop including the parent on the relevant direct banking run. |
Cycle | This indicates the direct banking cycle the parent direct banking arrangement will be included in, e.g. Monthly. Direct banking cycles are school definable and are set up using TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Direct Banking Parameters. |
Credit Indicator | This indicates if the parent account is to go into credit as the result of a direct payment run. 'N' = The direct banking run will only take the figure up to the total of the parent's account balance. Eg: Direct Debit Balance is $500 but the Account Balance is only $250, then the figure used will be $250. 'Y' = The account will go into credit (reverse of the example above). |
For more information on adding a new arrangement for a parent, refer to 'Parent Banking Information'.
Ledger Tab
This tab contains detailed ledger information for parent account transactions. The program enables users to view the last statement generated, perform searches and filtering on specific transaction types, provides the ability to drill-down on individual transactions and to 'Flag' individual transactions subsequent to the issue of parent account statements.
The available fields include: 'Transaction Date', 'Type', 'Number', 'Statement Date', 'Details' (description), 'Amount' and 'Balance'.
By default, the tab displays the opening balance and the transactions for the current year. You can use the 'Search' button to access previous year's transactions.
Viewing Transactions
Charges and Credits
To 'View' any individual transaction, select the relevant link. The 'View' link displays detail specific to the transaction type:
If you choose to view a fee charge or credit transaction, the 'Charges/Credits Details' screen is displayed with detailed information on the selected transaction.
Charges or credits that originated in a school shop
If the charge or credit originated in a School Shop, then a 'Shop Details' button will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Click this button to drill-down and view further transaction details from the School Shop. Click the 'Details' link for a summary of the charge/credit or the 'Shop Invoice' link to view the source invoice.
Selection of a receipt transaction displays the 'Receipt Details' screen.
This is a collapsible panel screen, and includes receipt detail, alternate receipt address and General Ledger distribution detail.
The 'GL Distribution' panel will be unavailable if the selected receipt does not have a sundry (non-fees) component.
From these screens you may also reprint a batch listing of this transaction by selecting the 'Print Batch' icon at the top of the screen. The batch transaction report is also available in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Listings & Reports > Batch Transaction Report.
Flagging Transactions
This option provides the facility to flag individual transactions that have been printed onto a statement, so they do not appear on the next statement except as a balance forward amount. It also provides a facility to 'un-flag' individual transactions that have been flagged in error.
To 'Flag' any individual transaction, select the relevant link. Upon selecting this link, you are presented with the 'Flag Transaction' screen. On this screen you are required to select a statement date. This is the date that the statement was generated that this transaction is to be included on.
The option in this program is really designed for fixing up flagging errors. The option to 'Flag' transactions is also available in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Flag Transactions, which should be included as an essential part of your billing cycle.
Last Statement
To view a screen representation of the last statement, click the 'Last Statement' button. This will display the 'Last Statement Transactions' screen displaying details of the last issued statement, including: transaction date, type of transaction, fee batch number, flagged status, transaction details (description), transaction amount and running balance.
You may also drill-down on individual transactions by selecting the 'View' link. Upon selection of the 'View' link, the 'Charges and Credits Details' screen is displayed with detailed information on the selected transaction. From this screen you may also reprint a batch listing of this transaction by selecting the 'Print Batch' icon at the top of the screen. Additionally, you have the option to view any payment details specific to the selected transaction.
The facility is also provided to perform a filtered search by transaction type and/or date. To execute a filtered search, click the 'Search' button. This will display the 'Parent Ledger Transaction Search' screen with options to filter the search by: all transactions, unpaid charges only, all charges, credits, receipts and a nominated date range.
Account History Report
Select the 'History' icon at the top of the screen to generate a report detailing historical information regarding receipts, charges and credits over a specified period.
Enter a 'Report Date Range' from which the report will be printed.
'Formatting Options' allows you to choose the destination of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.
Use the checkboxes on the right of the screen to indicate your preference for displaying 'Table Borders' and 'Alternate Row Colours'.
