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PR - Employees


The Employees program in the TASS.web Payroll module allows you to:

Add a New Employee Record

To enter a new employee record, click the 'New' icon to display a blank ‘Employee - ADD’ screen.

The program caters for two possible data entry scenarios:

  1. Employees who are not linked to an existing Teacher record.

  2. Employees who are linked to an existing Teacher record.

When an Employee record is linked to a Teacher record, the subsequent maintenance of Address details and Phone Numbers must be performed on the Employee record. It is not possible to change any of these details directly on the Teacher record.

The 'Employee - Add' screen displays the following tabs.

Enter your New Employee data into the required fields.

* A red asterisk will appear on mandatory fields.

Click the ‘Save’ button when complete.

When a new record is saved to the database, and the screen refreshes, the following additional tabs will also be displayed to allow the viewing and editing of further details on the Employee record.

View and Edit an Employee Record

Selection Screen

To view or edit an Employee record, use the selection screen to search for records in the database.

The selection screen is divided into three areas:

  1. Employee Selections – Use the tick boxes to search for Current, Terminated or Archived Employees. 

A 'Terminated' employee is defined as one who has a 'Termination Date' and has the TS flag 'T' (Terminated) but has not yet been archived.

An 'Archived' employee is defined as a 'Terminated' employee whose records have been transferred to the archive tables due to running the 'Year End Reset' program.

  1. Search Criteria – Use one or more of the lists to filter your selection by:

  • Payroll

  • Status (full-time, part-time or casual)

  • Employee Code

  • Title

  • Surname or Given Name

  • Pay Point

  • Pay Envelope Preference (electronic or printed)

  • GL Account

  • Award

  • Position Code

  • Rate Code

‘Pay Point' and ‘Award’ are multi-select fields. Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking on your options enables a range selection; holding down the 'Ctrl' key allows individual selection of additional fields.

Use your keyboard’s '*' asterisk symbol to perform a multiple-character wildcard search in the ‘Surname’ and ‘Given Name’ fields.

A multiple-character wildcard search looks for zero or more characters in a search. The symbol cannot be the first character in the search string, but it can be used in the middle or at the end of a search string.


To find records where the surname begins with 'Be...' and has zero or more characters in the field, enter 'be*' and press 'Enter' or

To find records where the surname begins with 'Be...' and ends with 's', enter 'Be*s' and press 'Enter'.

  1. Filtering – Use any 'Date from' to 'Date to' fields to select Employee records based on Start Date or Termination Date.

Click 'GO' to produce a list screen with employee records based on your selection criteria.

Payroll Employees List Screen

This list screen displays the employee records matching your search criteria initially sorted by employee surname and given name.

The records on this screen can be re-sorted by clicking on the underlined heading links. 

Click the 'View' or 'Edit' action links to access the employee record. 


Select the 'Print' icon to output your search results to an 'Employee Listing'.

This report/export has extensive options that can be activated via run times. These settings can be saved as your own report 'Configuration' profiles. Another user can't access a report 'Configuration' that you create and vice versa. This is because each 'Configuration' is dependent on the individual user's security permissions, which determine the fields that can be included.

Click here for more information on Saving Configurations

To use a previously saved report configuration, select it from the 'Use a Previously Saved Configuration' picklist and click 'Next'.

The 'Use a previously saved configuration' picklist will only be available if a saved configuration exists.

To create a new configuration, click the 'Next' button without selecting an option from the 'Use a Previously Saved Configuration' picklist.

Enter your runtime options for the program.

To save the runtime options that you have entered as a re-usable report configuration, enter a meaningful description into the 'Save this Configuration as' field on the 'Process' or 'Print' tab.

You can delete a report configuration by selecting it from the picklist, clicking the 'Next' button, and then clicking the 'Delete' option.

You can modify an existing configuration by selecting it, making the necessary changes to the run-time options, then clicking 'GO' on the 'Process' or 'Print' tab. You need to ensure the 'Save this Configuration as' field is populated with the report configuration name. This field is populated automatically when an existing configuration is selected.

Various sorting and formatting options are displayed, and you can select the type of file layout you wish to use. You can also add Additional Fields to the report.

The Payroll Employee Listing can be used as a report to check employee permanent pay details. To do this, tick the 'Print Permanent Pay Details' box at the bottom of the 'Payroll Employee Listing' screen. You can then choose to include all paycodes or select paycodes for each Employee who will be printed on the report. You can also select additional fields that relate to permanent pay details to print on your report.

