TER - Teachers
The Teachers program enables you to add, update, maintain and delete teacher information.
Adding a New Teacher
You must create an Employee Record for each teacher first:
If your school is using the TASS.web Payroll, use TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Employee Information.
If your school is not using the TASS.web Payroll, use TASS.web Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information.
To enter a new teacher record, click the 'New' icon to open the 'Teacher' modal.
The initial Teacher screen displays three tabs: 'General', 'Address', and 'UD', and are explained in detail below.
Once a new record is saved to the database and the screen refreshed, the following additional tabs display to view and add additional details to a teacher record:
Portal Access
Unavailable Periods
Viewing and Editing a Teacher
To view or edit a teacher record, use the Picker Screen or Search Engine to search for records in the database.
Searchable fields for the picker are Teacher Status, Department, PC Group, Substitute Teacher and Staff Kiosk Access.
Click the 'Go' button (or press 'Enter') to execute the search and populate the Teacher Picker with the matching records.
Once a teacher has been selected from the picker a summary of the record will appear in the Summary Information pane. The 'View' and 'Edit' buttons at the bottom of the Summary Information pane will populate the multi-tabbed Teacher screen.
Search Engine
Enter a search string directly into the 'Search' field at the top right of the screen. Click on the 'Lookup' (binoculars) icon or press the 'Enter' key to execute the search.
The searchable fields are Teacher Name, Department and PC/Tutor Group.
Search strings entered into the search engine are case insensitive. Wildcards can also be used within this field to broaden the search.
The Search Results pane will display the matching records. Highlight the record that you require and click the 'View' or 'Edit' button on the bottom of the pane to populate the multi-tabbed Teacher screen.
User access to this program also determines if the user is allowed to view Teacher Birthdays from the 'Birthdays' button on the system toolbar. Therefore, if a user does not have access to this program they will not be able to see teacher birthday details.
User permissions are set up using either roles in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions or individually using TASS.web System Admin > Users > User Maintenance.
Teacher Details
This screen displays the following tabs in a multiple-tab layout: 'General', 'Address', 'UD', 'Competencies', 'Notes', 'Portal Access', 'Subjects', 'Timetable', 'Unavailable Periods', 'Leave', and 'Substitutions'.
Click on the required tab to access fields and enter or view teacher Information.
The 'HR' icon will also appear at the top of the screen when the 'Payroll' module is installed, and you will have access privileges to it. If this icon is available to you it can be used to drill down into the teacher's HR records.
General Tab
Fields that require further explanation | |
Teacher Code | The teacher code is a 3 character code that is used to uniquely identify the teacher record. The teacher code is often displayed on reports (including timetables) and is also the login user name for staff kiosk and webBook where LDAP/SAML is not integrated. |
Employee Code | The employee code is entered to link the teacher record to an employee record. When this is done, the fields on the 'Address Tab' will be populated from the employee record and cannot be edited. It is mandatory to link a teacher record to an employee code. You must create an Employee Record for each teacher first.
