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PAC - Overdue Reminders


The Overdue Reminders program is used to generate overdue reminders for parents.

There are two ways that you can generate reminders for overdue parent accounts:

Method 1

If you do not use TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Flag Transactions to flag transactions immediately after the issuing of statements (as part of your billing cycle) then you should reprint statements as reminders.

Do not use this program (Overdue Reminders) if you run your billing cycle this way.

At the end of your designated payment terms period (14 days, 30 days after issuing your statements) you can re-run parents statements using program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements.
You will need to run these with a 'Statement Amount' > $ 0.00, so that reminder statements are only produced for those parents who have not paid in full.

Method 2

If you do use TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Flag Transactions to flag transactions immediately after the issuing of statements (as part of your billing cycle) then you can use this program (Overdue Reminders). 

Refer to the example below.

This program enables you to produce a merge file, suitable for merging with a Word® template to produce reminder notices for overdue parent accounts.

Two figures are included in the mail merge file:

  1. Current Balance.

This is the balance of the parent account at the point of running this program. Caution should be taken when using this in your reminders if time has elapsed since the last parent statement was issued. Charges may have been applied to the parent accounts since the statement was issued. They will be reflected in this balance however parents will not have seen them on a statement yet.

  1. Overdue Balance. This is parent account balances as at the last statement. This is more likely the figure that you would use in your merge template.

Up to four figures can be included as keywords in Email Templates:

  1. Account Balance - The current account balance – last statement balance plus any subsequent charges minus any payments made minus any credits issued. This data is derived from the ‘Current Account Balance’ field in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Account Status’ tab.

  2. Last Receipt Amount - The amount received on the last receipt issued to the parent. This data is derived from the ‘Last Receipt - Amount’ field in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Account Status’ tab.

  3. Last Statement Balance - The balance showing on the last statement issued.This data is derived from the ‘Last Statement Balance’ field in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Account Status’ tab.

  4. Overdue Portion - The amount that is currently overdue on this account. This data is derived from the ‘Overdue Portion’ field in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Overdue Reminders on the ‘General’ tab. From here select as number link from the ‘Current Parents’ or ‘Non-Current Parents’ columns then review the ‘Overdue Portion’ balance on this screen.

An Example of Using the Reminder System




Set all parents accounts that are not to be involved in overdue reminders to a 'Reminder Notice Level' of '0 = No reminders'. 

This can be done individually using program Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry or in bulk using program Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parent Grid Entry.

The types of parents that you might set this way could be:

  • Those on 'Overdue Arrangements'.

  • Those set up in the  'Direct Banking' system.

  • Any other parent who is not to receive a reminder.

This will effectively exclude these parents from receiving reminders produced by this program.


As part of your Auto Account Billing process use program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Flag Transactions to 'Reset Reminder Levels'.

This will set all parent accounts with 'Reminder Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5' from a previous period back to 'Reminder Level 1'.

Issue your statements to parents.


At the end of your designated payment terms period (14 days, 30 days after issuing your statement) run this program (Overdue Reminders). 

It will only select parent accounts with an overdue balance (parents who have not paid the full account balance that appeared on the last statement).

Update Reminder Levels:  Tick this checkbox to increment the 'Reminder Flag' for these parent records to 'Reminder Level 2'.

Issue your reminders to parents.


Run this program again (after a period of time) to chase up those parents who have not paid as a result of the first reminder. 

You will need to select 'Reminder Level 1' in the 'Search Criteria' on the 'General' tab.

It will only select parent accounts that still have an overdue balance (parents who have not paid the full account balance that appeared on the last statement).

Update Reminder Levels:  Tick this checkbox to increment the 'Reminder Flag' for these parent records to 'Reminder Level 3'.

Issue your second reminders to parents.

You may have a different Word Merge Template or Email Template setup for the different reminder levels.


You can repeat the process at a subsequent time to issue further reminders to parents who are on 'Reminder Level 3'.


As part of your next Auto Account Billing process use program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Flag Transactions to 'Reset Reminder Levels' and start the reminder process again for the new statement period.

General Tab

Reminder Level Statistic

This is a list of Reminder Level statistics for the 6 levels (0 - 5) with 2 parent counts:

  • Current Parents.

  • Non-Current Parents.

Parents by Reminder Level List

Click the Reminder Level Statistics ‘count' link on the 'General’ tab to open Parents by Reminder Level List. 

Fields that require further explanation


Parent Code

Parent Name

Parent Name

Parent Type

This field displays the parent type and is used within 'Parent Accounts'. The Parent Types available are user definable and depend on the parameters setup by your schools in Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup > Parent Types Tab.

Account Balance

Current account balance – last statement balance plus any subsequent charges minus any payments made minus any credits issued.

Overdue Portion

The amount currently overdue on this account.

Overdue Portion = Current Account Balance - Charges that have been flagged on Statement.

This data is derived from:

  • the ‘Current Account Balance’ field in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Account Status’ tab.

  • the charges that have been flagged in the ‘On Stmt’ column (on Statement) in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Ledger' tab.