Click on 'GO' to create the output file.

Bank Details Audit

To produce a report that details changes made to the bank account details on employee records within a specified date range, click the 'Bank Details Audit' button on the 'Payroll Employees List' screen in this program.

This report will include changes to the Employee BSB and account number made by all users on the 'Tax & Bank' and 'Permanent Pays' tabs in this program within the date range that you enter.

An empty audit report will be output where no audit records are found for the specified date range.

Check Employee Data

The 'Check Employee Data' button is only available when the Single Touch Payroll is enabled.

Click this button to run the program and check that the data on employee records matches ATO requirements. If data exceptions are found, a PDF report is generated.

This program will only check the employee records displayed on the 'Payroll Employees List' screen.

Data exceptions must be fixed to enable your Pay Runs to be completed.

This program checks the employee fields 'Surname', 'Address Line 1', 'Town/Suburb', 'State', 'Postcode', 'Date of Birth', 'Employment Status', and 'Tax File Number'.

This process is run automatically by the 'Generate Employee Data' action in TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Payroll > Pay Run Processing > Single Touch Payroll Processing.

Supervisor Hierarchy

Click the 'Supervisor Hierarchy' button to produce a report detailing each Employee's supervisor chain.

Click here for more information on the Supervisor Hierarchy

Supervisor Hierarchy

The Supervisor Hierarchy is an organizational chart that lists every employee's immediate supervisor(s) and their position within the hierarchy.

The report uses the 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields on each employee's record to determine their position in the hierarchy.

  • If an employee has no Supervisor entered, they will appear in the Level 1 column.

  • Two employees cannot report to each other. This creates an infinite loop, and an error report will be produced when viewing the Supervisor Hierarchy.

  • If an employee has both 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields populated, their name will appear twice on the report. 

The below Organisational chart (not produced from TASS) reflects the above Supervisor Hierarchy Report from TASS. 

The Supervisor Hierarchy report can be provided to administrators who are responsible for managing Online Leave Applications and PD Activities in Staff Kiosk, as the approval flows for these programs reference the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Online Leave Applications

When an employee submits an online Leave Application, the approval workflow begins, requiring each approver, in order, to approve the leave.

Each Leave / Other Type can be set up to include any or all of three approver work flows:
  1st)  the number of approvers, including the employee's immediate Supervisor(s), and any number of people up the employee's hierarchical structure.
  2nd)  the employee's Supervisor at a certain level, allowing lower level supervisors to be skipped.
  3rd)  a final designated approver, separate to the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Example approval workflow:

For 'Sick Leave', each employee must have:

       1st)  2 Supervisor approvals
      2nd)  Level 2 approval
       3rd)  Olive Brown is the designated final approver for all Sick Leave applications.

Gavin Rogers applies for sick leave.

  • His immediate Supervisor, Lou Warry, the first of 2 supervisor approvers, receives the application by email and he approves.

  • David Johnstone, the second of 2 supervisor approvers, then receives the application by email and he approves.

  • Peter Baskins, as the Level 2 approver, then receives the application by email and he approves.

  • Olive Brown, as the designated approver, receives the application by email and she approves.
    Gavin Rogers receives an email as each approval occurs.

PD Activities

When an employee adds a PD Activity that requires approval, their immediate supervisor can approve it.

Example approval workflow:

Gavin Rogers adds a PD activity in Staff Kiosk.

  • His immediate Supervisor, Lou Warry, logs into Staff Kiosk and changes the status of the activity to Approved.

If an employee has both 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields populated, either can approve the leave application or PD Activity.

Employee Record Tabs

You can use the tabs below to add, update, and manage employee and payroll information.

The visibility of the tabs is controlled by ‘Employee/HR’ and ‘Payroll’ permissions in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions or User Maintenance.

An alternative way of accessing the Employee Records tabs is to use the search screen available through TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees.

The search screen in the Employee/HR program is more oriented towards using the human resources (HR) type filters to select employee records. It includes the Upload PD Activities feature, whereas the Payroll program has payroll-type filters and additional functionality such as the Bank Details Audit and Check Employee Data.

Regardless of your chosen menu path, both programs' employee-related tabs are the same.

Click here for more information.

Employee/HR Employees Search Screen


Payroll Employees Search Screen


Regardless of your chosen menu path, the Employee related tabs are the same in both programs. The visibility of tabs is controlled by the ‘Employee/HR’ and ‘Payroll’ permissions in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions.

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