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PAC - Charges & Credits


The Charges & Credits module is a multi-purpose program that can be used to:

  1. Add a new charge or credit to a parent account.

  2. View existing charges and credits.

  3. Apply charges or credits against parent accounts

  4. Print a selection of charges or credits.

Viewing or Applying Charges or Credits

To 'View' any charge or credit or to 'Apply' (or remove) a credit, use the search screen to search for records in the database.

This search screen allows users to search for existing charges or credits in the database using various search fields.

The default value in the 'Year/Period' field populates based on the 'Start Date' and 'End Date' set in TASS.web Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Years and Periods.

Searchable areas include Charge or Credit Selections, Search Criteria, Parent/Student Criteria, and Filtering (individual or range searching by transaction amount, date, or number).

Click the 'Go' button to execute the search and display the 'Charges and Credits' list screen with the matching records.

View', 'Edit' and 'Apply' functions are available to alter previously made entries.

Charges or Credits That Originated in a School Shop

If a charge or credit that originated in a school shop is selected, an additional 'Shop Details' tab will also be displayed.

Click the 'Details' link for a summary of the charge/credit or the 'Shop Invoice' link to view the source invoice.

Fields that require further explanation

Include Charges

Include Credits

Unpaid Charges only

Unapplied Credits only

By checking the appropriate tick box you can use the search engine to bring back charges or credits that meet a certain condition, e.g. Unpaid Charges will return all charges that are not fully paid or credited.

You can also use this to quickly identify all credits that have not been fully applied.

Parent Code

It will be a case insensitive exact match if the entered value doesn't contain a (*). If it contains a '*' then the search will be a case insensitive like search.

To find a Parent, enter 3 or more characters of their Code or a Parent's name and you will see a picklist of matching Parents.

Parent Surname

Using the same rules (directly above) this will search for transactions for a single parent.

Student Code

Use this field to search for all transactions relating to a single student.

Enter a valid student code, student name or use the 'Binoculars' icon to search.

To find current and enrolled students, enter 3 or more characters of their Student Code or a name and you will see a picklist of matching students.

To find past students, enter their student code or click the binoculars icon to open the lookup screen and search. 

To search for and allocate financial charges to enrolled students:

  • the enrolled student record must be associated with a Parent Record stored in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents.  For more information on transferring Enrolled Parents from the enrolment phase to a Parent Record, refer to TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Transfer to Current.      

  • the student’s enrolment status must meet or exceed the minimum enrolment status stage defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Setup Information > Enrolments Setup on the ‘Enrolments’ tab. The Student Enrolment Status is set in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment information > Enrolments > Enrolled Student on the ‘Status’ tab.

Transaction GL Account

This is useful to view all transactions for a particular general ledger income account.

On Statement

This is useful to view transactions that have not been flagged as appearing on a statement.

Charges & Credits List Screen

This list screen displays the charges and credits matching your search criteria initially sorted by parent code.

The records on this screen can be re-sorted by clicking on the heading links (the headings with underlines).

You can print this list by clicking the 'Print' icon in the toolbar. Choose the 'destination' of the report. This can be to Adobe® PDF viewer, Microsoft Excel®, Microsoft Word® or a screen with hyperlinks. The 'Screen with Hyperlinks' format is best if you need to 'drill-down' to further information. Various formatting options are available to 'Include Sub-Totals' and 'Page Break by Sort Key'.

Options that will be available in the 'Action' column will depend on user security and the status of the charge or credit:

  • 'View' is available for all transactions (security permitting).

  • 'Apply' is available for credits. You can also use this link to remove an applied credit.

  • 'Edit' is available for all unposted transactions.

Click on the link to perform the appropriate function.

Charges & Credits Details Screen

Fields that require further information

Batch Number

When the screen is loaded the picklist is populated with the value “New Batch” and the batch number(s) for any unposted charge/credit batches for this user.

To add more transactions to an unposted batch use the picklist to highlight and select the relevant batch number.

Parent Code

There are three ways that a parent code can be entered:

  1. Type in an exact match on the parent code

  2. Type in a partial match and 'Tab'.
    This will open the 'Alternative Parent Search' window where you can click on the 'Next' link to scroll through parents until you find the one that you want to use.