Fields that require further explanation | |
Include Alternate Receipt Name | Tick this box to include the name of any alternative receipt names that have been entered against the receipts that are included in this report. For more information on 'Alternative Receipt Name' functionality, refer to the 'Address Tab' on 'Receipts'. |
Include Receipt Comments | Tick this box to include any comments that have been entered against the receipts that are included in this report. |
Account Reconciliation Report
Select the 'Reconciliation' icon at the top of the screen to generate a detailed parent account reconciliation report. By default this report will list all outstanding charges and unapplied receipts or credits.
'Formatting Options' allows you to choose the destination of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel® or Microsoft Word®.
Use the checkboxes on the right of the screen to indicate your preference for displaying 'Table Borders', 'Alternate Row Colours' and 'Include Fully Paid Charges'.
Statements Tab
TASS.web v43.3 introduced the facility to 'publish' parent statements using an option in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements on the 'Print' tab. This process should be completed during each billing cycle (regardless of whether you allow 'published' statements to be viewed in Parent Lounge).
Refer to the Auto Account Billing Checklist for more information.
Each statement for this parent that has been 'published' will be displayed in this tab.
Click the 'View' link to display a statement.
Use the email icon in the PDF toolbar to send a copy of a statement to a parent, e.g. The parent has lost the original.
Click the 'Delete' link to delete a statement.
Deleting a statement here will also remove it from Parent Lounge. (If the statement has been published through to the Accounts & Payments > School Fee Account page in Parent Lounge).
Account Diary Tab
This tab displays account diary notes (fee stories).
View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' functions are available to alter previously made entries.
To add a new account diary, select the 'Add Note' button and fill out the fields displayed.
TASS.doc is a feature that allows the operator to attach documents to a note which can be viewed by all authorised users of the 'Account Diary' tab. An attachment is signified by the 'Paperclip' icon. Attachments can be added to the note by clicking the 'Browse' button and selecting the required file to attach from within the school's network. Once the file has been attached the original can be moved or deleted.
Click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.
A spell checker is available from this screen. To invoke the spell checker, click on the 'Spell Check' button.
Payment Schedule Tab
This tab will only be active if the parent has a payment schedule that has been calculated using TASS.web TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Payment Schedules.
The current payment schedule will display the details for each instalment including due date, payment amount and overdue amount.
From the ‘Action’ column:
Click ‘View’ for further information about each Payment Schedule Instalment,
Click ‘Edit’ to update future payments, or
Click ‘Log’ to view a history of actions associated with the selected Payment Schedule Instalment.
To delete instalments, place a tick in the checkboxes for the instalments you wish to delete. Then click the ‘Delete Selected’ button. The ‘Delete Selected’ button will only become active after a checkbox have been ticked.
The bottom of the screen displays a summary of receipt information for the parent that could be used to compare against the payment schedule.
Hover over the ‘green question mark’ icon to see when the payment schedule was last updated by (User ID Number) and when (Date of last edit prior to today).
An ‘alert’ icon will display if further actions are needed. An ‘info’ icon will display is changes have been made that you need to be aware of. Hover over each icon to see more information.
Maintain Payment Schedule
Click on the 'Maintain Payment Schedule' button to display the Parent Payment Schedule screen. From the Payment Schedule screen, you can add a new instalment to the payment schedule, rebuild the payment schedule from scratch or update an existing the payment schedule.
From this screen you can:
Click the ‘Add Instalment’ button to add a new instalment to the payment schedule.
Click ‘Rebuild’ to completely rebuild the payment schedule by deleting all future instalments and distributing the account balance over the desired number of future instalments, or
Click ‘Update’ to update a current payment schedule using the existing payment method associated with the parent account.
To 'View' or 'Edit' an Instalment, click the associated link in the 'Action' column.
To view an audit trail of changes for an Instalment, click the ‘Log' link in the 'Action’ column.
Instalments with status 'Missed' or 'Future' can be deleted by ticking one or more of the boxes or use the 'All' option then click the 'Delete Selected' button.
When a new instalment is added, parents will be prompted to add a Payment Method for the new instalment/s via Parent Lounge > Items to Action.
A similar ‘Payment Schedules Instalments Screen’ screen is available in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Payment Schedules.
