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PR - General Tab


The ‘General’ tab of the Employee Record is where you can view and maintain Employee General Details.

This information can also be viewed and maintained in TASS.web Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees on the ‘General’ tab.

Fields that require further explanation


A photo of the employee can be displayed on this tab, for information on how to link employee photos to their employee record. Refer to Setting up Student & Employee Photos for more information.

Employee Code

Enter a unique Employee Code.

Person Number

It is important to use the search function to see if this 'Person' is already in the database, e.g. A Past Student or Current Parent.

If you find this 'Person' is already in the database, by linking this new employee record to the existing 'Person', you will not create a duplicate Community 'Person' record.

If this 'Person' is not already in the database, leave this field blank, and the system will create a new 'Person' record in Community.

Teacher Code

This field is not editable here. The link is maintained using TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers.

Once a link between an employee and teacher record has been saved, a 'View' and 'Edit' hyperlink will appear next to this field on the employee record. This provides a quick way to access the linked teacher record from the employee record that you are working on.



Click here for more information about the Deceased field.

When a person is marked as ‘Deceased’ in TASS.web and ‘Deceased Notifications’ are enabled in TASS.web Community > Setup Information > Community Parameters, the following email template will be sent to all users with ‘Edit' permissions enabled for the relevant Person Entity area. The 'Edit’ permissions are assigned in TASS.web Users > User Maintenance and/or Security Role Permissions.


Subject: Deceased Person Notification

<PERSON NAME> has been flagged as Deceased by <USER> on DATE TIME.

It is important that you review the entities below and update addresses to remove references to this person.

Entity Details:


You have received this email because you have edit permission for the linked entity(s) above.

This is an automated email. Please do not reply.

The ‘Deceased' flag for a person is automatically updated in TASS.web Community when the following actions occur in the person’s TASS.web Entity record:

Person Entity Record



The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ or a ‘Date of Death' is entered on a Current Student record in TASS.web Student Admin > Student Records > Student Information > Students on the 'General’ tab.

Past Students

The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ or a ‘Date of Death' is entered on a Past Student record in TASS.web Student Admin > Past Students > Student Information > Past Students on the 'General’ tab.

Enrolments/Enrolled Student

The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ or a ‘Date of Death' is entered on an Enrolled Student record in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments on the 'General’ tab.


The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ on a Current Parent Record in TASS.web Student Admin > Parent Records > Parent Information > Parents on the 'General’ tab or TASS.web Finance > Parent Accounts > Account Information > Parent Account Inquiry on the 'General’ tab.

Enrolments/Enrolled Parent

The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ on an Enrolled Parent record in TASS.web Student Admin > Enrolments > Enrolment Information > Enrolments on the 'General’ tab.


The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’, or the 'Deceased Button' is clicked next to the 'Contact Name' field on a 'Donor' record in TASS.web Finance > Donor Information > Donors.


The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ on an Employee record in TASS.web Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees on the ‘General’ tab or in Payroll HRM > Employee/HR > Employee Information > Employees on the ‘General’ tab.


The ‘Deceased’ field is set to ‘Yes’ on a Teacher record in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers on the ‘General’ tab.

Supplier Code

Where this employee is paid from Accounts Payable (e.g. As a contractor) rather than through the Payroll, enter or look up their 'Supplier Code' from Accounts Payable.

Once a link between an employee and supplier record has been saved, a 'View' hyperlink becomes available next to this field on the employee record when it is in view mode. This provides a quick way to access the linked supplier record from the employee record that you are viewing.


This will be automatically derived based on the 'Title' entered above (where it can) and can be overridden.

Alternate ID

A 40 character (maximum) field to record alternative identification information for the employee, such as a unique barcode or magnetic swipe card number.


The options available in this dropdown list have been created by your school using TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Employee/HR > Setup Information > Employee/HR Setup on the 'Titles' tab.

Choose the appropriate title for this employee.

Editing this field will also update the 'Initials' field on the Community Person Record.