Last Receipt

This field will provide the date of the last receipt.

Last Receipt Amount

This field will provide the amount of the last receipt.


The method by which the last receipt was received by this parent: Cash, Cheque, EFTPOS (Electronic Funds Payment Point Of Sale), Direct Deposit or Web.


View the Parent Record.

Reminder Level

Enter 'Search Criteria' into the 'General' tab to filter the number of records produced.

An 'Account Balance greater than' and 'Reminder Level' must be entered to generate the Word Merge File.

Click here for more information on Word Merge.

Word Merge

Word Merge export files are produced from various TASS.web or Staff Kiosk programs to extract a set of merge field codes and students/parents/employees details in a format required to insert into a Word Merge document.
Word Merge documents can be used for two purposes:

  1. To produce a personalised document for each recipient containing the recipient's own details in place of the merge fields.
    Example: School enrolment letters are printed for all incoming families. Each letter includes data extracted from TASS.web and is personalised for each recipient, such as the student and parent names and addresses, entry year group etc.

  2. To attach to an Email Template A PDF is attached as each email is sent containing the recipient's own details in place of the merge fields.
    Example: Attendance emails to parents regarding their child's attendance. A PDF attachment is generated and attached at the time of sending the emails, personalised for each recipient.

  • The PDF Conversion API is required to attach Word Merge Files to Email Templates.

  • Word Merge documents can be attached to the following Email Template categories:  Attendance, Enrolment, Immunisation Register, Parent Accounts, Parent Lounge Licences, Pastoral Care, Student Immunisations, Student Records, and Transfer Notes (WA).

Create a Word Merge document:

  1. Generate the Word Merge export file.
    Use the selection criteria from the appropriate program to produce a file that includes the desired merge fields headings and recipient details.
    Select the 'Word Merge file' export button, usually found on the Print tab. If no word merge button exists, use the Excel export option and save as a csv file.

A PDF report entitled 'Students with no Communication Rules' will display if there are issues with your selection. These must be fixed before the export can be processed.

  1. Create your Word Merge document.
    Follow the steps in Word using the Mailings > Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard. Select the word merge export file generated above, and insert merge fields into the document wherever the personalised data will be populated. Preview the document but do not select 'Complete the merge'.
    Save the document. Print if desired.

  2. To attach the Word Merge file to an Email Template:
    Create an email template and attach the Word Merge document created above.
    TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings.

Account Balance greater than

Only Accounts with an Account Balance greater than this value will be included in the merge file.

Reminder Level

  1. Level 1 Reminder. This is the initial reminder level applied to Parent Accounts.

  2. Level 2 Reminder. This is the level applied to accounts that have already received one reminder in the current period.

  3. Level 3 Reminder. This is the level applied to accounts that have already received two reminders in the current period.

  4. Level 4 Reminder. This is the level applied to accounts that have already received three reminders in the current period.

  5. Level 5 Reminder. This is the level applied to accounts that have already received four reminders in the current period.

Parent UD Tab

Enter 'Search Criteria' into the 'Parent UD' tab to filter the number of records produced.

Print Tab

Formatting Options

Export to PDF

Use this option to produce a report in PDF format.

This report contains the Parent Code, Parent Name, Parent Type, Account Balance, Overdue Portion, and the Last Receipt Date, Amount and Type. On the last page, the report also calculates the total number of parents, as well as the total Account Balance and Overdue Portions due for all parents.

Export to Excel

Use this option to produce a report as a Microsoft Excel® file.

This report contains the Parent Code, Parent Name, Parent Type, Account Balance, Overdue Portion, and the Last Receipt Date, Amount and Type. On the last page, the report also calculates the total number of parents, as well as the total Account Balance and Overdue Portions due for all parents.

Generate Emails

Use this option to generate an email to each parent defined by the Search Criteria.

You may have email templates set up for each Reminder Level.

Email Templates are set up in TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings on the ‘Email Templates’ tab. For templates to appear in this program, the Category must be set to ‘Parent Accounts (PARACC)’.

Before generating your emails, export the data to PDF or Excel and review it first. Compare this report against the Email Template and <<keywords>> used.

For more information, refer to How to Generate Emails.

Click here for more information about keywords.

Click theimage-20240815-064430.png key icon to add ‘Parent Keywords’ and/or ‘Parent Accounts’ keywords into your email message.

Parent Accounts



Account Balance

The current account balance – last statement balance plus any subsequent charges minus any payments made minus any credits issued.

This data is derived from the ‘Current Account Balance’ field in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Account Status’ tab.

Last Receipt Amount

The amount received on the last receipt issued to the parent.

This data is derived from the ‘Last Receipt - Amount’ field in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Account Status’ tab.

Last Receipt Date

The date the last receipt was issued to the parent.

This data is derived from the ‘Last Receipt - Date’ field in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Account Status’ tab.

Last Receipt Type

The payment method by which the last receipt was received by this parent.

This data is derived from the ‘Last Receipt - Type’ field in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Account Status’ tab.