If you are adding a new Teacher Record and are linking this record to an existing Employee Record that has already been set up with Staff Kiosk permissions, you will need to remove these permissions from the Employee Record first using TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions. Updating the employee address details will automatically update their teacher address details. |
Emp Status | This displays the employment status for this teacher from TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Employee Information > Employees on the ‘General’ tab. The program will also display a warning if the 'Current Indicator' below does not match the 'Employment Status' for this teacher. |
Teacher Name | Enter the teacher's name as you would like it displayed to students, parents and displayed on academic report cards. |
Surname | This field is used so that lists of teachers can be sorted in surname order. |
Initials | The initials of the teacher. |
Registration ID | Use this field to record your State based registration number for this teacher. This field can be used as a search criterion to access records in programs:
Current Indicator | This field indicates whether a Teacher is currently teaching or is no longer with the school. |
Substitute Teacher | This field is used to indicate if this teacher is available to be a substitute teacher. This field is used as selection criteria within the Teacher Substitution system. There are two ways that your school may use this flag:
PC/Tutor Group | This field provides a facility for groups of students to be allocated to teachers. Reports are able to be generated that will group or sort students by PC Tutor group. Student records will display the name of the teacher who contains the same PC Tutor Group. PC Tutor group works irrespective of student year groups, subjects and timetables. |
Teacher Department | This is the department(s) that the teacher belongs to. It is possible for a teacher to belong to more than one department. Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking allows you to select a range of departments. Holding down the 'Ctrl' key allows you to select multiple individual departments. |
Campus | This is the campus(es) that the teacher belongs to. It is possible for a teacher to belong to more than one department. This is an optional field on the teacher record, therefore if your school only has a single campus it is not mandatory. Holding down the 'Shift' key while clicking allows you to select a range of campuses. Holding down the 'Ctrl' key allows you to select multiple campuses. |
Teacher Kiosk Access | Enter 'Yes' if the teacher is to access the Staff Kiosk portal. By setting this field to 'Yes' you are issuing a Staff Kiosk licence. By setting this field to 'No' you are releasing a Staff Kiosk licence. If this field is inactive, then it means that all of your Staff Kiosk licences have been allocated. To then provide the teacher with a licence, your must firstly remove a licence from another teacher or purchase additional licences. Click the 'Login History' link to display a list of this teacher's Staff Kiosk login history. The pop-up will display the last 30 logins. Use the 'Print All' button for the teacher's entire login history. |
SSO Mapping | Under an SSO (Single Sign-On) environment, once the teacher has authenticated into a school generated web application, the teacher is able to access Staff Kiosk and webBook without having to log in again (providing the school's web application has implemented the TASS SSO Integration). For more information on SSO, refer to TASS.web System Admin > Users > SSO Maintenance. This is a read-only field that will display the number of Single Sign-On (SSO) applications that the teacher has been mapped to in TASS.web System Admin > Users > SSO Maintenance. SSO is optional for Staff Kiosk and webBook. It must be noted that an SSO Mapping doesn't replace the need to have LDAP/SAML Mapping for teachers. |
LDAP/SAML Username | This field is used to record the teacher's LDAP (or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) or SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) user name. This is a mapping of this teacher's record (via the teacher code) to the teacher's logon that he/she uses to access the school's network. LDAP provides a way for teachers to login into Staff Kiosk using the same login and password they use to access the school's network. When SAML is enabled, teachers will be automatically logged-into Staff Kiosk if their credentials have already been authenticated in another application. It is inefficient to add LDAP/SAML mappings for teachers one at a time using this program. LDAP/SAML mappings would generally be maintained by I.T staff using TASS.web System Admin > Users > LDAP/SAML Maintenance. You are more likely to add a mapping here for a teacher who enters the school mid-year. If you have access to the 'LDAP/SAML Maintenance' program, you will be able to 'Edit' this field and enter the teacher's 'LDAP/SAML Username'. The program does not check that the LDAP username nominated exists on Active Directory server, so care must be taken here. |
Web Access Password | This is the logon password allocated to a teacher for access to the Staff Kiosk and webBook portals. The password will not be visible in the field and is written to the database using an encryption method. This field allows a maximum entry of 32 characters and is case sensitive. Teachers can be allowed to change their password in Staff Kiosk. This field is not used if LDAP/SAML integration has been enabled for the respective portals. |
School Email | Use this field to record the teacher's internal school email address. This email address will be used when emails are generated using various TASS programs. Changes to this field will also appear on the Employee record when the Employee and Teacher records are linked. |
Signature | Use this field to add an employee signature. Signatures added here can be used when generating Academic Reports. This is an attachment field. The image must conform to the following standards: File Type: The file type needs to be either jpeg, jpg, bmp, png or gif. Image Size: Minimum size: 60 pixels tall and up to 300 pixels wide. Maximum size: 100 pixels tall and up to 600 pixels wide. File Name: The file name must be the same as the employee code. File Size: The file size must be less or equal to the file size limit set in the tassdoc.ini file in bytes. If the file size of the attachment is greater than an error message will be displayed. File Attached: The file must not be empty. |
Community | |
Person No | This field will display the system-allocated Person Number for this teacher in TASS.web Community. Click the 'puzzle' icon to launch the Community program. |
Person Name | This field will display the Person Name for this teacher. |
Gender | This field will display the Gender for this teacher. |
Deceased | Yes/No. |
Address Tab
This tab displays the teacher’s address information that is derived from his/her linked employee record.