Marital Status

The options available in this drop-down list have been created by your school using TASS.web Payroll/HRM > Employee/HR > Setup Information > Employee/HR Setup on the 'Marital Status' tab.

Choose the appropriate marital status for this employee. 



This field is a maximum of 5 characters.

Editing this field will also update the 'Initials' field on the Community Person Record.

Driver Licence

Driver licence number.


A 50 character (maximum) field to enter the Employee's legal surname name.

Editing this field will also update the 'Surname' field on the Community Person Record.

*First Name

A 50 character (maximum) field to enter the Employee's first name.

Editing this field will also update the 'First Name' field on the Communityy Person Record.

Other Names


A 50 character (maximum) field to enter the Employee's additional name's, e.g. Middle Name/s.

Editing this field will also update the 'Other Names' field on the Community Person Record.

*Preferred Name


A 50 character (maximum) field to enter the Employee's alternative name.

Editing this field will also update the 'Preferred Name' field on the Community Person Record.

*Name Suffixes


A 30 character (maximum) field to enter the Employee's name suffixes, e.g. B.Com CPA.

Editing this field will also update the 'Name Suffixes' field on the Community Person Record.

The name suffixes entered here can be printed on PD Certificates.

Start Date

The date that the employee started at the school. 

Termination Date

This will flag this employee as 'Terminated' for lookups and listings.

It is also used by the system to process the termination of an employee.  

For further information, refer to How to Terminate an Employee(s).

*Reason for Termination

When a Termination Date is entered this field will become active.

Select the Reason for Termination when applicable.

Employment Status

Casual, Part Time or Full time. 

Position Text

A 20 character (maximum) field to describe the employee's position, e.g. Head of Department.

This field should not be confused with the 'Position Code' field on the 'Payroll Details' tab.  The 'Position Code' field is used by the system to determine the employee's rate of pay. 

Previous Payroll ID

The ID from a Previous Payroll System if applicable.

Kiosk Password

Non-teaching employees can be given access to the Staff Kiosk portal. Enter the password that they will be given for their initial access to Staff Kiosk here.

The employee will also have to be added into an appropriate Staff Kiosk 'User Role' in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Portal Security Permissions.

Click the 'Login History' link to display a list of this employee's Staff Kiosk login history. The popup will display the last 30 logins. Use the 'Print All' button to generate a listing of this employee's entire login history.

Click here for an Administrator Note.

The 'Login History' link requires the 'View' permission for Teacher Records in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions.

There is no need to enter a password here for Employees who are linked to a Teacher record. In this scenario it is the password on the Teacher record that is used by Staff Kiosk

If your school is using LDAP or SAML to authenticate Staff Kiosk login then the password entered here will be overridden by their LDAP/SAML password.

Click the ‘Ghost Logon' link to log into Staff Kiosk as this Employee. 

The permissions that have been given to the selected Employee will apply to you during the Staff Kiosk session. This can be valuable when trialing or implementing Staff Kiosk programs and settings, allowing you to check functionality prior to rolling out to staff. It will also be helpful when assisting employees who are having issues in Staff Kiosk

When the Ghost Logon has been used to access Staff Kiosk as an employee, the username of the TASS.web user will be recorded in the Audits Log Grid with the text GHOST. 

Click here for an Administrator Note.

Each of the following conditions must be met to enable the ‘Ghost Logon' link: 

Non-Teacher Employees: 

  • The ‘Kiosk Password’ is not NULL upon load, and  

  • The logged-on user has ‘View’ permission for the Employee/HR ‘---Staff Kiosk Ghosting’ security point in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions.

  • The logged-on user has ‘View’ permission for the Payroll ‘---Pay Runs tab’ security point in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions.

For Teaching Employees: 

  • The linked Teacher record has the 'Teacher Kiosk Access’ flag marked as 'Yes', and  

  • The logged-on user has ‘View’ permission for the Employee/HR ‘---Staff Kiosk Ghosting’ security point in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions.

  • The logged-on user has ‘View’ permission for the Payroll ‘---Pay Runs tab’ security point in TASS.web System Admin > Users > Security Role Permissions.