  3. Use the 'Binoculars' icon to search for the correct parent.

To find a Parent, enter 3 or more characters of their Code or a Parent's name and you will see a picklist of matching Parents.


Home / Work Ph

Mobile 1 / 2

Non-editable fields that display the parent's default 'Billing / Account Address' block details.

The default address block is defined by TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Account Setup on the 'Parameters' tab.

Student Code

The drop-down list will display the students who are enrolled or currently enrolled for the parent selected.  If this charge is to be student-based select the appropriate student.

An alternative way to use this field is the initial lookup. Instead of using the Parent Code field, use this as the first point to find the family. If you use the program this way the cursor will move to the parent code field. You will then need to enter the student code again. This is due to making sure that a charge/credit cannot be entered for an incorrect parent/student combination.

To find current and enrolled students, enter 3 or more characters of their Student Code or a name and you will see a picklist of matching students.

To find past students, enter their student code or click the binoculars icon to open the lookup screen and search. 

To search for and allocate financial charges to enrolled students:

  • the enrolled student record must be associated with a Parent Record stored in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents.  For more information on transferring Enrolled Parents from the enrolment phase to a Parent Record, refer to TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Transfer to Current.      

  • the student’s enrolment status must meet or exceed the minimum enrolment status stage defined in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Setup Information > Enrolments Setup on the ‘Enrolments’ tab. The Student Enrolment Status is set in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment information > Enrolments > Enrolled Student on the ‘Status’ tab.

Year / Period

The default value in the 'Year/Period' field populates based on the 'Start Date' and 'End Date' set in TASS.web Finance > General Ledger > Setup Information > Years and Periods.

Fee Code

Use the picklist to select the appropriate fee code for this transaction. Fee codes are setup using Finance > Parent Accounts > Setup Information > Parent Accounts Setup on the 'Fees' tab.

Only Active Fee Codes will be available in this field.

Tran Date/Type

This field will default to the current date. The system checks that the date entered falls within a valid General Ledger Year/Period and that the period is open. If not an error 'Accounting period is closed or not set up' will be displayed.

The 'Transaction Type' field will be determined by the Fee Code selected. This can be altered. A charge is a '1' and a credit is a '3'. The program will warn the user that they have changed this from the charge type that has been set up for the Fee Code.

Net Amount

The system will take the default amount from the Fee Code. This amount can be overwritten.

Tax Amount

The system will calculate the tax based on the tax code that has been set up against the Fee Code. This amount can be altered.

Comment 1/Comment 2

There is an option in the standard fee statement print program to include Comment Line 1 on the parent statement. Therefore it is a good idea to enter meaningful comments into line 1. Use Comment Line 2 to record internal information about this transaction.

When satisfied with your changes, click the 'Save' button to apply the total amount entered against the relevant parent account.

Alternately, select the 'Cancel' button to return to the previous screen without committing any changes to the TASS.web database.

Credits Apply Screen

If you have entered a credit using the 'Charges and Credits Details Screen' with the 'Apply Now' checkbox ticked then the program will automatically take you to the credit application screen.

Click on the 'Applied Amt' field on the correct transaction line in the application grid that this credit is to be applied to. You can use the 'Enter' key to apply the full amount or key in the amount to apply against the charge. Repeat this process until the credit is fully applied. (The 'Applied to Charges' amount is displayed at the top of the screen.)

Click the 'Save' button to accept the credit applications or the 'Cancel' button to return to the previous screen without committing the credit application to the TASS.web database. If you choose 'Cancel' this credit will be unapplied and can be applied later using this same program.

Use the 'Unapplied Credits Only' on the 'Charges and Credits' screen to quickly identify all credits that have not been applied in the database.

You can apply New Charges or Credits to existing Payment Schedules using the ‘Bulk Update’ feature available in TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Billing Cycle > Payment Schedules

Adding a New Charge or Credit

To add a new charge or credit click on the 'New' icon at the top of the screen to display a blank 'Charges & Credits Details' screen.

When you open the Charges & Credits program, focus is on the 'New' icon when the screen first loads. Press 'Enter' to open the 'Charges & Credits Details' screen ready for input.

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