You cannot edit the information that is displayed here using this program.
To edit address information, use TASS.web Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information.
Alternatively, if your school is using the TASS.web Payroll, (and you have access), use TASS.web Payroll HRM > Payroll > Employee Information.
Click on the 'HR' icon at the top of the screen for quick access to view or edit the linked employee record.
Fields that require further explanation | |
Use for Teacher Substitutions | Tick this option if this teacher's personal email address will be used when emailing automatic substitution notifications in addition to the 'School Email' address. For example, a regular external substitute teacher who may not always have access to their school email address. This field can be updated for multiple teachers using TASS.web Student Admin> Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teacher Grid Entry. |
The 'Clipboard' icon allows basic address details to be copied to the clipboard so they can be pasted into another program (such as Word®).
Even though the address data is not maintained using this program you should still check that the 'Mobile Phone', 'SMS' and 'e-mail' fields are present for teachers. These are required to enable communication functionality in:
Leave Substitution.
Parent Teacher Interviews.
Various Staff Kiosk programs.
UD Tab
This tab displays user-definable fields. There are 25 Teacher user-defined fields that can be utilised by your school to store any additional data on each teacher record. Of the 25 available fields, there are 10 'Y/N Flag' fields, 10 'Table Reference' fields and 5 'Text' fields.
The fields displayed in this tab depend on the parameters set up by your school in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Setup Information > Teacher Records Setup.
Competencies Tab
This tab displays a list of subjects that a teacher is qualified to teach.
Competencies are used within the Teacher Substitutions system so that available substitute teachers can be selected based on subjects that they are competent to teach.
For example, if a substitute teacher is required to substitute a 'Japanese' class, then the system can filter the list of available teachers to only display a shortlist of those who have that subject as a competency.
To add a new competency, click the 'Add Subject' button.
Select the subject that you wish to add as a competency and click the 'Save' button.
To delete a competency, click the 'Delete' action adjacent to the subject that you wish to remove.
Competencies can also be maintained in bulk using TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teacher Competency Grid.
Notes Tab
This tab displays teacher notes entered by teachers or administration staff.
'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' functions are available to alter previously made entries.
To add a new teacher note, select the 'Add Note' button and fill out the fields displayed.
The school can also categorise notes. Categories can be set up using TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Setup Information > Teacher Records Setup.
TASS.doc is a feature that allows the operator to attach documents to a note, which can be viewed by all authorised users of the 'Teacher Notes' screen. The 'Paperclip' icon signifies an attachment.
Attachments can be added to the note by clicking the 'Browse' button and selecting the required file from within the school's network. Once the file has been attached, the original can be moved or deleted.
You can use the 'Print' button at the top of the screen to produce a PDF, Excel or Word file with a range of notes for the teacher record that you are currently accessing.
Teacher notes can also be viewed, added, edited and deleted by authorised users within the Staff Kiosk portal.
TK Access Tab
This tab is used to allocate this teacher record into one or more Staff Kiosk 'User Roles'.
A Staff Kiosk 'User Role' is a selection of permission points. Therefore, a 'User Role' determines the overall Staff Kiosk functionality that is available to a teacher who belongs to that 'User Role'.
Examples of 'User Roles' may include:
Year Level Co-ordinator.
Assigning 'User Roles' to This Teacher
Move the 'User Roles' that you want to assign to this teacher into the 'User Roles' panel.
Select the 'Save' button to commit your changes to the database.
You can view the permissions that are set up for a 'User Role' by clicking on the 'TK Permission' button and selecting the role from the drop-down list.
Subjects Tab
This tab displays a list of all the subjects taught by a teacher for their entire teaching career at the school.
Each teacher subject displays the following fields: 'Year', 'Semester', 'Subject Code', 'Subject Description', 'Year Group', 'Class', and 'Auto Gen'.
To add a new Subject, select the 'Add Subject' button.