*Date of Birth


This field cannot be edited when this employee's record is involved in a pay run which is in progress. 

School Email

Use this field to record the Employee's internal school email address.

This email address will be used when emails are generated using various TASS programs.

Changes to this field will also appear on the Teacher record when the Employee and Teacher records are linked.


Use this field to add an employee's signature.

Signatures added here can be used when generating Academic Reports.

If the Employee is linked to a Teacher Record. This field also updates the ‘Signature’ field in TASS.web Student Admin > Teacher Records > Teacher Information > Teachers on the ‘General’ tab.

This is an attachment field.  The image must conform to the following standards:

File Type: The file type needs to be either jpeg, jpg, bmp, png or gif.

Image Size:  Minimum size: 60 pixels tall and up to 300 pixels wide.  Maximum size: 100 pixels tall and up to 600 pixels wide.

File Name: The file name must be the same as the employee code.

File Size: The file size must be less or equal to the file size limit set in the tassdoc.ini file in bytes.  If the file size of the attachment is greater than an error message will be displayed.

File Attached: The file must not be empty.

Indigenous Status

Use this field to record the employee's 'Indigenous Status' (a requirement for Census (Aus)).

Options include:

  • Aboriginal.

  • Torres Strait Islander.

  • Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander.

  • Neither.

  • Unknown.

For more information, refer to:

Main Activity

Use this field to record the employee's 'Main Activity' (a requirement for Census (Aus)), i.e. The particular task that an employee performs during the day.

Options include:

  • Administrative and clerical.

  • Building Operations.

  • Executive.

  • Principal.

  • Specialist Support.

  • Teacher.

For more information, refer to:

If staff are ineligible to be included in these categories, leave this field blank.

Position Title

A 100 character (maximum) field to enter the employee's full position title, e.g. Acting Deputy Principal - Administration.

The position title entered here can be printed on PD Certificates.

Click the ‘History’ link to view the selected Employee's previous 'Position Title/s'.

Fields that require further explanation


Displays the first ‘Position Title’ as an ‘Insert’ or ‘Base’ record type. 

Any updates after made after this will be displayed as an ‘Update’ record type.

Update By

Displays the TASS.web user ID Code of the user who entered the ‘Position Title’. 

Update On

Displays the date and time that the ‘Position Title’ was updated.

The date and time are formatted as dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.

Position Title

The ‘Position Title’ that was recorded for the Employee at that point in time.

Click ‘Print All’ to produce the ‘Position Title History’ report in PDF format.


Supervisor information is used by the following Staff Kiosk programs to determine each employee's supervisor:

Enter or lookup the employee who is the supervisor of this employee.

This person cannot be:

  • Yourself.

  • The same as 'Supervisor 2' (directly below).

  • Someone for whom you are the supervisor.

A ‘yellow alert’ icon will display where the supervisor is no longer a current employee.

Click here for more information about the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Supervisor Hierarchy

The Supervisor Hierarchy is an organizational chart that lists every employee's immediate supervisor(s) and their position within the hierarchy.

The report uses the 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields on each employee's record to determine their position in the hierarchy.

  • If an employee has no Supervisor entered, they will appear in the Level 1 column.

  • Two employees cannot report to each other. This creates an infinite loop, and an error report will be produced when viewing the Supervisor Hierarchy.

  • If an employee has both 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields populated, their name will appear twice on the report. 

The below Organisational chart (not produced from TASS) reflects the above Supervisor Hierarchy Report from TASS. 

The Supervisor Hierarchy report can be provided to administrators who are responsible for managing Online Leave Applications and PD Activities in Staff Kiosk, as the approval flows for these programs reference the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Online Leave Applications

When an employee submits an online Leave Application, the approval workflow begins, requiring each approver, in order, to approve the leave.