If a scheduled payment is ‘missed’ by the parent, to get the payments back on track you can:
‘Add a New Instalment’ to occur in the future.
‘Rebuild’ the Payment Schedules and redistribute the payments.
‘Edit’ the Fee Amount of an existing instalment that is already included in an upcoming payment schedule.
Add Payment Schedule Instalments
To access this screen, click the ‘Add Instalment' button, or the 'View' or 'Edit' link in the action column of the ‘Parents Payment Schedule Instalments Screen’.
Editing is restricted to instalments based on 'Status' as follows:
'Future' and 'Missed' – all fields can be edited.
'Recalled' and 'Declined' – 'Action Required' and Comment fields only can be edited.
Fields that require further explanation | |
*Instalment Date | The date must be a future date and it must be 3 days clear of the previous and next Instalment. |
Instalment Amount | This is system updated when the Amount fields (below) are changed. |
*Fee Amount | It can be any value greater than or equal to $2.00. |
Surcharge Amount | This field is system updated by EasyPay after the transaction is complete. In ‘Add’ and ‘Edit’ mode, this is a view only field, so it is greyed out, set to 0.00 and disabled. |
Action Required
| Tick this checkbox to indicate when follow up action is required or when to engage with an instalment. This box will be ticked automatically by the system when:
A summary of Instalments with Action Required ticked can be found in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Payment Schedules on the ‘Dashboard’ in the ‘Schedule Summary’ section. |
Administrator Comment | Use this field to record any notes or information for the Instalment for admin users. Use the 'Show Administrator Comments' link to view notes previously entered. This comment is only available for viewing by users with access to this program. |
Parent Lounge Comment | Use this field to record any notes or information for the Instalment for parents. Use the 'Show Parent Lounge Comments' link to view notes previously entered. This comment is also available for viewing by the parent in Parent Lounge. |
Would you like to create a replacement instalment? | This option will only be available for instalments with Status 'Declined' or 'Recalled' with the 'Action Required' box ticked. This option is a fast way of adding a replacement instalment for a Declined or Recalled instalment. |
Rebuild Payment Schedule Instalments
To re-build the schedule, use the 'Rebuild' option and make selections for 'First Instalment Date', 'Frequency' and 'Number of Instalments'.
The rebuild process will delete all instalments with status 'Future' and add new future instalments. Following the rebuild, parents must log into Parent Lounge and update their preferred Payment Method.
The rebuild process uses account balance from the last published statements along with any included charges and credits which have been included via the update process.
The process for including new charges and credits in a ‘Rebuild’ differs based on if the ‘Bulk Updates’ feature is enabled or not.
The ‘Bulk Update’ feature is automatically enabled by the system when the following conditions are met:
Parent Lounge Payment Schedules are enabled,
the number of parents in the Payment Schedule is greater than 0 (zero),
the logged-on user has ‘Edit’ permission for ‘Payment Schedules’ and
the Payment Schedule has been created after the v. TASS software update has been installed.
For Payment Schedules that meet these conditions and have ‘Bulk Updates’ enabled:
Click the ‘Update’ button to process the bulk update and apply the credit/change.
Then click the ‘Rebuild’ button and complete rebuild as per instructions below.
For Payment Schedules that do not meet the conditions mentioned above and ‘Bulk Updates’ are disabled:
Click the ‘Rebuild’ button.
Tick the ‘Include Unflagged Charges’ checkbox.
Tick the ‘Include Unflagged Credits’ checkbox.
Complete rebuild as per instructions below.
