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STR - Addresses & Comm. Rules Tab

'Communication Rules' provide a 'student-centric' way of defining precisely how different areas of your school communicate with parents. They are especially useful for communication with split families and for families with students who have multiple parenting arrangements.

For more information, refer to 'How to Handle Split Family Arrangements'.

By default, all of the address blocks for the original parent record for this student will be displayed. The original parent record for this student is the one that is set up in the 'Parent Code' field on the 'General' tab.

If the 'Multi Parenting Arrangements' flag on the 'General' tab for this student is set to 'Yes' then it is possible to add multiple parent records. To add a second or third parent record, click the 'Add Parent' button. This documentation refers to these as additional parent records.

For each parent record, you can then define the precise rules

Tag / Relationship Tag

When the TK View rule is selected for the 'Parent/Caregiver 1' or 'Parent/Caregiver 2' address block, the program will display the 'Relationship Tag' from the Community 'Relationship' record to indicate the relationship between this student and the parent (e.g. Biological, Step etc.).

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

You can set a default that the system will use, where no 'Relationship Tag' is present, using program Community Plus > Setup Information in 'Community Parameters'.

Click the 'Edit' link to update the 'Relationship Tag'.

The 'Relationship Tags' that are available have been set up by your school in program Community Plus > Setup Information in 'Relationship Tags'.

Call Order

Call Order is a visual prompt that displays after the Parent/Caregiver’s names in the following places:
   Staff Kiosk program Student Profile > Parent / Address Details
   Staff Kiosk program Listings > Student Medical (Lists/Emails)

If Parents/Caregivers have a preference on the order in which contacts should be called in certain situations, enter the sequential Call Order for each Parent/Caregiver.
Valid Call Order entries include:   1, 2, 3, 4    /    1, 1, 2, 2    /    1, 2, 3, 3
Duplicate values are permissible where more than one contact must be called in any given situation. For example, a split family may have both Mother and Father appear as ‘Call Order 1’ indicating that they should both be called regarding the situation.

Note that Communication Rules do not apply to Call Order, as those rules relate to Email, SMS and Notification communications.

Excl Addr Coll / Exclude Address Collection

Tick this box if the address block should be excluded from the Address Collection (Aus) export, such as for international address blocks.

TK View / Staff Kiosk View

Tick this box to indicate the address blocks that are:

  • Visible to teachers in Staff Kiosk program Student > Parent / Address Details.
  • Visible to teachers in Staff Kiosk program Pastoral Care > PC Entries.
  • Visible to teachers in Staff Kiosk program Class Rollcall when 'Detailed Entry' is selected.
  • Printed in Staff Kiosk program Listings > Student Medical (Lists/Emails) when the 'Include Address Details' box is ticked.
  • Printed in Staff Kiosk program Events > Events and Payments Details – when the 'Details' link is selected for an Event and the 'Listing' button is selected and the 'Include Parent Mobile Phones' box ticked.

If this student record has a 'Multi Parenting Arrangements = Yes' then you must select this rule for at least one 'Mother' or 'Father'.

If the 'Parent/Caregiver 1' and/or 'Parent/Caregiver 2' address blocks contain accurate data, it is recommended to display these addresses to the teachers rather than the 'Correspondence' address blocks. This will allow the teachers to view individualised parent phone numbers, emails etc. 

Lives With / Student Lives With

Use this rule to indicate the parent(s) who a student lives with, in a 'Multi Parenting Arrangement'.

Any address block that has this rule and the 'TK View' rule ticked, will display in Teacher Kiosk program Student > Parent / Address Details with a 'Student Lives with' indicator.

If a student lives at two addresses (in a 'Multi Parenting Arrangement), you can tick this rule for more than one address.

Emer Cont / Emergency Contact

Any address block that has this rule and the 'TK View' rule ticked will display:

  • In Staff Kiosk program Student > Parent / Address Details with an 'Emergency Contact' indicator.
  • In Staff Kiosk program Student > Medical Details with an 'Emergency Contact' indicator.
  • In TASS.web program Student Admin > Medical Records > Student Information > Student Medical.

It is also available as a selectable option on:

You must select at least one address block for 'Emergency Contact'.

TK Corr / Staff Kiosk Correspondence

Use this rule to indicate the parent(s) who are to receive correspondence for this student that is generated in the following programs:

  • Staff Kiosk program Assessment when the 'Notify' parent option has been selected for an Activity.
  • Staff Kiosk program Events > Events and Payments Details when the 'Mail Merge' button has been selected for an event.
  • Staff Kiosk program Pastoral Care > PC Entries (Lists/Emails).
  • Staff Kiosk program Teacher > Notifications when the 'Send an SMS to parent(s)' option has been selected.

For most parent records, it is recommended that you select the same addresses for the 'Teacher Kiosk Correspondence Rule' as 'Teacher Kiosk View rule'. An example of where it may be different is a parent for whom the school does not want the automated communications (that come out of Teacher Kiosk) going to, but the teachers still need to view the parent's details.

TASS Corr / TASS.web Correspondence

Use this rule to indicate the parent(s) who are to receive correspondence for this student that is generated using TASS.web programs:

This rule is also used in various other TASS.web programs that allow a runtime choice of parent addresses.

This rule also determines the parent address that will be displayed in the Picker for this program (and other student programs).  

Acad Rpts / Academic Reports

Use this rule to indicate the parent(s) who are to receive academic reports for this student that are generated in the following programs:

Attend / Attendance

Use this rule to determine:

  • The parent(s) who are to receive an SMS for this student's absences when generated using TASS.web program Student Admin > Attendance > Processing > Generate/Send SMS Notifications.
  • The parent(s) who are notified for this student's absences when letter merges are created using TASS.web program Student Admin > Attendance > Processing > Absentee Letter Merge.
  • The parent(s) phone numbers that will be included on TASS.web program Student Admin > Attendance > Listing > Absentee Report.

Click here to view an Administrator Note.

This rule type should also be set up as the default in TASS.web program Student Admin > Attendance > Setup Information > Attendance Setup on the 'Contact Info' tab.

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