Each Leave / Other Type can be set up to include any or all of three approver work flows:
  1st)  the number of approvers, including the employee's immediate Supervisor(s), and any number of people up the employee's hierarchical structure.
  2nd)  the employee's Supervisor at a certain level, allowing lower level supervisors to be skipped.
  3rd)  a final designated approver, separate to the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Example approval workflow:

For 'Sick Leave', each employee must have:

       1st)  2 Supervisor approvals
      2nd)  Level 2 approval
       3rd)  Olive Brown is the designated final approver for all Sick Leave applications.

Gavin Rogers applies for sick leave.

  • His immediate Supervisor, Lou Warry, the first of 2 supervisor approvers, receives the application by email and he approves.

  • David Johnstone, the second of 2 supervisor approvers, then receives the application by email and he approves.

  • Peter Baskins, as the Level 2 approver, then receives the application by email and he approves.

  • Olive Brown, as the designated approver, receives the application by email and she approves.
    Gavin Rogers receives an email as each approval occurs.

PD Activities

When an employee adds a PD Activity that requires approval, their immediate supervisor can approve it.

Example approval workflow:

Gavin Rogers adds a PD activity in Staff Kiosk.

  • His immediate Supervisor, Lou Warry, logs into Staff Kiosk and changes the status of the activity to Approved.

If an employee has both 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields populated, either can approve the leave application or PD Activity.

Supervisor 2

Where there is a second supervisor, enter or lookup the employee who is the second supervisor of this employee.

This person cannot be:

  • Yourself.

  • The same as 'Supervisor 1' (directly above).

  • Someone for whom you are the supervisor.

A ‘yellow alert’ icon will display where the supervisor is no longer a current employee.

Click here for more information about the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Supervisor Hierarchy

The Supervisor Hierarchy is an organizational chart that lists every employee's immediate supervisor(s) and their position within the hierarchy.

The report uses the 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields on each employee's record to determine their position in the hierarchy.

  • If an employee has no Supervisor entered, they will appear in the Level 1 column.

  • Two employees cannot report to each other. This creates an infinite loop, and an error report will be produced when viewing the Supervisor Hierarchy.

  • If an employee has both 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields populated, their name will appear twice on the report. 

The below Organisational chart (not produced from TASS) reflects the above Supervisor Hierarchy Report from TASS. 

The Supervisor Hierarchy report can be provided to administrators who are responsible for managing Online Leave Applications and PD Activities in Staff Kiosk, as the approval flows for these programs reference the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Online Leave Applications

When an employee submits an online Leave Application, the approval workflow begins, requiring each approver, in order, to approve the leave.

Each Leave / Other Type can be set up to include any or all of three approver work flows:
  1st)  the number of approvers, including the employee's immediate Supervisor(s), and any number of people up the employee's hierarchical structure.
  2nd)  the employee's Supervisor at a certain level, allowing lower level supervisors to be skipped.
  3rd)  a final designated approver, separate to the Supervisor Hierarchy.

Example approval workflow:

For 'Sick Leave', each employee must have:

       1st)  2 Supervisor approvals
      2nd)  Level 2 approval
       3rd)  Olive Brown is the designated final approver for all Sick Leave applications.

Gavin Rogers applies for sick leave.

  • His immediate Supervisor, Lou Warry, the first of 2 supervisor approvers, receives the application by email and he approves.

  • David Johnstone, the second of 2 supervisor approvers, then receives the application by email and he approves.

  • Peter Baskins, as the Level 2 approver, then receives the application by email and he approves.

  • Olive Brown, as the designated approver, receives the application by email and she approves.
    Gavin Rogers receives an email as each approval occurs.

PD Activities

When an employee adds a PD Activity that requires approval, their immediate supervisor can approve it.

Example approval workflow:

Gavin Rogers adds a PD activity in Staff Kiosk.

  • His immediate Supervisor, Lou Warry, logs into Staff Kiosk and changes the status of the activity to Approved.

If an employee has both 'Supervisor' and 'Supervisor 2' fields populated, either can approve the leave application or PD Activity.

Last Update By /

Last Update On

The TASS.web user to last edit this employee will be displayed along with the date and time the record was edited.

Click the 'View' link to display the changes.

Click ‘Save’ to save the data into the TASS.web database.

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