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PAC - Direct Banking Parameters (SU)



Direct Banking has been replaced by a Parent Lounge Payment Schedules facility.

Parent Lounge Payment Schedules is a self-serve solution for parents that includes tokenisation of their card and bank details and automatic processing of instalments including back end receipting and reconciliation.

Direct Banking is not available when Parent Lounge Payment Schedules has been enabled.

This is the program used to set up and maintain the system defaults and parameters to be used for the parent direct banking system. 

The TASS.web direct banking sub-system is used to record banking account details for parents who elect to have periodic payments taken directly from either their bank account or credit card.

After your school's direct banking parameters have been set up, the programs in menu path Finance > Parent Accounts > Direct Banking can be used to:

  • Record sundry receipt distributions for individual parents who will be using the direct banking system (e.g. Building Fund) using program Finance > Parent Accounts > Direct Banking > Receipt Distributions.

  • Record the direct banking details for individual parents who will be using the direct banking system (e.g. frequency, bank account or credit card details, amount) using program Finance > Parent Accounts > Direct Banking > Parent Banking Information.

  • Generate a file in the ABA (Australian Banking Association) format for a direct banking run that can be processed in conjunction with the major banks' desktop banking products, or a file suitable to send to certain credit card clearinghouses. Program Finance > Parent Accounts > Direct Banking > Generate Banking File.

  • Edit a direct banking run to cater for rejected transactions (e.g. insufficient funds) using program Finance > Parent Accounts > Direct Banking > Run Details.

  • Create fee receipts for all parent accounts within a nominated direct banking run using program Finance > Parent Accounts > Direct Banking > Generate Fee Receipts.

To edit any of these parameters, click on the 'Edit' icon at the top of the screen.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Parameters Tab

Fields that require further explanation

Financial Institution Code  

The code for your bank, e.g. NAB, WBC. Refer to your bank if uncertain.

School / User Name  

Example: The Alpha School.

School / User Code

This code will be provided by your bank.

School's Merchant Number  

This code will be provided by your bank.

B.S.B Number  

The school's BSB number must be entered in the format 'NNN-NNN'.

Account Number  

A 9 character field to enter the school's bank account number.

Transaction Description  

The description that will be passed to the ABA (Australian Banking Association) file for each parents' debit line, e.g. 'School Fees'.

This is a 12 character field.

Transaction Code  

A 2 character code provided by the bank.

Payments Cycle Tab

You use this tab to define the cycle(s) that you will use to generate unique banking files through program Finance > Parent Accounts > Direct Banking > Generate Banking File.

Examples could be based on a frequency such as:

  • Weekly.

  • Fortnightly.

  • Monthly.

Or on specific days of the month such as:

  • Monthly 7th.

  • Monthly 14th.

  • Monthly 21st.

Each parent that is subsequently added to the 'Direct Banking' system will be allocated against the appropriate cycle. Therefore, when you generate the banking file for a particular cycle the relevant parents will be included.

Adding a Payment Cycle

To add a new payment cycle, click the 'Add NEW Payment Cycle' button to display a blank 'Add NEW Payment Cycle' screen.

When satisfied with your entry, click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.

Viewing and Editing a Payment Cycle

To 'View' or 'Edit' a payment cycle, click on the associated link next to the relevant payment cycle.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Update' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.


Up to 4 alpha/numeric characters.


A unique description for this payment cycle.

Card Types Tab

You use this tab to define the credit card types that can be allocated against parents who have a direct banking record setup in program Finance > Parent Accounts > Direct Banking > Parent Banking Information.

The card type field is used for reference only on the parent direct banking record.

Adding a Card type

To add a new card type, click the 'Add NEW Card type' button to display a blank 'Add NEW Card Type' screen.

When satisfied with your entry, click the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the database or 'Cancel' to return to the selection screens.

Viewing and Editing a Card Type

To 'View' or 'Edit' a card type, click on the associated link next to the card type.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Update' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.


A two-character alpha/numeric.


A unique description for this card type, e.g. Mastercard, Visa, Amex.

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