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PAC - Parameters Tab (SU)

This program is used to set up and maintain the system defaults and parameters to be used for fees transactions.

To edit any of these parameters, click on the 'Edit' icon at the top of the screen.

When satisfied with your entry, click on the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the TASS.web database.

Fields that require further explanation

Building Fund Method

The default method used to apply building fund receipts to parent accounts. The available choices are 'Charge', 'Donation' or 'None'.

Number of Billing Periods

The number of billing periods (which can be based for instance on the number of school terms if you generate fee transactions at the beginning of each term).

These billing periods are defined in TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Billing Periods' tab.

Building Fund Amount

Default amount to be applied to building levy charges/donations.

Number of days to pay

Used to generate the due date on each charge that is generated.

Building Fund Account

General Ledger account to which building fund charges/donations are to be distributed.

For convenience, you may select the 'Lookup' (Binoculars) icon and search for a valid account code in the database.

Update Building Paid Amount

Yes/No field which is only applicable when the 'Building Fund Method' is by 'Donation'.

When this field is checked you may update the 'Build Fund Paid Amount' on each parent manually in TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the 'Account Details' tab.

Billing / Account Address No.

This field is used to determine the default parent address block to use when sending billing/account related communications to parents via email or post.  

Enter the 'Parent Address Number' that you wish to use as the default 'Billing / Account Address'.

The default 'Billing / Account Address' is used in the following areas:

'Parent Address Block Numbers' are defined in TASS.web program Student Admin > Parent Records > Setup Information > Parent Records Setup on the 'Addresses Tab'. 

Next Charge Number

This is a system maintained number for the next charge to be generated.

Next Credit Number

This is a system maintained number for the next credit to be generated.

Next Receipt Number

This is a system maintained number for the next receipt to be generated.

Sender Email

The email address to be automatically placed in the sender field where parent statements are to be sent as an email attachment.

CC Email

The email address to be automatically placed in the carbon copy (CC) field where parent statements are to be sent as an email attachment.

Card Image File

This field is now redundant. It was used for Smartapay functionality that is no longer supported.


Use this field to store the name of the person who is the main contact for this module at your school.


This field will print on the parent statement generated through TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements.

If this field is left blank then the parent statement will use the email address field in TASS.web program Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information.

Therefore, you would only use this field where you want a different email address to print on the parent statement to the main school email address.


This field will print on the parent statement generated through TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements.

If this field is left blank then the parent statement will use the phone number field in TASS.web program Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Company Information.

Therefore you would only use this field where you want a different phone number to print on the parent statement to the main school phone number.


Use this field to store the fax number for your school.


This field will print on the parent statement generated through TASS.web program Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Parent Statements.

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