Last Statement Balance

The balance showing on the last statement issued.

This data is derived from the ‘Last Statement Balance’ field in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Account Status’ tab.

Last Statement Date

The date the last statement was issued to this parent account.

This data is derived from the ‘Last Statement Date’ field in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Account Status’ tab.

Overdue Portion

The amount that is currently overdue on this account.

Overdue Portion = Current Account Balance - Charges that have been flagged on Statement.

This data is derived from:

  • the ‘Current Account Balance’ field in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Account Status’ tab.

  • the charges that have been flagged in the ‘On Stmt’ column (on Statement) in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Ledger' tab.

You can also check the ‘Overdue Portion’ in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Overdue Reminders on the ‘General’ tab. From here select as number link from the ‘Current Parents’ or ‘Non-Current Parents’ columns then review the ‘Overdue Portion’ balance on this screen.

Parent Mailing Name

The name of the person is responsible for Billing/Accounts.

This data is derived from the ‘Parent Name’ field for Billing/Accounts in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Address’ tab >


The saluation of the person is responsible for Billing/Accounts.

This data is derived from the ‘Salutation’ field for Billing/Accounts in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Address’ tab.

Word Merge File

Use this option to generate a .txt file suitable for merging with a Word letter template.

Click here for information about Word Merge.

Word Merge

Word Merge export files are produced from various TASS.web or Staff Kiosk programs to extract a set of merge field codes and students/parents/employees details in a format required to insert into a Word Merge document.
Word Merge documents can be used for two purposes:

  1. To produce a personalised document for each recipient containing the recipient's own details in place of the merge fields.
    Example: School enrolment letters are printed for all incoming families. Each letter includes data extracted from TASS.web and is personalised for each recipient, such as the student and parent names and addresses, entry year group etc.

  2. To attach to an Email Template A PDF is attached as each email is sent containing the recipient's own details in place of the merge fields.
    Example: Attendance emails to parents regarding their child's attendance. A PDF attachment is generated and attached at the time of sending the emails, personalised for each recipient.

  • The PDF Conversion API is required to attach Word Merge Files to Email Templates.

  • Word Merge documents can be attached to the following Email Template categories:  Attendance, Enrolment, Immunisation Register, Parent Accounts, Parent Lounge Licences, Pastoral Care, Student Immunisations, Student Records, and Transfer Notes (WA).

Create a Word Merge document:

  1. Generate the Word Merge export file.
    Use the selection criteria from the appropriate program to produce a file that includes the desired merge fields headings and recipient details.
    Select the 'Word Merge file' export button, usually found on the Print tab. If no word merge button exists, use the Excel export option and save as a csv file.

A PDF report entitled 'Students with no Communication Rules' will display if there are issues with your selection. These must be fixed before the export can be processed.

  1. Create your Word Merge document.
    Follow the steps in Word using the Mailings > Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard. Select the word merge export file generated above, and insert merge fields into the document wherever the personalised data will be populated. Preview the document but do not select 'Complete the merge'.
    Save the document. Print if desired.

  2. To attach the Word Merge file to an Email Template:
    Create an email template and attach the Word Merge document created above.
    TASS.web System Admin > Utilities > Email Settings.

Sort By

Parent Code

Select this option to sort your report by Parent Code.


Select this option to sort your report by Parent Surname.

Other Options

Update Reminder Levels

When ticked, the system will increment the 'Reminder Level' flag for the records that have a reminder generated.

For Example:

  • Reminder Level 1 will progress to Level 2

  • Reminder Level 2 will progress to Level 3

  • Reminder Level 4 will progress to Level 4, etc.

If you want to do a test run first, leave this unticked, as the increments will be applied when the ‘GO’ button is clicked.

This option is only available when you ‘Generate Emails’ or a ‘Word Merge File’.

Reminder Notice Levels can be viewed in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Parent Account Inquiry on the ‘Account Details’ tab.

Include Student Names

Tick this box to include students' names, year groups and form class in the merge file.

This option is only available when ‘Word Merge File’ is selected as the formatting option.

Address Hierarchy

1 Billing/Account Address

Displays the 'Billing / Account Address' as defined in TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Account Setup > Parameters tab

Where a parent has this address, this is what will be used in the Word Merge File.

2 Select if Required

This is an optional field that allows you to nominate a secondary address that will be picked up if the parent does not have the address stipulated in 'Field One'.

3 Default Address

Displays the default address. This is the address that will be used for any parent that does not have either of the addresses stipulated in 'Field One or Two'.

Second Copy Address

Select if required

This would normally be used for split families where a second copy of the reminder is required. It will only print a second copy for accounts where it finds an address in the selected address block(s). 

This is a multi-select picklist which will allow you to select more than a one-second copy of the reminder. Use 'Ctrl' and mouse-click to select more than one.

Save this Configuration as

When a value is entered in this field and 'GO' is clicked, the current report settings will be saved using the configuration name entered. You can choose to use this configuration again the next time you open this program.

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