Fields that require further information | |
*First Instalment date | Enter the date when the parent will make their first payment. |
*Frequency | Choose how often each instalment will be due for this payment schedule. |
*Number of Instalments | Enter the total number of instalments. |
Include Unreceipted Payments |
This field will only appear and be active when ‘Bulk Updates’ are disabled. Tick this checkbox to Include any unreceipted payments in the rebuild. The amount displayed in brackets represents the total amount of unreceipted payments on the Parent account. Check all payments have been receipted before completing this process. |
Include Unflagged Charges |
This field will only appear and be active when ‘Bulk Updates’ are disabled. The amount displayed in brackets represents the total amount of ‘unflagged charges’ on the Parent account. ‘Unflagged charges’ are unpaid charges that have not yet been i included in/applied to a payment schedule. |
Include Unflagged Credits |
This field will only appear and be active when ‘Bulk Updates’ are disabled. The amount displayed in brackets represents the total amount of ‘unflagged credits’ on the Parent account. ‘Unflagged credits’ are unapplied credits that have not yet been included in/applied to a payment schedule. |
Instalment Amount | This is system updated when the Number of Instalments field above is changed. |
Fee Amount | This is system updated when the Number of Instalments field above is changed. |
*Building Fund | This field will only be displayed if a Building Fund amount was included in the last published statement. It can be any value greater than or equal to $0.00. |
*P & F Levy | This field will only be displayed if a P & F Levy amount was included in the last published statement. It can be any value greater than or equal to $0.00. |
Last Instalment Date | This is system updated when the First Instalment date, Frequency or Number of Instalments fields above are changed. |
A ‘yellow alert’ icon or ‘red warning’ icon will appear if actions are required. Hover over this icon to review additional information.
If the instalment date has been modified, an ‘info’ icon will display next to the Instalment Date. Hover over this icon for more information.
Update Payment Schedule Instalments
Click the ‘Update’ button to access the ‘Bulk Update Grid’ screen.
This screen allows you to update Payment Schedules adjusting the remaining instalments. Payment Methods linked to update instalments will remain. The ‘Update’ function will increase or decrease instalments based on charges and credits and is not based on receipting.
The ‘Update’ button will appear when:
Parent Lounge Payment Schedules are enabled,
the Parent is part of to a Payment Schedule that was created after the v01.059.02.200 TASS software update has been installed.
the logged-on user has ‘Edit’ permission for ‘Payment Schedules’.
The ‘Bulk Update Grid' screen displays any unapplied ‘new charges’ or ‘new credits’ for the parent.
New charges and credits can be added to parent accounts via TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Charges & Credits.
Filters can be applied for:
Transaction Types
Transaction Cut-Off Date
Fee Codes
Earliest Date of Next Instalment
All Remaining Instalments or Next Instalment Only
You can use these filters to select which charges or credits to apply in the update.
Click ‘Print’ button to produce a Bulk Update Listing based on selected filters. The Bulk Update Listing can be sorted by Parent Code or Parent Name, exported to PDF, Excel or Word, and formatted to ‘Show Table Borders’, ‘Alternate Row Colours’ (PDF and Word only) and ‘Include Transaction Details’ if required.
Click the ‘View’ icon in the Actions column to review the Payment Schedule for the selected parent and review the ‘Current Amounts’ versus the ‘New Amounts’.
For more information about each individual instalment, click the ‘Magnifying Glass’ icon in the corresponding row. Click the ‘Log’ icon on corresponding row to view a history of changes made to each instalment including Actions performed, the Log Date, User Type, User Code, Admin Comment and Parent Lounge Comment.
This Payment Schedule screen also shows the Last Statement Date, Last Payment Date, Current Account Balance, the Payment Schedule Description – the associated Transaction Cut-Off Date, and details about each remaining instalment (Instalment #, Instalment Date and Current Status of each transaction).
Use the checkboxes in the far-right column to select which parent payment schedules you wish to update. To ‘select all’ or ‘deselect all’ tick the checkbox in the column heading.
Click the ‘GO’ button in the top right corner of the screen to update each of the selected parent payment schedules. Upon clicking the ‘GO’ button the program will:
Apply new charges or credits to the payment schedule and update remaining instalments amounts.
Continue to receive scheduled instalment payments from each parent using the existing Payment Method linked to the Parent Account.
Send an automated email to each parent to notify them of changes made.
To review and/or update the content of the automated email go to TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings > System Email Templates > Payment Schedule Bulk Update.
This email will be sent to the email address/es entered on the ‘Billing/Account +’ address block. If no billing address block is defined, the email will be sent to the ‘Default Address’ (*). For more information, refer to TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Address’ tab.
You can view a history of all emails and other communications sent to parents in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Communication Log’ tab.