Fields that require further explanation | |
Auto-Generated | The 'Auto Gen' flag is only applicable to schools that use the TASS.web Timetable module. The Timetable module is designed to automatically maintain your teacher subject records based on the data within the timetable. As the data within the timetable changes, the Timetable module will automatically update the teacher subject records to ensure they are in sync. Any teacher subject record that was added by the Timetable module will have the 'Auto Gen' flag set to 'Y'. (Meaning Automatically Generated.) Schools using the TASS.web Timetable module should expect to see that most teacher subjects are auto-generated. The timetable module will not remove any teacher subject record if it does not contain an 'Auto Gen' flag of 'Y'. Schools that are not using the TASS.web Timetable module will need to maintain the teacher subject records manually. Any teacher subject records that are added manually will not contain a 'Y' within the 'Auto Gen' field. As an example:
'View', 'Edit' and 'Delete' functions are available.
Timetable Tab
This tab displays a teacher's timetable and is for viewing only.
If your school is operating with multiple timetables, select the appropriate one.
To view timetable information for previous or future dates, select the 'Next Day' and 'Previous Day' arrows to view the respective day's timetables.
The 'Substituted By/For' column provides details of any substitutions that affect this teacher on this day.
This could be:
This teacher is absent for the period.
In this case, the 'Substitute By/For' column will either display as:'Not Allocated' (meaning that the teacher is absent and there is no substitute teacher allocated for the class), or
By 'TCH_CODE' (meaning that the teacher is absent and the class has a substitute assigned).
This teacher has been assigned a substitute for another teacher who is absent.
In this case, the 'Substitute By/For' column will display 'For: TCH_CODE' (meaning that the teacher is substituting the class on behalf of the other teacher)
Select the 'View Detailed Timetable' icon to display a teacher's normal recurring timetable.
Unavailable Periods
This tab is used within the Teacher Substitutions system.
If a substitute teacher is unable to cover certain periods, on certain days, for a certain time period, then those periods can be specified on this tab. The system then uses this information to search for available teachers to cover a period.
An example may be where a substitute teacher cannot substitute classes on Fridays from 12:00 p.m. In this case, you would enter 'Friday' as the day and select the periods from 12:00pm onwards. The 'From Date' and 'To Date' fields are optional and should only be used where the substitute teacher advises that they are unavailable for the nominated periods within a specific date range only.
Unavailable periods are entered against specific timetables. Therefore, you may need to review the unavailable periods for your substitute teachers at the beginning of each new semester.
This tab will display leave records (past, current and future) that have been entered using TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Leave & Substitution > Daily Substitutions for this teacher (in descending date order).
If a substitute teacher had/has been assigned to the class, then the teacher code (for the substituting teacher) will be displayed in the adjacent 'Substitute Teacher' column.
Click the 'View' button in the 'Action' column to drill down on the details of the leave.
An 'Edit' option is available at the top of the screen to change leave details.
A leave entry may exist for a period even though the teacher does not have a class for that period.
It is important to still record leave for these periods where a teacher is absent so that they are prevented from being assigned as a substitute for another class during that same period.
This tab will only display NN leave records. Use the 'Search' button to view records within a specified date range.
This tab lists the teacher's substitution history.
Click the 'View' button in the 'Action' column to drill down into the details of the substitution record and view the class tasks, comments, and feedback.
Deleting a Teacher Record
To delete a Teacher Record, click the ‘Delete’ icon at the top of the screen.
If data is linked to the Teacher Record, a warning will appear listing the areas where the data exists, and you must confirm if you want to delete the Teacher. Select ‘Yes’ to delete the Teacher Record, or select ‘No’ to not process and review the data before deletion.
When a Teacher Record is deleted:
All data from the following Teacher Record tabs will also be deleted: General, UD, Competencies, Notes, TK Access, Unavailable Periods, Leave and Substitutions.
The ‘Address’ tab data will remain unchanged, as this information is sourced from the linked Employee record in TASS.web Payroll HRM.
Deleting a Teacher Record does not delete the Employee record in TASS.web Payroll HRM.
The ‘Subject’ and ‘Timetable’ data will remain in the database if the Teacher Code has been entered in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the ‘Subjects’ tab or in TASS.web Student Admin > Timetable > Maintain Timetable Details. The Teacher Code must also be removed and/or updated in these areas.
The staff member will lose access to the Staff Kiosk, and user security permissions will also be removed from TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.